Lumina Desktop 1.6.0 💾

The Lumina Desktop Environment is a lightweight system interface that is designed for use on any Unix-like operating system. It takes a plugin-based approach, allowing the entire interface to be assembled/arranged by each individual user as desired, with a system-wide default layout which was setup by the system administrator.

minor feature: Just a bunch of whitespace cleanup . Add a new "java.syntax" highlighting ruleset. . up the pkg-plist for lumina-textedit. . Bump minimum Qt version needed for lumina-photo (5.9+). . Update . Update . Update . . . Update . Update . Add shortcuts. . QString::null - QString(). . ScreenCount/screenGeometry - QGuiApplication::screens(). . Lumina/src-qt5/core/lumina-open/main.cpp:75:34: warning: 'screenGeome . . ScreenCount - QGuiApplication::screens(). . Warning: 'byteCount' is deprecated: Use sizeInBytes. . Warning: 'created' is deprecated: Use either birthTime() or metad . . ScreenGeometry/screenCount - QGuiApplication::screens(). LSession.cpp. . ScreenGeometry/screenCount - QGuiApplication::screens(). another round. . Lumina-screenshot/MainUI.cpp. . FontMetrics().width - fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance. . Warning: 'created' is deprecated: Use either birthTime() or metad . . (set)backgroundColor. . SetTabStopWidth - setTabStopDistance. . Warning: 'created' is deprecated: Use either birthTime() or metad . . Warning: 'rects' is deprecated. . SetTabStopWidth. . Fit picture from CLI. . . . . . Remove QSignalMapper. Use lambda func instead. . . . Create FUNDING.yml. . Add VoidLinux OS interface. . The desktop/plugin screen detection (raw geom, not available). . up the battery time estimate routine. . Cleanup keyboard shortcuts a bit. . The brightness icon again. . Tag version 1.6.0.

BSDL lumina desktop portable lightweight window bsd linux