Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority).
Babel is a code translator, which compiles next-gen EcmaScript 6 syntax into browser-consumable ES5/JavaScript. It adds a few proposed ES7 constructs even, and works with React, Node.js, Rails, etc. It provides for: array comprehensions, arrow functions, async functions, async generator functions, classes, class properties, computed property names, constants, decorators, default parameters, destructuring, exponentiation operator, for-of, generators, generator comprehensions, let scoping, modul
Seed7 is a general purpose programming language. It is a higher level language compared to Ada, C++, and Java. In Seed7, new statements and operators can be declared easily. Functions with type results and type parameters are more elegant than a template or generics concept. Object orientation is used when it brings advantages and not in places when other solutions are more obvious. Although Seed7 contains several concepts of other programming languages, it is generally not considered as a direc
Rust is systems programming language, which is intended to be fast and memory-safe through stronger typing, and prevent race conditions. It's developed by Mozilla, multi-paradigm, supports concurrent execution, procedural, imperative, actor-based, object-oriented and pure-functional design schemes, with a syntax close to C++. The self-hosting compiler utilizes LLVM and its resulting binaries are comparable in performance to C++. It also features algebraic data types, pattern matching, closures,
CJIT is a C interpreter that lets you run C code instantly, without needing to build it first. It is just one small file and can do everything a C compiler does, including call functions from any installed library. It works on Linux, Windows, and MacOSX.
CMOC is a 6809-generating cross-compiler for a large subset of the C language. It produces executables for the Motorola 6809 processor to be used under the Tandy Color Computer Disk Basic environment, OS-9 and others. It runs under GNU/Linux and other Unix-like environments.
Ccache is a compiler cache. It speeds up recompilation by caching previous compilations and detecting when the same compilation is being done again. Features Supports GCC, Clang, MSVC (Microsoft Visual C++) and other similar compilers. Works on Linux, macOS, other Unix-like operating systems and Windows. Understands C, C++, assembler, CUDA, Objective-C and Objective-C++. Supports remote caching over HTTP (e.g. using Nginx or Google Cloud Storage), Redis or NFS, optionally sharding data onto a
Haxe is an cross-language development toolkit. It implements a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language. Comes with a cross-compiler for multiple target languages (iOS, Android, Java, C++, C#, HTML5, NodeJS, Python, PHP, Lua). It brings along its own standard library, but still provides ways to access each platforms native capabilities.
LDC is a LLVM-based D compiler, aiming to provide a portable D programming language compiler with modern optimizations and code generation capabilities.
Objeck is an open-source programming language inspired by Java and influenced by Scheme and UML. Objeck was designed to be fast, easier to use, lightweight and cross-platform.
Crystal is a statically-typed, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language with syntax closely matching Ruby. It uses the LLVM for compiling to native code for increased performance.
LDC is a LLVM-based D compiler, aiming to provide a portable D programming language compiler with modern optimizations and code generation capabilities.
LLVM is a modular and reusable compiler toolchain. It's suitable for static and dynamic compilations of various programming languages, and based on its own target-abstracted intermediate code representation. Clang is its native C, C++ and Objective-C compiler, which provides additional static code analyzers. Dragonegg is a GNU CC parser binding. LLDB is an extensive debugger utilizing LLVMs JIT compiler, syntax tree or expression parser. lld a newly developed dynamic linker. And vmkit an impleme
Mono is an open source implementation of Microsofts .NET Framework, which in turn is meanwhile based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime. Mono provides its own C# compiler, and a JIT/AOT-based VM. It adds true runtime cross-platform support by providing Gtk/Cairo, OpenGL, LDAP, and POSIX bindings, and further integration with Wine. Mono runs on Linux, BSD systems, MacOS, PS3, Wii, Android, x86/amd64, PowerPC, Sparc, ARM, Alpha systems. Besides C# 4.0-6.0 support, it can
SWI-Prolog offers a comprehensive free Prolog environment. It has been in development since 1987 and extended for requirements of real world applications, but is also widely used in research and education. It includes a nice command line interface, fast and transparent compilation, a debugger, profiling features. It also has the ability to integrate with C code, and already comes with packages for threading and process management, encryption, TCP/IP, TIPC, ODBC, SGML/XML/HTML, RDF, HTTP, graphic
Lobster is a programming language that tries to combine the advantages of very static typing and memory management with a very lightweight, friendly and terse syntax, by doing most of the heavy lifting for you.
This year turned out to be very difficult. But we have optimized and reduced the cost of our products! It is almost impossible to find prices lower than ours, the sale is at the cost price level. Watch and be surprised by our super low prices
Picat is a rule and logic based programming language. Its syntax is derived from pattern matching rules, but allows traditional declarative and imperative programming and is suitable for general-purpose development. It runs in a VM, with automatic stack/heap allocation and garbage collection.
Dyalect is a dynamic programming language for .NET Core platform. It is lightweight, fast and modern. Dyalect (or Dy for short) is written in C# and has zero dependencies except for standard .NET Core libraries, which means that it can seamlessly run on Windows, MacOS and Linux. Moreover you can use the same binaries on any of these platforms! Dy doesn't utilize DLR nor does it compile to IL (.NET assembly). Instead it runs on the top of its own high performance virtual machine. It compiles fas
A way to freely manipulate objects exported from C++ to scripts using arithmetic, parentheses and assignment. Enables compilation independent manipulation of the C++ objects from an external sources application can take input from, such as: config files, command-line or UI controls. Implementation loosely follows ECMA Script specification.
Crystal is a programming language with a Ruby-inspired syntax, completely free of type declarations, still providing for static checks, and many modern idioms. It allows to bind and invoke C code directly. With a compiler that produces efficient native code.
CH$ is a programming language invented by wilmix jemin j in GDollar technology. It is used in remote web application.. Advantages: ----------- a) It Behaves like CDollar and GDollar. ie) It have CDollar and GDollar Advantages and it behaves like JSTAR technology b) it is used with C#,C/C++ and JAVA7(OAKjava) c) It is also used in WEB OS and compiler construction. d) CH$ is the main reason for the birth of JDollar Technology.
JDollar(J$) is otherwise known as JWEB is a Programming Language which is invented by wilmix jemin j. JDOLLAR(J$) is an interactive , System programming, OOPS, Multipurpose, Advanced Technology focused on remote webapplications, web and GUI development". JWEB means JDollar Wilmix for External Business. JDollar(JWEB) is based on oops concepts.
Gdollar Programming language is invented by wilmix jemin j at Java , C/C++, C#. It is focused on datastructures, webdesign, etc.
Build CC is a simple script that automates the building of cross compilers using the GNU toolchain.
GCC is an integrated distribution of compilers for several major programming languages. These languages currently include C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Java, Fortran, Ada, and Go.
The C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library (ExprTk) is a simple to use, easy to integrate and extremely efficient run-time mathematical expression parser and evaluation engine. ExprTk supports numerous forms of functional, logical and vector processing semantics and is very easily extendible.
4tH is a Forth compiler with a little difference. Instead of the standard Forth engine it features a conventional compiler. 4tH is a very small compiler that can create bytecode, C-embeddable bytecode, standalone executables, but also works fine as a scripting language. It supports about 95% of the ANS Forth CORE wordset and features conditional compilation, pipes, files, assertions, forward declarations, enumerations, structures, suspended execution, recursion, include files, etc. It comes with
CSLASH(C/) is a High level programming language like C invented in cdollar by wilmix jemin j. It is Equivalent to C and C# and it is invented in year 2016.
JIT is the most powerful Advanced Business which contains Jehovah Business sword(JBS). JBS consists of REMO,ROMOS , and Mice. here REMO is the control unit. JBS is invented by wilmix jemin j in JDollar Technology. JBS is the 3rd Advanced Most Powerful language.
JDOLLAR(J$v.2) IS said to be less interactive , advanced programming language used for constructing OS , compilers and mostly used in cloud computing and mobile cloud computing. And JDollar(J$v.2) is the World NO:1 technology. It contains 10 modules focused on cloud computing and mobile cloud computing. It is invented by wilmix jemin j at C/C++ Technology in year 2015. [Expansion of JDollar => J-> JEMIN and Dollar => MONEY] It uses Remote cloud sever to compile the J$ Programs.
ADollar(A$) Technology is focused on Advanced Business Construction The Letter A stands for Advanced and Dollar means the business, so it's name is formed as Advanced Business. ADollar(A$) is invented in CH$ Technology in AUG 2 2015. JDollar is the first powerful Technology for Advanced Business. Where Adollar(A$) is the next powerful programming language for Advanced Business.
JDOLLARPART3 is called as (JD3E) is used for cloudcomputing . JDOLLARPART3 is called as (JD3E) consists of frameworks and latest technology of JDollar. It is mainly used in cloud computing.. JDOLLARPART3 is called as (JD3E) (JDollar 3rd Edition). JDollarPart3 is invented by wilmix jemin j at 2015.
JDOLLARPART2 is called as (JD2E) is used for cloudcomputing . JDOLLARPART2 is called as (JD2E) consists of frameworks and latest technology of JDollar. It is mainly used in cloud computing.. JDOLLARPART2 is called as (JD2E) (JDollar 2nd Edition). JDollar has userfriendly framework called as JAUF. All Latest Technologies and Framework of JDollar is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2015 JDollar has latest technologies like JC , Jeb, JShell, JSync
NStar is focused on mobile cloud computing and it works in Nokia cellphones. NSTAR is programming language focused for DOTNET Professionals and it is invented by wilmix jemin j in CDollar at 2015 and modified to work in windows platform...
JSAUCER is the next Advanced Technology of JAS. it is used to interact with JDollar and it's latest Technologies. JSAUCER is the Technology used with MYBATICS ,and JQUERY. JSAUCER IS INVENTED BY WILMIX JEMIN J @ YEAR 2015 (duration 1 year) IN JAVA ,JAS ,and CDollar Technology. It is a Mobile Technology. It is used in mobile cloud computing . and used for constructing webpages for mobiles. The mobile users can view the webpage through mobile from the remote cloud server. JSAUCER uses Remo
NJDollar is a Most Advanced Technology. NJDOLLAR is otherwise known as JAS JAS is the Technology invented in JDollar(J$) by wilmix jemin j at nov 2015.
Arrow# is invented at year 2014 by wilmix jemin j. SO Arrow# is formed with the combination of C++ and J$ so we called as Arrow# Technology.
Futhure C Technology is called as C@ which is written by wilmix jemin j. SO C@ isformed with the combination of C and J$ so wecalled as C@ Technology. It is invented at year 2013 by wilmix jemin j.
JAVA 1.0 is for cloud computing and it is invented in CDollar Technology by wilmix jemin j at year 2014. AND JAVA1.0 is the Part of JITTECHSECTION-1. It is the 10th Most Advanced technology. JAVA 1.0 is greater than all JAVA versions JDk1.8 and so on. Now JAVA1.0 is part of JDollarPart2.
WEB is the Most Standard Technology for WEB invented by wilmix jemin j in JDollar atOCT 2015 to develop a webpage. Web is used instead of today internet tools which is not fast.Expansion of WEB is "Wilmix Encryption for Business". W stands for wilmix hence it is invented by wilmix. To make the name attractive we name it "WEB".
JDollar is a programming language with C/C++ ,CDOLLAR, and Advanced OOPS, Behave like C/C++ OOPS, Networking, RUN and compile at same time,used in SoftwareDevelopment and cloud computing , Research, and ,have Advanced OOPs concepts. It is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2013. JDollar is Ranked as Z' , ie) Most Advanced ,powerful, wide, SKY programming language. JDOLLAR(J$) IS less interactive , advanced Technology used for constructing OS
FreeBASIC is a multi-platform BASIC compiler with syntax similar to MS-QuickBASIC (including graphics statements). It adds features like pointers, unsigned data types, inline assembly, C and C++ bindings (e.g. Allegro, SDL, OpenGL, GTK+, Windows API), and a pre-processor with macro support. FBedit is an additional IDE to the compiler.
Chapel is a programming language for improved parallelism, which is designed and developed by Cray Inc. and academia. It's intended for large-scale supercomputing as well as clusters, but also suitable for common multicore workstations, desktop computers and laptops. Chapel is an imperative structured language, shares many attributes with C, C++, Fortra, Java, Python and Matlab, but doesn't derive from either. It supports multithreading, abstractions for data and nested task parallelism, concur
Just-in-time compiler with support for adaptive optimisation and copying garbage collection, for a small object-oriented teaching language. Includes an assembler/debugger for executing a simplified version of x86-64 assembly. Intended to help students learn about assembly language, compilation, but especially about modern language implementation, especially with dynamic compilation techniques.
Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language. It tightly integrates compiler, runtime and a modern IDE focused on being simple to use, provide immediate feedback and inline debugging. It implements a Smalltalk dialect with live objects, hot recompilation, full reflection, dynamic typing, direct inheritance, automated instance and memory management.
MyJIT is a small modular library for dynamic machine code generation. In other words, it can compile platform-independent intermediate language to processor-specific instructions which can be afterwards invoked as a regular function. The architecture of MyJIT is based on a simple register-based virtual machine with a RISC-like instruction set. Currently, it supports x86, AMD64, and SPARC processors.
hbcxx uses the Unix #!/path/to/interpreter technique to make C++ (and C) source code directly executable. Modern C++, meaning C++11 or even C++14, feels like another language. This is not because the language has been changed massively but because the new features encourage a different, and slightly higher level way to think about writing C++. It's faster, more fun, supports lambdas, has tools to simplify memory management and includes regular expressions in the standard library. hbcxx is a to
lrc (The Linux Resource Compiler) is a system for packing many files into a single file for use in a program as its resources (such as the graphics and sounds used by a game). It consists of a command-line tool, called lrc, for compiling the resources and a library, called liblrc, to extract the resources from a file generated by the compiler.
Ruboto is a Ruby development tool chain and framework for generating native Android apps. It's based on JRuby and can utilize any Ruby library or gem, while still facilitating access to Android and Java APIs. Code generators are provided, packaging tools, rake/ant useable, deployment and testing helpers added.
Cmajor is an experimental programming language. It mixes concepts and language semantics from C++ and C# for semantics. It runs on a virtual machine (cmx) after compilation (cmc), and comes with a debugger (cmxdump). It's itself implemented in C++98 using soul2cpp, provides 64bit integer types using boost, comes with filesystem, shared pointers and threading interfaces. It's cross-platform and comes with an extensive manual.
tcc4tcl (Tiny C Compiler for Tcl) is a Tcl extension that provides an interface to TCC.
o42a is a high-level general purpose programming language. It is compiled, statically-typed, prototype-based, logic-driven, and primarily declarative, while the imperative programming style is also supported. A program written in o42a is closer to natural English text than one written in any C-like programming language. The language is designed with programming productivity and code maintainability as main priorities. This achieved by powerful, yet restrained, semantics, and expressiv
RPL/2 (Reverse Polish Lisp/2) is a langage derived from the RPL made by Hewlett-Packard for its HP-28S. It has some extensions (preprocessor, compilated libraries, new functions, parallel computing), a TeX output, and can draw graphics.
EiffelStudio is a full-featured IDE for the Eiffel programming language. It assists Design-by-Contract development, and generates high performance executables based on the Melting Ice Technology with fast incremental compilation. It's cross-platform compatible, provides a smart code editor, multi-view browsing and viewing, and interactive debugger. It also comes with a graphical modeling tool for UML and BON, refactoring features, and a GUI development tool (EiffelBuild) and library (EiffelVis
QuickBinary is an extension for PHP which provides a similar but statically typed language for higher performance processing. It translates Zend opcodes for its own runtime optimized for low-level and calculation intensive applications. While ordinary PHP code runs unaffected. It's especially useful for complex pixel-oriented graphics manipulation.