The youtube_dlhelper is a short tool for download and manage the downloaded files. You are running the program inside the command line with a Youtube URL. Then it aska for a group name or interpreters name. Now it creates a Subfolder inside your Musicdirectory. Then it makes a MP3 from the downloaded file and moves it to the folder.
Recent Releases
3.0.019 Oct 2017 07:30
# YDL#3: Fix travis
* Rework of .travis.yml. Specially usage of a static ffmpeg and a chmod of the youtube-dl.rb binary.
# YDL#2: Changed place of config file to XDG standard
* Added install_config task to Rakefile
* Added XDG dependency and changed place of config (lib/import_config.rb)
# YDL#1: Added manpage (Changes in Rakefile)
* Added Rake task :manpage and :manpage_register. The last one will be executed each time, where :setup runs.
* Added a youtube_dlhelper.xml
# General code style refactoring
# Reworked Downloader Class:
* Now it downloads directly a ogg file
# Reworked Ripper Class:
* It just checks if ogg file are accepted. Just if it is set to false, the program starts ffmpeg to transcode the ogg to mp3.
# How to get it?
Just use gem install youtube_dlhelper .