Recent Releases
7.26.616 Jan 2025 19:45
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator`.
: Chaining nullish coalescing operators output size regression (@liuxingbaoyu).
7.26.512 Jan 2025 05:05
minor bugfix:
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
Allow the dynamic `import.defer()` form of `import defer` (@babel-bot).
#### :: `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions`.
chore: Avoid calling `isInStrictMode` in Babel 7 (@liuxingbaoyu).
: Correctly generate exported const enums in namespace (@liuxingbaoyu).
estree Unify method type parameters handling (@JLHwung).
: Correctly set position for `@(a.b)()` (@liuxingbaoyu).
estree Adjust the start loc of class methods with type params (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types`, `babel-types`.
Support flow jsx opening element type arguments (@JLHwung).
`babel-compat-data`, `babel-preset-env`.
: More accurate `transform-typeof-symbol` compat data (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-types`.
incomplete visitor keys (@JLHwung).
#### :microscope: Output optimization.
Improve nullish coalescing operator output (@liuxingbaoyu).
7.26.406 Dec 2024 22:05
minor bugfix:
#### :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Revert.
Revert "perf: Improve scope information collection performance" (@JLHwung).
7.26.306 Dec 2024 10:05
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-generator`.
preserveFormat force semicolons when invalidating ASI (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :house: Internal.
`babel-helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor`, `babel-plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator`.
Remove helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :running_woman: Performance.
Perf: Reduce the use of temporary objects (@liuxingbaoyu).
Perf: Improve scope information collection performance (@liuxingbaoyu).
Perf: Avoid repeated traversal when creating scope (@liuxingbaoyu).
Perf: Remove use of `simplifyAccess` (@liuxingbaoyu).
7.26.228 Nov 2024 11:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-parser`.
: Parse placeholder for TS namespace (@liuxingbaoyu).
: Account for offsets when creating new Position instances (@DylanPiercey).
Mapping of tokens with generated nodes in between (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.26.128 Nov 2024 00:05
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-parser`.
(parser): offset internal index locations by startIndex (@DylanPiercey).
7.25.927 Nov 2024 19:05
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-parser`, `babel-template`, `babel-types`.
: Keep type annotations in `syntacticPlaceholders` mode (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helper-compilation-targets`, `babel-preset-env`.
: support BROWSERSLIST ,_CONFIG env (@JLHwung).
Analyze `ClassAccessorProperty` to prevent the `no-undef` rule (@victorenator).
#### :house: Internal.
Remove test options flaky (@JLHwung).
#### :running_woman: Performance.
`babel-parser`, `babel-types`.
Perf: Make `VISITOR_KEYS` etc. faster to access (@liuxingbaoyu).
7.25.826 Nov 2024 19:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-core`.
Restore public API of `resolvePlugin`/`resolvePreset` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :house: Internal.
`babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-proposal-async-do-expressions`, `babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-proposal-do-expressions`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-plugin-proposal-export-default-from`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-bind`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-sent`, `babel-plugin-proposal-import-defer`, `babel-plugin-proposal-partial-application`, `babel-plugin-proposal-throw-expressions`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-transform-dynamic-import`, `babel-plugin-transform-export-namespace-from`, `babel-plugin-transform-json-strings`, `babel-plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators`, `babel-plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator`, `babel-plugin-transform-numeric-separator`, `babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-property-in-object`, `babel-preset-env`.
Inline one-line syntax plugins (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.25.726 Nov 2024 02:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-helper-validator-identifier`.
: update identifier to unicode 16 (@JLHwung).
: with node path keys updated on unrelated paths (@DylanPiercey).
Use an inclusion rather than exclusion list for `super()` check (@nicolo-ribaudo).
printing of TS `infer` in compact mode (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Print TS type annotations for destructuring in assignment pattern (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Respect ` no LineTerminator here ` after nodes (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
Add deprecated JSDOC for fields (@liuxingbaoyu).
#### :house: Internal.
Allow sync loading of ESM when `--experimental-require-module` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helper-compilation-targets`, `babel-helper-plugin-utils`, `babel-preset-env`.
Add browserslist config to external dependency (@JLHwung).
`babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-syntax-decimal`, `babel-plugin-syntax-import-reflection`, `babel-standalone`.
Archive syntax-import-reflection and syntax-decimal (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Simplify logic for ` no LineTerminator here ` before nodes (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :running_woman: Performance.
perf: Avoid extra cloning of namespaces (@liuxingbaoyu).
perf: Improve @babel/types builders (@liuxingbaoyu).
Only access `BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING` at startup (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.25.623 Nov 2024 00:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-generator`.
Properly print inner comments in TS array types (@nicolo-ribaudo).
: jsx whitespace is not properly preserved when retainLines (@liuxingbaoyu).
: `path.getAssignmentIdentifiers` may be `undefined` (@liuxingbaoyu).
: improve static canFollowModifier checks (@JLHwung).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`.
Only wrap functions in `superPropertyGet` helper (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
`babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-duplicate-named-capturing-groups-regex`, `babel-plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-development`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-pure-annotations`, `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`.
Do not enforce printing space between `(` and comments (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-plugin-syntax-import-assertions`, `babel-plugin-syntax-import-attributes`.
Don't throw when enabling both syntax-import- assertions,attributes (@nicolo-ribaudo).
TS union/intersection nested in union does not need parens (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :house: Internal.
Remove unused `parent` params in the generator (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.25.506 Nov 2024 03:05
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-generator`, `babel-traverse`.
: Generate parentheses correctly (@liuxingbaoyu).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
Only force-parenthesize `satisfies`'s LHS if it has newlines (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.25.330 Aug 2024 23:05
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-plugin--firefox-class-in-computed-class-key`, `babel-traverse`.
Avoid validating visitors produced by `traverse.visitors.merge` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :house: Internal.
Add `@babel/types` as a dependency of `@babel/parser` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.25.228 Aug 2024 12:05
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-core`, `babel-traverse`.
Ensure that `requeueComputedKeyAndDecorators` is available (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.25.021 Aug 2024 18:05
major bugfix:
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`.
`await using` normative updates (@JLHwung).
Ensure enum members syntactically determinable to be strings do not get reverse mappings (@liuxingbaoyu).
#### :rocket: New Feature.
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-function-name`, `babel-helper-plugin-utils`, `babel-helper-wrap-function`, `babel-plugin--safari-class-field-initializer-scope`, `babel-plugin--safari-id-destructuring-collision-in-function-expression`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-function-name`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types`.
Move `ensureFunctionName` to `NodePath.prototype` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helper-hoist-variables`, `babel-helper-plugin-utils`, `babel-plugin-proposal-async-do-expressions`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-systemjs`, `babel-traverse`.
Move `hoistVariables` to `Scope.prototype` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-helper-plugin-utils`, `babel-helper-split-export-declaration`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types`.
Move `splitExportDeclaration` to `NodePath.prototype` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-environment-visitor`, `babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-helper-plugin-utils`, `babel-helper-remap-async-to-generator`, `babel-helper-replace-supers`, `babel-plugin--firefox-class-in-computed-class-key`, `babel-plugin--v8-static-class-fields-redefine-readonly`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-traverse`.
Move `environment-visitor` helper into `@babel/traverse` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-core`, `babel-parser`.
Expose wether a module has TLA or not as `.extra.async` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-compat-data`, `babel-plugin--safa
7.24.1027 Jul 2024 13:45
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-generator`.
Parens detection for object function in `as`/`satisfies` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.24.916 Jul 2024 03:16
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-core`, `babel-standalone`.
Avoid `require()` call in `@babel/standalone` bundle (@nicolo-ribaudo).
: provide legacy typings for TS 4.1 (@JLHwung).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
`babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`.
Avoid extra parens in TS `as`/`satisfies` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :house: Internal.
Lazy top-level initializations for module transforms (@guybedford).
7.24.812 Jul 2024 06:05
minor bugfix:
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
Do not use strict mode in TS `declare` (@liuxingbaoyu).
#### :: `babel-generator`.
Correctly print parens around `in` in `for` heads (@nicolo-ribaudo).
printing of comments in `await using` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
typescript code generation for yield expression inside type expre (@SreeXD).
Disallow destructuring assignment in `using` declarations (@H0onnn).
: do not add `.value: undefined` to regexp literals (@liuxingbaoyu).
Remove boolean props from `ObjectTypeInternalSlot` visitor keys (@nicolo-ribaudo).
: Correctly handle `export import x =` (@liuxingbaoyu).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
Avoid unnecessary parens around `async` in `for await` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Avoid checking `Scope.globals` multiple times (@liuxingbaoyu).
7.24.706 Jun 2024 06:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-node`.
Allow extra flags in babel-node (@nicolo-ribaudo).
: incorrect `constantViolations` with destructuring (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helper-transform-ture-test-runner`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`.
: Transform `using` in `switch` correctly (@liuxingbaoyu).
#### :house: Internal.
`babel-helpers`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`.
Delete unused array helpers (@blakewilson).
7.24.625 May 2024 10:45
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`.
source maps for private member expressions (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`.
source maps for template literals (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`.
Support undecorated static accessor in anonymous classes (@JLHwung).
decorator bare yield await (@JLHwung).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`.
: throw TypeError if addInitializer is called after finished (@JLHwung).
`babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`.
: Correctly parse `cls.fn = x` (@liuxingbaoyu).
#### :house: Internal.
`babel-core`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`.
Generate helper metadata at build time (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Add `tsconfig.json` for `@babel/helpers/src/helpers` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-cli`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-external-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-systemjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`.
Move all runtime helpers to individual files (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-parser`, `babel-traverse`.
Statically generate boilerplate for bitfield accessors (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Migrate import assertions syntax (@JLHwung).
7.24.530 Apr 2024 12:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-traverse`.
: TypeScript annotation affects output (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`.
suppressed error order (@sossost).
Await nullish async disposable (@JLHwung).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
Recover from exported `using` declaration (@JLHwung).
#### :house: Internal.
Relax ESLint peerDependency constraint to allow v9 (@liuxingbaoyu).
Improve `@babel/parser` AST types (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Always pass type argument to `.startNode` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions`, `babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-helper-split-export-declaration`, `babel-helper-wrap-function`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin--firefox-class-in-computed-class-key`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-destructuring`, `babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-property-in-object`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-self`, `babel-plugin-transform-typeof-symbol`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`, `babel-traverse`.
Make `NodePath` distributive (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-plugin-proposal-partial-application`, `babel-types`.
Remove `JSXNamespacedName` from valid `CallExpression` args (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-preset-env`.
Do not load unnecessary Babel 7 syntax plugins in Babel 8 (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :running_woman: Performance.
`babel-helpers`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`.
Performance: improve `objectWithoutPropertiesLoose` on V8 (@romgrk).
7.24.404 Apr 2024 10:25
minor bugfix:
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
Forbid initializerless using (@JLHwung).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`.
Ensure decorators are callable (@JLHwung).
#### :: `babel-generator`.
: Correctly prints ` key in Bar ? ` (@liuxingbaoyu).
: Correctly generate `TSMappedType` (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-compat-data`, `babel-plugin--firefox-class-in-computed-class-key`, `babel-preset-env`.
Create plugin for classes in computed keys in Firefox (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`.
: support mutated outer decorated class binding (@JLHwung).
: Decorators when `super()` exists and `protoInit` is not needed (@liuxingbaoyu).
: Transform scoping for `for X` in loop (@liuxingbaoyu).
: Capture `let` when the `for` body is not a block (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-core`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`.
incorrect function hoisting in some case statements (@luiscubal).
7.24.325 Mar 2024 00:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-helper-module-imports`.
: do not inject the same imported identifier multiple times (@ota-meshi).
7.24.220 Mar 2024 16:45
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-code-frame`, `babel-highlight`.
Restore previous `FORCE_COLOR=0` behavior (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.24.029 Feb 2024 12:25
major bugfix:
#### :rocket: New Feature.
Export babel tooling packages in `@babel/standalone` (@ajihyf).
`babel-core`, `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`.
Implement `noUninitializedPrivateFieldAccess` assumption (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-syntax-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`.
Support decorator 2023-11 normative updates (@JLHwung).
babel 7 Allow setting `ignoreExtensions` in Flow preset (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Add `experimental_useHermesParser` option in `preset-flow` (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helper-import-to-platform-api`, `babel-plugin-proposal-import-wasm-source`, `babel-plugin-proposal-json-modules`, `babel-standalone`.
Add transform support for JSON modules imports (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Add back `moduleName` option to `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-parser`, `babel-types`.
Allow import attributes for `TSImportType` (@sosukesuzuki).
#### :: `babel-plugin-proposal-do-expressions`, `babel-traverse`.
: avoid `popContext` on unvisited node paths (@JLHwung).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-methods`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-property-in-object`.
class private properties when `privateFieldsAsSymbols` (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-methods`.
the support of `arguments` in private `get/set` method (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`.
Reduce decorator static property size (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`.
7.23.1001 Feb 2024 17:05
minor bugfix:
#### :: Other.
eslint Include field decorators in scope analysis (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`.
`protoInit` call injection timing (@JLHwung).
7.23.926 Jan 2024 05:45
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-helper-transform-ture-test-runner`, `babel-plugin-transform-function-name`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-systemjs`, `babel-preset-env`.
: `systemjs` re-traverses helpers (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`.
Improve decorated private method check (@JLHwung).
`babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`.
Properly sort `core-js@3` imports (@nicolo-ribaudo).
: Don't throw in `getTypeAnnotation` when using TS+inference (@liuxingbaoyu).
eslint `no-use-before-define` for class ref in fields (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :house: Internal.
`babel-core`, `babel-parser`, `babel-template`.
Migrate `eslint-parser` to cts (@liuxingbaoyu).
Remove `@babel/types` props that are not produced by the parser (@liuxingbaoyu).
#### :running_woman: Performance.
perf: Improve parser performance for typescript (@liuxingbaoyu).
#### :microscope: Output optimization.
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-transform-new-target`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-methods`, `babel-preset-env`.
Improve temporary variables for decorators (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`.
Improve output of `using` (@liuxingbaoyu).
7.23.810 Jan 2024 06:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-preset-env`.
: `preset-env` throws exception for `export as x` (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`.
: decorator binds `getter/setter` to `ctx.access` for public fields (@liuxingbaoyu).
: Class decorator correctly passes return value (@liuxingbaoyu).
#### :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Revert.
Revert "chore: Update artifact tools " (@JLHwung).
#### :microscope: Output optimization.
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-function-name`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-plugin-transform-spread`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`.
Improve output of `super()` (@liuxingbaoyu).
7.23.730 Dec 2023 11:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-traverse`.
: Crash when removing without `Program` (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`.
: Class decorator `ctx.kind` is wrong (@liuxingbaoyu).
Decorator initProto usage in derived classes (@JLHwung).
Avoid unpreventable `unhandledRejection` events (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :house: Internal.
Chore: Update deps (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`.
Merge decorators into class features (@JLHwung).
7.23.612 Dec 2023 10:45
minor bugfix:
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
`babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-types`.
Remove `TSPropertySignature.initializer` (@fisker).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`, `babel-types`.
Apply `toPropertyKey` on decorator context name (@JLHwung).
#### :: `babel-generator`.
: Correctly indenting when `retainLines` is enabled (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`.
`using`: Allow looking up `Symbol.dispose` on a function (@odinho).
`babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`.
Ensure the ` @@toPrimitive ` call of a decorated class member key is invoked once (@JLHwung).
Support named evaluation for decorated anonymous class exp (@JLHwung).
`babel-plugin-transform-for-of`, `babel-preset-env`.
: `for of` with `iterableIsArray` and shadowing variable (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`.
Set function name for decorated private non-field elements (@JLHwung).
references to enum values with merging (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :microscope: Output optimization.
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`.
Reuse computed key memoiser (@JLHwung).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`.
Optimize decorator helper size (@liuxingbaoyu).
7.23.530 Nov 2023 10:25
minor bugfix:
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
Class binding is in TDZ during decorators initialization (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`.
Allow addInitializer in field decorator context (@JLHwung).
#### :: `babel-traverse`, `babel-types`.
Do not remove bindings when removing assignment expression path (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Require class properties transform when compiling class with private fields (@nicolo-ribaudo).
: Missing parentheses after line break (@liuxingbaoyu).
helpers internal fns names conflict resolution (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`.
Simplify class fields injetion after `super()` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`, `babel-traverse`.
: Unexpected duplication of comments (@liuxingbaoyu).
Add `@babel/eslint-plugin/no-undef` to `no-undef` with accessor props (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :microscope: Output optimization.
Optimize `decorator` helper size (@liuxingbaoyu).
7.23.421 Nov 2023 14:05
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-generator`.
: Pure comments missing parentheses (@liuxingbaoyu).
7.23.310 Nov 2023 07:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`.
Strip type-only TS namespaces (@colinaaa).
indentation when generating comments with `concise: true` (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-compat-data`, `babel-plugin--v8-static-class-fields-redefine-readonly`, `babel-preset-env`.
Add a plugin for (@nicolo-ribaudo).
: `super.x` in a loop (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-amd`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-umd`.
: handle `__proto__` exports name in CJS/AMD/UMD (@magic-akari).
#### :memo: Documentation.
docs: Update links in @babel/eslint-parser README (@aryehb).
#### :house: Internal.
`babel-core`, `babel-preset-env`.
Refactor handling of modules plugins in `preset-env` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :running_woman: Performance.
perf: Improve `@babel/generator` performance (@liuxingbaoyu).
Avoid dynamic dispatch when calling wrapCheck (@yepitschunked).
#### :microscope: Output optimization.
Optimize computed properties output (@Andarist).
7.23.212 Oct 2023 03:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-traverse`.
Only evaluate own String/Number/Math methods (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Rewrite `.tsx` extension when using `rewriteImportExtensions` (@jimmydief).
: fallback to typeof when toString is applied to incompatible object (@JLHwung).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`.
Avoid override mistake in namespace imports (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.23.026 Sep 2023 15:25
major feature:
#### :rocket: New Feature.
`babel-plugin-proposal-import-wasm-source`, `babel-plugin-syntax-import-source`, `babel-plugin-transform-dynamic-import`.
Support transforming `import source` for wasm (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-import-defer`, `babel-plugin-syntax-import-defer`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`, `babel-standalone`.
Implement `import defer` proposal transform support (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-types`.
Implement `import defer` parsing support (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Add parsing support for the "source phase imports" proposal (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-generator`, `babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-transform-dynamic-import`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-amd`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-systemjs`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types`.
Add `createImportExpressions` parser option (@JLHwung).
Pass through nonce to the transformed script element (@JLHwung).
`babel-helper-function-name`, `babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining-assign`, `babel-plugin-syntax-optional-chaining-assign`, `babel-plugin-transform-destructuring`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`, `babel-standalone`, `babel-types`.
Add support for optional chain in assignments (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`.
Implement the "decorator metadata" proposal (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-traverse`, `babel-types`.
Add `t.buildUndefinedNode` (@liuxingbaoyu).
Add `rewriteImportExtensions` option to TS preset (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Allow TS tuples to have bo
7.22.2019 Sep 2023 11:05
minor bugfix:
#### :house: Internal.
Remove special-casing of U+200C and U+200D (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Update Unicode test tures (@JLHwung).
#### :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Revert.
`babel-helper-remap-async-to-generator`, `babel-helper-wrap-function`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-sent`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`.
Revert "Improve output when wrapping functions" (@jjonescz).
7.22.1815 Sep 2023 09:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-helper-validator-identifier`.
Update identifier name definitions to Unicode 15.1 (@JLHwung).
`babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-amd`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-umd`.
transform of named import with shadowed namespace import (@dhlolo).
#### :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Revert.
Revert Node.js 20.6.0 workaround (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.22.1710 Sep 2023 07:05
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-core`.
Compatibility with Node.js 20.6 (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`.
Compiling duplicate ns imports to lazy CommonJS (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Make `ClassDeclaration "id" ` optional in babel-types (@jordanbtucker).
#### :microscope: Output optimization.
`babel-helper-remap-async-to-generator`, `babel-helper-wrap-function`, `babel-plugin-proposal-explicit-resource-management`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-sent`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`.
Improve output when wrapping functions (e.g. `async` functions) (@liuxingbaoyu).
7.22.1506 Sep 2023 03:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-core`.
Only perform config loading re-entrancy check for cjs (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :house: Internal.
`babel-cli`, `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor`, `babel-helper-compilation-targets`, `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions`, `babel-helper-module-imports`, `babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-helper-transform-ture-test-runner`, `babel-helper-validator-identifier`, `babel-helper-validator-option`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-node`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin--safari-id-destructuring-collision-in-function-expression`, `babel-plugin--v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-destructuring`, `babel-plugin-transform-for-of`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-property-mutators`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-preset-flow`, `babel-preset-react`, `babel-preset-typescript`, `babel-register`, `babel-standalone`, `babel-template`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types`.
Add explicit `.ts`/`.js` extension to all imports in `src` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.22.1402 Sep 2023 03:45
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-preset-env`.
Avoid dynamic require call in preset-env (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :house: Internal.
Simplify parser errors creation (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-core`, `babel-helper-compilation-targets`, `babel-helper-simple-access`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-syntax-decorators`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-preset-flow`, `babel-preset-react`, `babel-preset-typescript`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types`.
extract more test helpers to repo-utils (@JLHwung).
7.22.1329 Aug 2023 08:45
minor bugfix:
#### :house: Internal.
`babel-helper-tures`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-bind`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-preset-env`.
Improve helper-tures (@JLHwung).
#### :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Revert.
Revert "Do not record trailing comma pos when `maybeAsyncArrow: false`" (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.22.1125 Aug 2023 03:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`.
: fully remove TS nested type-only exported namespaces (@yangguansen).
: definition of TS function type params (@danez).
`babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-transform-dynamic-import`, `babel-plugin-transform-export-namespace-from`, `babel-plugin-transform-json-strings`, `babel-plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators`, `babel-plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator`, `babel-plugin-transform-numeric-separator`, `babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-property-in-object`.
(standalone): strip archived syntax plugins (@JLHwung).
Support configuring cache in ESM configs (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :house: Internal.
Do not record trailing comma pos when `maybeAsyncArrow: false` (@JLHwung).
`babel-core`, `babel-helper-compilation-targets`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-syntax-decorators`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-preset-react`, `babel-register`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types`.
enable jest/no-standalone-expect (@JLHwung).
`babel-core`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`.
bump json5, terser and webpack, further minimize babel helpers (@JLHwung).
Use Babel 8.0 alpha to build babel (@JLHwung).
Exclude redundant files from publish process (@JLHwung).
#### :microscope: Output optimization.
`babel-plugin--v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-preset-env`.
Simplify `?.` ou
7.22.1008 Aug 2023 03:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`.
ts Strip type-only namespaces (@nicolo-ribaudo).
ts compiling extended exported nested namespace (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-transform-new-target`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-methods`, `babel-preset-env`.
Memoize class binding when compiling private methods and static elements (@JLHwung).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
Add `meta` object to `@babel/eslint-plugin` (@JLHwung).
`babel-traverse`, `babel-types`.
Improve the type definition of `path.isX` (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-generator`, `babel-types`.
improve SourceLocation typing (@JLHwung).
#### :house: Internal.
build: generate flow typings in prepublish job (@JLHwung).
chore: bump dev dependencies and remove.eslintignore (@JLHwung).
`babel-cli`, `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-helper-builder-react-jsx`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-standalone`.
Enable `@typescript-eslint/no-redundant-type-constituents` rule (@JLHwung).
Remove `@babel/core` peerDep from `helper-compilation-targets` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Use const enum in babel-parser (@JLHwung).
`babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types`.
chore: Use `typescript-eslint@v6` with reworked configs (@JoshuaKGoldberg).
#### :microscope: Output optimization.
`babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator`.
Reduce `transform-block-scoping` loops output size (@liuxingbaoyu).
7.22.913 Jul 2023 10:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`.
: `Infinity` in enums (@liuxingbaoyu).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
`recordAndTupleSyntaxType` defaults to `"hash"` (@coderaiser).
#### :house: Internal.
Migrate to `eslint.config.js` (@JLHwung).
Use Prettier 3 stable (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.22.808 Jul 2023 03:16
minor bugfix:
#### :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Revert.
`babel-core`, `babel-traverse`.
Revert "Use `NodePath#hub` as part of the paths cache key" (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.10.231 May 2020 10:05
minor bugfix:
#### :rocket: New Feature.
Feature: babel-eslint-parser passes through config options (@kaicataldo).
#### :: `babel-helper-compilation-targets`.
: don't mutate InputTarget's passed to @babel/helper-compilation-targets (@fivetanley).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-preset-env`.
Class features loose should have precedence over preset-env (@nicolo-ribaudo).
: add bigIntSufto minified output (@JLHwung).
`babel-generator`, `babel-types`.
Add support for printing ImportAttribute (@existentialism).
`babel-plugin-syntax-module-attributes`, `babel-standalone`.
ModuleAttributesVersion errors with stage-0 preset in babel standalone (@hamlim).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
: add new plugin names to missing plugin helpers (@JLHwung).
#### :house: Internal.
Refactor: split locationParser into ParserErrors and error message (@JLHwung).
7.10.027 May 2020 08:25
major feature:
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
logical-assignment: Do not assign names to anonymous functions (@arku).
#### :rocket: New Feature.
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions`, `babel-helper-optimise-call-expression`, `babel-helper-replace-supers`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`.
Handle private access chained on an optional chain (@jridgewell).
feat: add privatePropertyInObject to babel-standalone (@JLHwung).
Support data-type="module" to generate native (@dfabulich).
`babel-cli`, `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object`, `babel-types`.
Add private-property-in-object support (@jridgewell).
`babel-compat-data`, `babel-plugin-transform-template-literals`, `babel-plugin-transform-unicode-escapes`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-standalone`.
Transform ES2015 Unicode Escapes to ES5 (@jridgewell).
`babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-syntax-module-attributes`, `babel-standalone`.
added basic support for module attributes and tests updated (@vivek12345).
`babel-helper-compilation-targets`, `babel-preset-env`.
`preset-env` Add `browserslistEnv` option (@AndrewLeedham).
Log after subsequent compilations in --watch mode (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-destructuring`, `babel-plugin-transform-spread`, `babel-traverse`.
Add "allowArrayLike" option to the destructuring and spread transforms (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-for-of`, `babel-preset-env`.
Add "allowArrayLike" support to the for-of transform (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Enable import.meta by default in @babel/parser (@kik-o).
`babel-plugin-transform-react-pure-annotations`, `babel-preset-react`.
Implement `plugin-transform-react-pure-annotations `and add to `preset-react` (@devongovett).
7.9.630 Apr 2020 05:45
minor bugfix:
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
Evaluation order with object spread, 2 (@jridgewell).
Evaluation order with object spread (@Zzzen).
`babel-helper-replace-supers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`.
Super property eval order (@jridgewell).
#### :rocket: New Feature.
`babel-traverse`, `babel-types`.
Adding createFlowUnionType in place of createUnionTypeAnnotation without breaking change (@Beraliv).
#### :: `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-preset-env`.
Helpers.unsupportedIterableToArray for Map and Set (@ChintanAcharya).
Handle objectMethod in scope.isPure (@Zzzen).
Throw error for TypeScript `declare const enum` (@dosentmatter).
Chore: add node.js 14 support data (@JLHwung).
Set exprAllowed to false for star token (@existentialism).
: disallow expression after binding identifier `of` (@JLHwung).
: report missing plugins on type exports (@JLHwung).
: do not push new token context when function is following dot/questionDot (@JLHwung).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`.
Redeclaring private in nested class's superClass (@jridgewell).
Nested classes reference private fields (@jridgewell).
`babel-traverse`, `babel-types`.
Transform-spread: create TS types (not Flow) when using TS (@Beraliv).
Chore: update stage preset in babel-standalone (@JLHwung).
: replace backslashes with forward slashes from resolved path for (@johannes-z).
`babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-throw-expressions`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator`.
Unify parens printing for post-like expressions (@nicolo-ribau
7.9.508 Apr 2020 06:45
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`.
Correctly transpile when default parameter initializer references binding in rest pattern (@vedantroy).
GenerateUid creating clashing ids after scope re-crawling (@Andarist).
With programPath.scope.references not being registered back correctly after scope re-crawling (@Andarist).
Incorrect destructuring compilation of `for (let x = 1 = (@Zzzen).
UseBuiltIns and modules validation when using 'false' as option (@JMarkoski).
CreateSuper in Babel
7.9.425 Mar 2020 09:45
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-parser`.
: token after strict mode block is evaluated in strict mode (@kaicataldo).
: check parentheses between optional chain and other types (@JLHwung).
`babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx`, `babel-preset-react`.
Restore default pragmas in preset-react for classic runtime (@existentialism).
preset-typescript private members type annotations (@Lodin).
#### :house: Internal.
Compact parser ture loc info (@JLHwung).
7.9.121 Mar 2020 10:05
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx`, `babel-preset-react`.
Consider jsxFrag as set when it's set to the default value (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.8.813 Mar 2020 03:15
minor bugfix:
#### :rocket: New Feature.
`babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex`, `babel-plugin-transform-dotall-regex`.
Add support for Unicode 13 in regexps (update `regexpu-core`) (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :: `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`.
: do not remove shadowed for-loop declarators (@JLHwung).
Force parentheses around array and conditional infer (@smelukov).
: non-directive "use strict" should not enable parsing in strict mode (@kaicataldo).
update: preset-env-tures (@kaicataldo).
#### :house: Internal.
Archive @babel/plugin-syntax-export-namespace-from (@nicolo-ribaudo).
chore: pin `@rollup/plugin-json` to 4.0.1 (@JLHwung).
chore: update acorn to latest version (@JLHwung).
Update @babel deps (@existentialism).
refactor: remove redundant contextDescription empty check (@JLHwung).
7.8.705 Mar 2020 03:15
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-preset-env`.
Allow using `preset-env` with newer versions of `compat-data` (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Pass URLs to import() rather than paths (@nicolo-ribaudo).
(babel-parser): chain off optionally chained keys named class and function (@Vages).
`babel-helper-call-delegate`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`.
scope of function body when var redeclares param (@openor).
printing parentheses around optional chains (@sag1v).
Add "Statement" as alias to Flow enum declaration (@gkz).
Typescript: Preserve decorated definite class properties (@jamescdavis).
#### :house: Internal.
Refactor: add parser message template (@JLHwung).
Set correct version for @babel/eslint-plugin-development (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.8.628 Feb 2020 09:45
minor bugfix:
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
`babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-helper-replace-supers`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`.
rewriteThis in helper-module-transforms for computed class elements (@sidntrivedi012).
Refactor await/yield production parameter tracking (@JLHwung).
#### :boom: Breaking Change.
Breaking: align babel-eslint-parser espree (@kaicataldo).
#### :rocket: New Feature.
`babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex`, `babel-preset-env`.
Mark `wrapNativeSuper` and `wrapRegExp` as pure (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :: `babel-helper-compilation-targets`.
: search for browserslist if esmodules is falsy (@fengzilong).
: workaround misleading node.js ENOENT error (@JLHwung).
Parse declare modifier around accessibility modifiers (@JLHwung).
Async Generic After Await Parsing Error (@liamfd).
Breaking: align babel-eslint-parser espree (@kaicataldo).
`babel-compat-data`, `babel-preset-env`.
Update preset-env builtin-definitions (@JLHwung).
@babel/traverse can't use path.remove() with noScope (@liuxingbaoyu).
`babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-replace-supers`.
classNameTDZError in computed prototype methods with class fields (@sidntrivedi012).
Respect preserveComments option in tempate.ast() (@dentrado).
Allow redeclaration of loop variable in body (@openor).
`babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`.
export bindings not updated by 'for... in' and 'for... of' (@vedantroy).
: specify sourceFileName when generating inline sourcemaps (@JLHwung).
Make `isReferenced` return false for method parameter name (@brokensandals).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
`babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-external-helper
7.8.504 Feb 2020 03:15
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-compat-data`.
Do not publish build directory of compat-data (@danez).
#### :house: Internal.
Further refactoring of @babel/eslint-parser (@kaicataldo).
7.8.431 Jan 2020 03:25
minor bugfix:
:warning: In Babel 7.8.0 we introduced the `--copy-ignored` option for `@babel/cli`, defaulting to `false`. However, previous versions behaved as if that option was present: for this reason, we changed its default value to `true` (when `--copy-files` is provided) and introduced a `--no-copy-ignored` option to disable it.
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
: properly parse member expression after property initializer (@vedantroy).
Update coalesce precedence (@JLHwung).
: triple `__proto__` in object patterns should be allowed (@JLHwung).
Duplicate `__proto__` key should be allowed in object patterns (@JLHwung).
#### :: `babel-cli`.
@babel/cli Copy ignored files by default (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Core-js 2 builtin data for opera (@danez).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-typeof-symbol`, `babel-preset-env`.
Avoid compiling the _typeof helper with itself (@nicolo-ribaudo).
/missing references after crawl (@regiontog).
Rest parameters indexing with TypeScript 'this parameter' (@BenoitZugmeyer).
: for-of transform should skip for-await-of (@JLHwung).
`babel-compat-data`, `babel-preset-env`.
Re-generate preset-env tures (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Parentheses removal in nullish-coalescing operation (@sidntrivedi012).
: supply '.' subpath for backward compatibility with node.js 13.0-13.1 (@JLHwung).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
Polish: throw human-friendly error when item-option pair is incorrectly unwrapped (@JLHwung).
#### :memo: Documentation.
Add AST for the module attribute proposal (@xtuc).
#### :house: Internal.
Update compat table (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Delete d
7.8.315 Jan 2020 08:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-types`.
: generated builder parameter should respect builder keys (@JLHwung).
#### :house: Internal.
`babel-preset-env-standalone`, `babel-standalone`. files in standalone packages (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-dynamic-import`, `babel-plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-syntax-async-generators`, `babel-plugin-syntax-bigint`, `babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import`, `babel-plugin-syntax-json-strings`, `babel-plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator`, `babel-plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding`, `babel-plugin-syntax-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-systemjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements`, `babel-preset-env-standalone`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-standalone`.
Archive syntax plugins enabled by default (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Revert.
`babel-cli`, `babel-code-frame`, `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-helper-annotate-as-pure`, `babel-helper-bindify-decorators`, `babel-helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor`, `babel-helper-builder-react-jsx`, `babel-helper-call-delegate`, `babel-helper-compilation-targets`, `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-define-map`, `babel-helper-explode-assignable-expression`, `babel-helper-explode-class`, `babel-helper-tures`, `babel-helper-function-name`, `babel-helper-get-function-arity`, `babel-helper-hoist-variables`, `babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions`, `babel-helper-module-imports`, `babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-helper-optimise-call-expression`, `babel-helper-plugin-test-runner`, `babel-helper-plugin-utils`, `babel-helper-regex`, `babel-helper-remap-async-to-generator`, `babel-helper-
7.8.012 Jan 2020 03:15
major bugfix:
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
Disallow private name in object elements and TS type elements (@JLHwung).
LiteralPropertyName should allow BigIntLiteral (@JLHwung).
: check await when parsing AsyncArrowBindingIdentifier (@JLHwung).
: TopLevelAwait should respect await identifiers defined in sub scope. (@JLHwung).
: Class Field Initializer should not allow await expression as immediate child (@JLHwung).
StringNumericLiteral does not include NumericLiteralSeparator (@JLHwung).
`babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-methods`.
parser Disallow duplicate and undeclared private names (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :boom: Breaking Change.
(opt-in) Improve @babel/types with env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :rocket: New Feature.
Merge env-standalone to babel-standalone (@JLHwung).
Add babelrc.json support (@yordis).
Add support for babel.config.mjs and.babelrc.mjs (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-compat-data`, `babel-preset-env-standalone`, `babel-preset-env`.
Add optional-chaining and nullish-coalescing to preset-env (@Druotic).
`babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-systemjs`.
add `allowTopLevelThis` option to `transform-modules-systemjs` (@JLHwung).
enable optional chaining by default in @babel/parser (@jackisherwood).
--copy-ignored flag added to CLI (@rajasekarm).
Add --out-file-extension option to babel-cli (@eps1lon).
`babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-parser`.
Enable nullish coalescing by default in @babel/parser (@layershifter).
`babel-core`, `babel-parser`.
parser enable dynamic import by default (@AbdulAli19).
#### :: `babel-node`.
Filename detection should respect short flags (@JLHwung).
StringNumericLiteral does not includ
7.7.719 Dec 2019 03:15
minor bugfix:
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
parser validation for parentheses in the left-hand side of assignment expressions (@boweihan).
#### :: `babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread`.
: add computed property support for object Ref (@JLHwung).
: skip merging large input sourcemaps (@JLHwung).
: avoid string copy when processing input source-map (@JLHwung).
Allow -r from node_modules with @babel/node (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Check shadow variable to identifier in default parameters (@JLHwung).
@babel/eslint-parser: ImportExpression node to match ESTree spec (@kaicataldo).
@babel/eslint-parser: BigIntLiteral node to match ESTree spec (@kaicataldo).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
pragmaFrag spelling in error message (@azizhk).
#### :house: Internal.
`babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex`, `babel-plugin-syntax-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-transform-dotall-regex`, `babel-preset-env-standalone`, `babel-preset-typescript`, `babel-standalone`.
Ignore some files in npm package (@JLHwung).
chore: cache chocolatey installation temporary files (@JLHwung).
chore: add PR Intent checkbox ci-skip (@JLHwung).
chore: update babel-eslint to 11.0.0-beta.2 (@JLHwung).
Tune eslint packages test configuration (@JLHwung).
chore: download compat-table when build-data is run (@JLHwung).
Update corejs tures (@JLHwung).
refactor: rewrite available-plugins to esm (@JLHwung).
Properly serialize non-json values in parser tests (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-cli`, `babel-node`, `babel-register`.
Add missing dev dependencies (@JLHwung).
#### :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Revert.
`babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator`, `babel-preset-env`.
7.7.611 Dec 2019 06:25
minor feature:
#### :house: Internal.
Chore: add PR Revert labels to changelog ci-skip (@JLHwung).
#### :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Revert.
`babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`.
Revert "Add ".js" extension to injected polyfill imports" (@JLHwung).
7.7.507 Dec 2019 04:05
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`.
Add ".js" extension to injected polyfill imports (@shimataro).
`babel --watch` should have equivalent file selection logic with `babel` (@JLHwung).
Use scope flags to check arguments (@JLHwung).
Allow tuple rest trailing comma (@yeonjuan).
Correctly disambiguate / after async fuctions (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-amd`.
(optional chaining): Optional delete returns true with nullish base (@mpaarating).
`babel-helper-module-transforms`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-amd`.
: rewriteBindingInitVisitor should skip on scopable node (@JLHwung).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
Do not transpile typeof helper with itself in babel/runtime (@nicolo-ribaudo).
refactor: Improve error message in @babel/core (@jaroslav-kubicek).
#### :house: Internal.
Bundle standalone using rollup (@JLHwung).
Tune makefile scripts (@JLHwung).
Incorrect trace position in ture runner (@JLHwung).
7.7.423 Nov 2019 06:45
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`.
Add support for native esm to @babel/runtime. (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Update preset-env mappings. (@existentialism).
Flow enums: enum body location. (@gkz).
some incorrect typeof parsing in flow. (@existentialism).
parser Allow optional async methods. (@gonzarodriguezt).
register import equals specifier. (@JLHwung).
Allow TypeScript type assertions in array destructuring. (@SakibulMowla).
: add missing available plugins to babel-preset-env-standalone. (@JLHwung).
`babel-plugin-transform-function-name`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-umd`, `babel-preset-env`.
Circumvent typeof transform for umd build template. (@JLHwung).
Babel should not silently remove unknown options after commander arguments. (@JLHwung).
optional method chaining in derived classes. (@Shriram-Balaji).
`babel-parser`, `babel-types`.
Add `asserts this is type ` parsing support. (@JLHwung).
parentheses on replaceWithMultiple for JSX. (@khoumani).
`babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread`, `babel-preset-env`.
: Don't call Object.keys on non-objects. (@chrishinrichs).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
polish: skip creating extra reference for safely re-used node. (@JLHwung).
#### :house: Internal.
Removed duplicate key in package.json. (@rajasekarm).
chore: use loose mode of transform. (@JLHwung).
Implement PR workflow for running test262 on babel PRs. (@jbhoosreddy).
bump @babel/ dev dependencies. (@JLHwung).
E2E test Babel with itself before publishing. (@nicolo-ribaudo).
Reduce standalone build size. (@JLHwung).
`babel-plugin-transform-literals`, `babel-preset-env-standalone`.
typo ci-skip . (@JLHwung).
Add missing flow type to babel-cli for consistency. (@ZY
7.7.310 Nov 2019 06:25
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-parser`.
Don't recover from "adjacent jsx elements" parser error (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.7.106 Nov 2019 15:05
minor bugfix:
#### :: `babel-types`.
Revert "throw a TypeError if identifier validation fails " (@nicolo-ribaudo).
(babel-preset-env): check api.caller is a function to avoid to thr (@love2me).
7.6.413 Oct 2019 12:05
minor bugfix:
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
Trailing comma after rest - The final (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :: `babel-cli`, `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-helper-transform-ture-test-runner`.
Revert "chore: Upgrade source-map to 0.6.1 " (@nicolo-ribaudo).
7.6.309 Oct 2019 08:45
minor bugfix:
#### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance.
Disallow await inside async arrow params (@nicolo-ribaudo).
parser Disallow numeric separators in legacy octal like integers (@gonzarodriguezt).
#### :rocket: New Feature.
Add declarations for more of @babel/types exports (@Jessidhia).
#### :: `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`.
Do not remove let bindings even they are wrapped in closure (@JLHwung).
add scope to TSModuleDeclaration (@tanhauhau).
Do not allow member expressions to start async arrows (@nicolo-ribaudo).
parser Don't crash on comment after trailing comma after elision (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements`, `babel-traverse`.
Do not hoist jsx referencing a mutable binding (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-generator`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-flow-comments`, `babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`.
Flow: interface identifier should be declared in the scope (@JLHwung).
#### :nail_care: Polish.
assertNoDuplicates throw with more context (@hjdivad).
Add filename to transform error (@JLHwung).
#### :house: Internal.
Use `make -j` for parallel build (@JLHwung).
perf: only apply lazy cjs module transform on cli and core (@JLHwung).
Enable optional chaining and nullish coalescing plugins (@nicolo-ribaudo).
`babel-cli`, `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-helper-tures`, `babel-helper-transform-ture-test-runner`, `babel-node`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-source`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-preset-react`.
Add windows to travis (@nicolo-ribaudo).
#### :running_woman: Performance.
perf: replace lookahead by lookaheadCharCode (@JLHwung).
perf: only apply lazy cjs module transform on cli and core (@JLHwung).
7.6.229 Sep 2019 01:37
minor bugfix:
#10472 added check to disallow super.private variable access and test case added. (@vivek12345)
#10468 parser Disallow numeric separator in unicode scape sequences. (@ivandevp)
#10467 parser Invalid NonOctal Decimal. (@gonzarodriguezt)
#10461 parser Disallow static fields named constructor. (@guywaldman)
#10455 parser Report escapes in kws only if they won't be used as identifiers. (@nicolo-ribaudo)
bug Bug Fix
#10445 Leave trailing comments after handling a possible trailing comma. (@nicolo-ribaudo)
#10400 fix: allow the process to exit naturally. (@JLHwung)
#10402 fix: pass optionLoc when validating plugin object. (@JLHwung)
babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping, babel-plugin-transform-spread, babel-traverse
#10417 Do not guess relative execution status for exported fns. (@nicolo-ribaudo)
babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread, babel-preset-env
#10275 fix object rest in array pattern. (@tanhauhau)
6.3.2626 Dec 2015 13:45
minor bugfix:
`babel-plugin-transform-es2015-parameters`: the order of arguments initialization (T6809).
`babel-traverse`: In `evaluate()`, it should not mistake lack of confidence for falsy.
Spec Compliancy.
`babylon`, `babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator`: : Remove `await *` from `babylon` and raise an error for that syntax since it was removed from the proposal and was causing an at runtime but not at compile time (T6688).
gulp build path to work on windows (T6855).
`babel`: Point users to the cli docs.
`babel-core`: Add a test for checking plugins/presets are resolved relative to `filename`.
6.3.2522 Dec 2015 15:45
minor bugfix:
`babylon`: Multiple `"use strict"` in function causes outer scope to be parsed as strict.
`babel-generator`: Correctly set `format.quotes` to `opts.quotes`.
`babel-generator`: JSX attributes should use double qoutes.
`babel-traverse`: static evaluation.
`babel-plugin-transform-es2015-parameters`: Optimize `arguments` access.
6.3.2018 Dec 2015 10:05
minor bugfix:
`babel-generator`: invalid code generation for numeric `MemberExpression` (`5.toString()` - `5..toString()`).
`babel-types`: Add `Expression` alias to `BindExpression`.
6.3.1714 Dec 2015 10:25
minor feature:
`babel-types`: DoWhileStatement should take node type `Statement` as body.
New Feature.
`babel-generator`: Add a new minified format option to do possibly dangerous byte saving.
`babel-traverse`: Support ObjectProperty in `Scope.isPure`.
`babel-cli`: Do not prefer global when installing babel-cli.
6.3.1610 Dec 2015 06:45
minor bugfix:
Set the correct `parent` and `parentPath` for new a `NodePath`.
Always print `""` in `compact` mode for consistency (gzip). Will be changed in a new mode (a supserset of `compact`) in a later patch.
Don't print comments in `compact` mode.
Don't print parentheses on `throw` statements with `SequenceExpression`.
Support `UnaryExpression` in `isPure` check.
6.3.1406 Dec 2015 16:25
minor bugfix:
regression with scope in switch statement. Related to.
## 6.3.8-6.3.13.
Testing lerna - A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
`babylon`, `babel-types`, `babel-generator`:
Add support for `NullLiteralTypeAnnotation` (`null` literal type) in flow.
6.3.103 Dec 2015 03:17
minor bugfix:
spacing in binary expression when right is a binary expression and has a unary on the left in compact mode. Ex: `(a+(+b*2))` should be - `a+ +b*2`.
6.1.412 Nov 2015 14:05
minor bugfix:
class transformation for export declarations with no `id`.
regenerator plugin being passed an invalid function `id`.
Add support for async to generator helper on object and class methods.
looking up undefined nodes when walking back up the tree in typeof symbol plugin.
accidental serialisation of template literals in the code generator when the object of a member expression.
Add missing `Expression` alias to `TypeCastExpression`.
Move `children` prop pushing to after props to ensure correct order in the react inline elements plugin.
`buildExternalHelpers` script ignoring non-underscored helpers.
exported classes with static class properties.
Spec Compliancy.
Add support for computed mutators in `babel-plugin-transform-es2015-computed-properties`.
Make interop for plugins with the `__esModule` work for all plugins no matter how they're imported/specified.
Make it illegal for plugins to specify a catch-all `enter`/`exit` visitor method.
Ignore `babel-runtime` version mismatch in `babel-doctor`.
Omit `defaultProps` helper when there are no props in the react inline elements plugin.
Add validators for ES2015 export nodes.
Add missing core node validators.
Update `runtime` plugin `core-js` definitions.
Add `babel-plugin-transform-react-display-name` to the `react` preset.
Clean up scope cache.
Move `babel/register` into a separate `babel-register` package.
Add `react-jsx-source` plugin and add it to the `react` preset.
6.0.1431 Oct 2015 18:05
minor bugfix:
Spec Compliancy.
Update exponentiation operator precedence.
parser where arrow functions have a higher precedence than they should.
SystemJS module formatter exporting function parameters.
Ensure that invalid identifier JSX attribute keys are quoted when transforming to calls.
ES3 property literal plugin.
parameters after defaults in arrow functions refering to the wrong `arguments`.
5.8.2724 Oct 2015 11:25
minor bugfix:
scope tracking of references before the declaration has been visited.
Correctly identify parameters as binding identifiers.
5.8.2411 Sep 2015 23:45
minor feature:
Spec Compliancy.
Updated `optimisation.react.inlineElements` transformer to React 0.14 output. Thanks @spicyj!.
Add support for evaluating more static nodes. Thanks @hzoo!.
5.8.2211 Aug 2015 23:05
minor feature:
Bug Fix.
Fix bug causing regexes to cause a syntax error after a block.
Expose `File`.
5.8.2106 Aug 2015 10:05
New Feature.
Add support for Flow export types.
Bug Fix.
Fix flow type annotations on object properties being lost.
Fix bug effecting nested arrow functions.
Check valid `export default` `function`/`class` token when parsing export default before converting to a declaration to avoid turning expressions into declarations.
Add an exception to non-existent bindings when checking if we need to wrap block scoping blocks in a closure.
Make comment retainment for multiple replacement nodes more predictable.
Remove `operator` property from `AssignmentPattern` nodes.
Update `es7.asyncFunctions` and `es7.objectRestSpread` to stage 2.
## 5.8.13-5.8.20.
The CHANGELOG was broken for these releases. Git tags were not pushed in the correct order and are therefore incorrect. It's recommended you NOT use any versions within this range.
New Feature.
Add `es6.spec.modules` transformer.
Bug Fix.
Don't register export declarations as a module binding.
Register import bindings to the specifier instead of the declaration.
`export *` should not export `default`.
Clear `rawValue from JSX attribute values to avoid outputting the raw source verbatim.
Add support for boolean flow literals.
Fix bug where files that babel can compile weren't being written when ignored with the `--copy-files` flag.
Create new raw identifiers instead of cloning the original user one when exploding export specifiers to fix source map issues resulting in incorrect locations.
Break on hitting a terminator paren triggering character to avoid pushing multiple starting parens.
Consider comment starting character to be a terminatorless separator to avoid starting comments breaking terminatorless nodes.
Use `json5` for parsing `.babelrc` files and `JSON` for `package.json`.
Update Regenerator dependency to `0.8.35`.
Remove flow types from being scope tracked.
Only register export declarations in scope tracking if they're of a valid type.
Only output code frame and message on syntax
5.8.928 Jul 2015 15:25
minor bugfix:
Fix issue in parser where the flow plugin wasn't using state to refer to whether it as in a type or not causing lookaheads to cause breakages.
5.8.124 Jul 2015 14:05
minor feature:
Bug Fix.
Fix regression where async arrow functions couldn't have type annotation parameters.
Output type annotations of type instantiation parameters.
Prepend to highest loop when performing rest parameter allocation optimisation.
Add comment attachment to parser.
Add support for retaining inner comments of empty blocks.
5.7.420 Jul 2015 10:05
minor feature:
Bug Fix.
Fix comments containg `@flow` being completely removed from output rather than just the specific directive.
5.7.216 Jul 2015 16:25
minor feature:
Bug Fix.
Fix performance issue in code generator when comment columns would attempt to match up in `compact` mode causing large amounts of whitespace.
Fix single line comments not outputting a newline in `compact` mode.
Add support for flow return types for arrow functions.
5.6.725 Jun 2015 14:05
minor feature:
Bug Fix.
Fix hoisting of `ForXStatement` `left` `var`s when inserting a block scoping IIFE.
Combine all leading computed property initialisers into the root object in loose mode.
Deprecate returning of replacement strings from visitor methods.
5.6.021 Jun 2015 07:45
feature hidden:
Bug Fix.
Fix istanbul interop for register hook when registering for non-existence extension.
Fix super class constructor call differing for no constructor in derived classes.
Disable module import receiver when in loose mode.
Fix duplicate filenames when using `babel` CLI when passing multiple matching patterns.
Register labels as bindings to fix undeclared variable checks.
Remove unnecessary string binary expressions when transforming template literals.
Support module live bindings in arbitary positions not in Program statement position.
Throw error when attemping to replace a `Program` root node with another node not of type `Program`.
Optimise rest parameters in spread element position and allocate rest array at the earliest common ancestor of all references.
Generate original number representation when value was not changed.
Check for invalid binding identifiers when generating inferred method names.
Don't terminate CLI when watching files fail compilation on init.
New Feature.
Add new plugin API.
Split react displayName addition into a plugin.
Add check for `JSXMemberExpression` to `t.isReferenced`.
Move `validation.undeclaredVariableCheck` transformer up.
Start great core-to-plugin exodus.
Add `BindingIdentifier` virtual type.
Hidden class optimisations.
Array allocation optimisations.
Update `regenerator`.
Update `js-tokens`.
Sync with upstream Acorn.
5.5.815 Jun 2015 07:45
minor feature:
Remove extremely unprofessional and harsh error message for those hotlinking to `resolve-rc`.
5.5.406 Jun 2015 16:25
minor feature:
Bug Fix.
Add back missing `shouldIgnore` check.
Log message on deprecated options rather than throw an error.
Fix name of `auxiliaryComment` option when attempting Istanbul interop in `babel/register`.
5.4.521 May 2015 07:05
minor bugfix:
Add `JSXIdentifier` as a valid `ReferencedIdentifier` visitor virtual type.
Ignore `CallExpression` `_prettyCall` when the `retainLines` option is enabled.
Inherit comments to new declaration node when exploding module declarations.
Fix `es6.tailCall` transformer failing on calls that exceed the max parameters of the function.
5.4.317 May 2015 20:05
minor feature:
**Bug Fix**.
* Fix `module` being incorrectly rewritten when used as in an export declaration.
* When performing single-reference inlining, ensure that the single reference isn't a child of the binding itself.
* Fix a bug in `minification.deadCodeElimination` where a new binding instance was being created for local class bindings instead of just inheriting the parent one.
* Fix bug with paren printing in `compact` and `retainLines` mode where a left paren was already printed before catching up.
* **Internal**.
* Handle contexts for paths much better. This will ensure that the path node location info is in sync.
5.3.113 May 2015 12:45
minor feature:
**Bug Fix**.
* Fix unique export specifiers not being cloned when exploding class and function exports,.
* **Polish**.
* Turn import remaps to sequence expressions to remove their context and improve performance.
5.2.1709 May 2015 03:16
minor feature:
**Bug Fix**.
* Fix auxiliary comments not properly being attached to function declaration helpers.
* Add `Super` node type to `ast-types` patch.
* Ignore parameter bindings when attempting to inline them in the `minification.deadCodeElimination` transformer.
* Correct `extensions` arguments when using the Babel CLI.
5.2.1205 May 2015 10:25
minor feature:
* Make UID generation based on module declarations **much** nicer.
* **Internal**.
* Remove internal check for traversal path replacement of self. This is a pattern that **could** come up in the wild and it could lead to pretty nasty code and may lead to internal regressions as the test coverage isn't 100 :( Instead, just put it in the fast path.
5.2.201 May 2015 07:05
minor feature:
Allow `util.arrayify` to take arbitrary types and coerce it into an array.
5.1.1121 Apr 2015 18:25
minor bugfix:
Memoise and bind member expression decorators.
Move JSX children cleaning to opening element visitor. Fixes elements not being cleaned in certain scenarios.
Consider `SwitchStatement`s to be `Scopable`.
Fix `bluebirdCoroutines` calling `interopRequireWildcard` before it's defined.
Add space to `do...while` code generation.
Validate `super` use before `this` on `super` exit rather than entrance.
Add Babel name to logger.
5.1.1016 Apr 2015 03:15
minor feature:
**Bug Fix**.
* Remove `makePredicate` from acorn in favor of an `indexOf`.
* Remove statements to expression explosion when inserting a block statement.
* **Internal**.
* Remove runtime compatibility check.
5.0.1212 Apr 2015 03:15
minor feature:
**Bug Fix**.
* Fix incorrect remapping of module references inside of a function id redirection container.
5.0.908 Apr 2015 03:15
minor feature:
* Use `moduleId` for UMD global name if available.
* **Bug Fix**.
* Fix UMD global `module` variable shadowing the `amd`/`common` `module` variable.
* Fix Flow param type annotation regression.
* Fix function name collision `toString` wrapper. Thanks @alawatthe (!.
5.0.004 Apr 2015 06:45
major feature:
This release includes the new ES7 proposals:
Class properties, and
Export extensions.
The entire internal traversal and transformation pipeline has undergone a rewrite that substantially increases flexibility and will allow many future pipeline performance optimisations.
This release also brings a plugin API, which allows consumers to plug in their own custom transformers to utilise the powerful transformation mechanisms that Babel has to offer.