Image Lock PEA protects photos, drawings, and documents in image format with a password.
Thanks to the integrated viewer the images are never stored unencrypted on the hard disk, but are held only in memory.
The Image Lock PEA uses functions to derive the key from the password, that protect also against attackers with a high budget. In addition to the confidentiality, an authenticated encryption protects the integrity and authenticity of the images.
Recent Releases
1.429 May 2022 09:22
major feature:
- Show all images as slideshow
- Show metadata in encrypted mode (experimental) mainly for jpg and png files
- Additional default cryptographic algorithms: Serpent as cipher, SHA-512 as hash function
- Command line mode: Allows calling via the command line and skipping the opening dialogue
1.320 Aug 2021 14:47
major feature:
- Parameters of the key derivation function can be adjusted to own devices and different security needs.
- Key files can be added as a second security factor to the password.
- Image files can be converted to other formats (jpg, png, gif, bmp). This conversion is done completely encrypted on the device.
- Bugfix when the password change process was cancelled
- Option to automatically check for updates.
1.219 May 2021 12:10
major feature:
- Chooseable algorithms: Catena or Argon2 as KDF, Threefish or AES-256 as cipher, Blake2b or SHA-3 as hash, and several instances of KDFs
- Limited cloud support: Download encrypted image files
- Password hide and see per check box
- Accessibility: Focus is more visible, larger buttons and checkboxes
- Minor Bugfixes: Using with multiple operating systems - Requires now Java 8
1.121 Mar 2019 08:38
minor feature:
- You can add an image when the PEA is open
- Appearance setting (font size, background color)
- Minor changes in usability (remembers location, drag drop in password dialog...)
- Accessibility: accessible description of menu, if there is no tool tip available, keyboard support
- Bug fixes: Clicking several times on the OK button resulted in an unexpected behavior
- Requires now Java 7
1.025 Apr 2017 06:17
major feature:
- Several images can be be shown by one PEA.
You can either open the images separately or you can open a folder containing several images.
Only the actually displayed image is decrypted and it is decrypted only in memory (RAM), not on your disk.
- Minor changes in appearance and usability.
0.120 May 2016 16:38
minor feature: