Firefly III 6.2.0

"Firefly III" is a self-hosted financial manager. It can help you keep track of expenses, income, budgets and everything in between.

JPPF 6.3-alpha

JPPF enables applications with large processing power requirements to be run on any number of computers, in order to dramatically reduce their processing time. This is done by splitting an application into smaller parts that can be executed simultaneously on different machines.

Trurl A 1.0.1

TRURL A is a calculator app and a technological demonstration for the open RPN engine. Despite its frugality, TRURL A is a fully functional platform-sensitive virtual calculator.

DailyCashManager 1.3.0

A desktop application for individuals and households to keep a record of their financial transactions, and manage their finances using envelope budgeting.

PyUPC-EAN 2.7.10

PyUPC-EAN is a barcode library/module for Python. It supports the barcode formats upc-e, upc-a, ean-13, ean-8, ean-2, ean-5, itf14, codabar, code11, code39, code93, and msi.

KEuroCalc 1.2.3

KEuroCalc is a universal currency converter and calculator. It can convert from and to many currencies, either with a fixed conversion rate or a variable conversion rate. It directly downloads the latest variable rates through the Internet.

Dolibarr ERP/CRM 3.6.1

Dolibarr ERP & CRM is a modern and simple to use web-based ERP and CRM software to manage business contacts, invoces, products, orders, shipping, accounts, warehouse inventory and stocking, agenda and mail communication. It provides extensions modules, comes with LDAP integration, import and export wizards, technical and accounting interfaces, and installers for most plattforms, or is alternatively available as SaaS.

RsBudget 2.0.0

RsBudget is a PC software to budget, track and control your private financial activities (Expense Tracker).