Babel 7.25.3

Babel is a code translator, which compiles next-gen EcmaScript 6 syntax into browser-consumable ES5/JavaScript. It adds a few proposed ES7 constructs even, and works with React, Node.js, Rails, etc. It provides for: array comprehensions, arrow functions, async functions, async generator functions, classes, class properties, computed property names, constants, decorators, default parameters, destructuring, exponentiation operator, for-of, generators, generator comprehensions, let scoping, modul

MinecraftStatusPinger 1.1.5

A fast tiny dependency-less TypeScript library for NodeJS which enables developers to query Minecraft's Server List Ping interface, querying the MOTD, player count, max players and server version with little overhead and fine-grain control over the procedure.

Minicle 2.1.3

There are scads of CLI parsers out there, so why another one? Mostly because the others aim to do too much and can be a pain to use when you just need something quick and simple. All Minicle does is parse CLI options. It doesn't handle exotic edge cases, generate usage information, validate arguments, or anything else. It does handle all the usual basics plus git-style subcommands.

ExpressJS 4.18.3

Express is a fast and minimalistic web framework for NodeJS. It provides robust routing, HTTP utility code (redirection, caching, etc), view and templating system (over 14 engines) support, HTTP content negotiation, and code generation.

Errsole 1.0.7

Errsole captures all errors raised in your Node.js app and the HTTP requests that caused the errors. Replay the captured errors in the app clone and debug the server code in real-time.

Spring.js 3.2.0

A new npm module that makes nodejs development easy and clean. The simple way to launch a quick web server and spring straight into working

Ghost 1.24.6

Ghost is a Node/io.js based blogging platform. It provides a fully customizable dashboard, and dual-panel live MarkDown editing. Ghost is meant to be mobile-friendly and beatiful out of the box.

UnJSq 0.2.2

'UnJSq' is a 'Node.js' module for developing web application frontends. It does not work like a 'CGI', that is, it does not reload the web page on each query, but allows to refresh only the needed part of the 'DOM'. It's also not a yet another 'JavaScript' framework, nor does rely on such a framework. If you are a backend developer working with 'Node.js', and you want to develop web frontends for your applications without having to use one of those countless 'JavaScript' framework, then 'UnJS

Slap 0.1.61

Slap is a Sublime-like text editor for terminal usage, implemented in NodeJS. It provides first-class mouse support in terminal windows, keybindings like GUI editors, full clipboard support, undo and redo steps, syntax highlighting for many languages, bracket matching, a sidebar like Sublime, select word to highlight other occurrences; double-click to select word, regex-based search and replace.

watcherjs 3.3.6

watcher.js is a Node.js/Express/AngularJS based application that can be used to monitor service status. At regular intervals service specific defined messages, either as http requests or as raw data to sockets, are send to the service endpoints to find out their status. On the service status resolution, the status is stored internally and is made available either programmatically or via REST requests. The application, at design level, is extensible since custom defined behaviors can be easily ap

Codebox IDE 1.0.0-alpha.5

Codebox is a modular IDE running either as desktop client or from cloud installations. It's built upon JavaScript, HTML and Node.js; supports languages such as PHP, HTML5, Java, Dart, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go, C, C++, Lua, Hack, Clojure, Scala, Meteor. It provides SCM bindings, collaborative editing, code completion, VMs to run virtually anything, debugging, and is cross-platform

c t Shariff 1.4.7

Shariff (/ˈʃɛɹɪf/) provides privacy-compliant social media sharing buttons (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) for websites. It eschews including external JavaScript for visitors by providing custom CSS and local JS helpers. Its backend code is available for PHP, NodeJs and Perl. It was developed by heise media for the computer magazine c‘t to comply with EU privacy laws.

LightTable 0.7.2

LightTable is a programmers environment and IDE that features live code execution, instrospective debugging, and instant feedback for modifications. The supported languages are Clojure, JavaScript and Python. It's based on a HTML/JS based runtime, allows to embed anything, work on remotely hosted web apps, very customizable and extensible, and provides a modern interface with memorable shortcuts and tools.

Nodeclipse / Enide Studio 0.17

The Node Tool Suite (NTS) provides Node.js and CoffeScript development tools and an integreated development environment as plugin or full Eclipse distribution. It features Gradle, Maven, JSHint, a MarkDown editor, Chrome devtools, JSDT jQuery integration, NPM support, and can also be installed from the Eclipse marketplace.

Ceylon 1.1.0

Ceylon is a programming language that eases collaboration on large codebases. It provides strong static typing, union and intersection types, tuple and enumeration types, inference and flow-sensitive typing without ambiguity, higher order functions, mixins, a highly regular and readabality-oriented syntax with elegant syntactic sugar, comprehensions and tree-like structuring. It runs on Java and JavaScript VMs, while the SDK and compilation toolchain can provide insightful errors. Besides a ric

Neard 1.0.12

Neard is a WAMP development distribution comprised of Apache, PHP, MariaDB and Node.js. It also includes applications like FileZilla, the GitList repo viewer, Webgrind for performance tuning, WebSVN, Adminer for database management, Console2 with TCC/LE, PortableGit, ImageMagick, and XDebugClient. It provides a convenient administrative menu for all features of course.