Kotlin 2.1.10

Kotlin is a modern but already mature programming language designed to make developers happier. It's concise, safe, interoperable with Java and other languages, and provides many ways to reuse code between multiple platforms for productive programming.

Tags programming compiler kotlin java swift c cpp
License Apache
State stable

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2.1.1028 Jan 2025 01:31 minor bugfix: Compiler: `KT-73858` Compose / iOS: NullPointerException on building. `KT-73454` K2: type parameters mapping for typealiases with inner RHS. `KT-73043` K2 Compiler does not allow references to inner constructors with typealiases. `KT-74040` Compilation of inner class usage does not check the visibility of parent class during compilation in different rounds. `KT-73339` K2: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" because of missing implicit cast on generic field receiver with star projection. `KT-72585` K2: Compilation failure when upgrading to Kotlin 2.0.20+: Cannot replace top-level type with star projection: S. `KT-73399` compile-time JVM codegen failure on a KProperty argument of a KSuspendFunction parameter. `KT-72725` KMP: Unsupported actualization of inherited java field in expect class. `KT-73153` K2: Standalone diagnostics on type arguments are not reported. Compose compiler: `CMP-5680` Compose compiler: unexpected stability warnings for classes compiled with 2.0.10. `b/381407900` Avoid adding Compose annotations on synthetic classes. ### IR. Inlining. `KT-73981` Cherry-pick the for KT-73482 to 2.1.10. JavaScript: `KT-70778` Kotlin Js companion is undefined in production build. `KT-73130` KJS: Missed `break` for do/while in generated JS code. `KT-58797` Optimize the code generated for objects on JS and Wasm backends. Klibs: `KT-70146` KLIB Resolve Don't fail on nonexistent transitive dependency. `KT-73951` Workaround for "Partial linkage engine may not patch some discrepancies in IR when compiling Kotlin/Native static caches" in 2.1.10. Native: `KT-73559` K/Native: AndroidNativeArm64 linking fails starting from Kotlin 2.1.0. ### Tools. CLI. `KT-73967` JDK 25: "IllegalArgumentException: 25-ea" with EA builds. ### Tools. Daemon. `KT-73311` "Unable to release compile session, maybe daemon is already down" flakiness. ### Tools. Gradle. `KT-73728` 'generatePomFileForMavenPublication' creates pom with dependencies with 'unspecified' version. ### Tools. Gradle. M