VSCode 1.96.3

VSCode is an extensible source code editor with support for a wide cross-section of programming languages and features for debugging, refactoring, code completion, Markdown previews, and Git integration. VSCode is a cross-platform project started by Microsoft and is based on the Electron framework, although it features an interface with very little visual clutter and is more responsive than many IDEs, even on low-end development machines.

Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator 3.9.3

mlterm provides a X11 terminal emulator with extensive support for internationalization, different character sets and encodings, or input methods. Fonts are rendered anti-aliased through FreeType, one instance can manage multiple windows, it has a scrollbar API, mouse wheel support, automatic encoding detection, and a daemon mode. Binaries for Windows and Java are also available.

lterm 1.5.0

lterm is a graphical terminal emulator based on vte. It's purposed as ssh client but also works locally. It contains some convenience features to ease repetitive tasks, such as bookmarks and keeping terminal sessions, a built-in sftp function, remote file editing and directory management, an expandable protocol set, a tabbed interface, customizable colors and mouse behaviour, and full screen mode.

OcLaunch 0.3.0-pre2

Launch commands, one drop at time. The purpose of OcLaunch is to easily launch command one by one. Since it's a command-line tool, you can use it almost everything, from GUI to CRON task. What is it? OcLaunch: Command-line program allowing you to launch program on a human basis. Don't let a clock plan things! For example, here is a typical session (you open a terminal emulator between each item): You open your first terminal, your chat client is opened, On second launch of a termina

ZShaolin 1.0

ZShaolin unleashes the power of GNU/Linux on your Android phone or tablet by installing a small and powerful shell environment. It comes with applications to edit images, audio and video using batch scripts one can write and upload. It does not require rooting, not even an Internet connection to work.