Gwyddion 3.0

Gwyddion is a modular SPM (Scanning Probe Microsope) data visualization and analysis tool. It can be used for all most frequently used data processing operations including: leveling, false color plotting, shading, filtering, denoising, data editing, integral transforms, grain analysis, profile extraction, fractal analysis, and many more. The program is primarily focused on SPM data analysis (e.g. data obtained from AFM, STM, NSOM, and similar microscopes). However, it can also be used for analyz

Q Light Controller Plus 4.14.0

QLC+ is a tool to control DMX and analog lighting systems. It can orchestrate moving heads, dimmers, scanners etc. It's a fork of QLC with new features comparable to commercial control systems.

FeenoX 1.0

FeenoX is a computational tool that can solve engineering problems which are usually casted as differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) or partial differential equations (PDEs). It is to finite elements programs and libraries what Markdown is to Word and TeX, respectively. In particular, it can solve dynamical systems defined by a set of user-provided DAEs (such as plant control dynamics for example) mechanical elasticity heat conduction structural modal analysis neutron diffusion

BRL-CAD 7.40.2

BRL-CAD is a constructive solid geometry (CSG) solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) system. It includes an interactive geometry editor, ray tracing support for graphics rendering and geometric analysis, computer network distributed framebuffer support, scripting, image-processing and signal-processing tools. The entire package is distributed in source code and binary form. BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform Open Source combinatorial Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling syst

Mavscript 2.0.2

Mavscript allows the user to do calculations in a text document. Plain text and OpenOffice Writer files (odt) are supported. The calculation is done by the algebra system Yacas (default), Jasymca or by the Java interpreter BeanShell.

A shared memory parallel sparse matrix library including Sparse BLAS. 1.2.0-rc2

librsb is a library for sparse matrix computations featuring the Recursive Sparse Blocks (RSB) matrix format. This format allows cache efficient and multi-threaded (that is, shared memory parallel) operations on large sparse matrices. The most common operations necessary to iterative solvers are available, e.g.: matrix-vector multiplication, triangular solution, rows/columns scaling, diagonal extraction / setting, blocks extraction, norm computation, formats conversion. The RSB format is especia

HyperMixTool 2.0

HyperMix is a for unmixing of remotely sensed hyperspectral images It includes several popular algorithms covering different steps of the hyperspectral unmixing chain. It's available pre-packaged for Windows and Ubuntu Linux systems.