Password management should be simple and follow Unix philosophy. With QtPass, each password lives inside of a gpg encrypted file whose filename is the title of the website or resource that requires the password. These encrypted files can be be organised into meaningful folder hierarchies, which can be shared with teams.
TCHunt-ng attempts to reveal encrypted files stored on a filesystem. The program is successful in finding TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt containers, EncFS encrypted files, PGP/GPG messages (and keys), and other files made up of random data. The code is based on ideas laid out in the project of Stephen Judge named TCHunt, hence the name.
gcaff is a graphical OpenPGP/GPG key signing tool. It simplifies signing multiple keys, as it was intended for keysigning parties. It displays photo IDs for easier identification, and allows multi-key signing in one go. Certification levels can be adapted on a per-key basis, and it includes automatic emailing the final signed keys.
LUKSUS is a text-based program for Linux and BSD which runs in a terminal window or console. LUKSUS lets you encrypt your files, hardrives, usb sticks and virtual container using your operating system's internal encryption mechanism and acts as the frontend to the internal encryption mechanism. It can use the following encryption facilities: LUKS, Truecrypt, GELI and GNUPGP. It works on Linux, DragonflyBSD and FreeBSD. LUKSUS can also encrypt single files with GNU Privacy Guard or OpenSSL. Thi