Graphical Front end for Tesseract and Cuneiform 0.9.4

YAGF is a graphical front end for Tesseract and Cuneiform OCR Systems under the Linux OS. With YAGF you can open already scanned image files (including PDF and multi-paged TIFF) or obtain new images via XSane (scanning results are automatically passed to YAGF). Once you have a scanned image you can select particular image areas for recognition, set the recognition language and so on. YAGF also provides some OCR assistance like image restoration for poor quality images, skew correction, text magnifier It is not only easier to recognize text with YAGF than with console tools alone. Sometimes using YAGF you can recognize the text that neither tesseract nor cuneiform could recognize by itself! For anyone who needs to scan and recognize.
Tags | desktop scanner text-processing qt end-users |
License | GNU GPLv3 |
State | beta |