Squey Latest

Squey is designed from the ground up to take advantage of GPUs and CPUs to perform interactive explorations of massive amounts of data. It gives users an exhaustive yet intuitive multi-view representation of columnar data and can ingest from: 1. Structured text files (CSV, logs, ...) 2. Apache Parquet files 3. Pcap files 4. SQL databases 5. Elasticsearch databases Squey strives to deliver value through its V.I.SU approach: - Visualize: Leverage various visual representa

sngrep is a tool for displaying SIP calls message flows from terminal 1.4.5

sngrep is a terminal tool that groups SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Messages by Call-Id, and displays them in arrow flows similar to the used in SIP RFCs. The aim of this tool is to make easier the process of learnig or debugging SIP. Features: * Capture SIP packets from devices or read from PCAP file * Supports UDP, TCP and TLS (partially) transports * Allows filtering using BPF (Berkeley Packet Filter) * Save captured packets to PCAP file

capdiss 0.3.1

Capdiss is a runtime environment for reading capture files (pcap, pcap-ng). It defines a simple event-driven API for Lua scripts. The aim of capdiss is to provide a comfortable environment for packet manipulation, where an analyst has to write less code, to do more, in a type-safe language. To achieve that, capdiss embeds powerful, yet minimalistic, scripting language Lua, and supports the native packet dissection framework Coroner.

etherpoke 2.5.1

etherpoke is a scriptable network session monitor. etherpoke defines three events: SESSION_BEGIN, SESSION_END, SESSION_ERROR to which a hook (system command) can be assigned. The event hook can be any program installed in the system. SESSION_BEGIN is triggered when the first packet matching the filter rule is captured. SESSION_END is triggered when the time since the last matching packet was captured exceeds the session timeout. SESSION_ERROR is triggered when it is no longer possible to pro


The goal of IP-Link is to see the relationships between different IP from network traffic capture, thus quickly for a given address with the IP that communicates the most. IP-Link offers several visualization methods.