CopyQ 9.1.0 💾

CopyQ is clipboard manager – a desktop application which stores content of the system clipboard whenever it changes and allows to search the history and copy it back to the system clipboard or paste it directly to other applications.

minor bugfix: ## Added - Allows processing all clipboard changes (#2787, #2746). If clipboard contains secret (for example is copied from a password manager), `onSecretClipboardChanged()` script function is called with data containing`mimeSecret` format set to `1`. Also ensures that callbacks are called consistently for all clipboard changes with properly set formats `mimeClipboardMode`, `mimeOutputTab` and `mimeCurrentTab`. ## Fixed - Fixes editing multiple items (#2810). - Fixes synchronization plugin causing redundant UI updates and menu misbehavior (#2649). - Fixes showing sub-menus for custom commands in tray menu (#2730). - Fixes switching tab if `onItemsLoaded()` is overridden (#2788). - Fixes theme option `hover_item_css` (#2687). - Avoids modifying data from display commands and causing redundant UI updates (#2837). - Avoids sharing execute() state in case it is launched recursively.

GNU GPLv3 copy copyq clipboard linux windows macos bsd cpp c