lib3mf 2.3.0-alpha

What is the 3MF Consortium The 3MF Consortium is an industry association formed to develop and promote a new full-fidelity file format for 3D printing/additive manufacturing, known as the 3D Manufacturing Format (3MF). This consortium came together to rectify the limitations of the existing file formats used in 3D printing, providing a standardized, more capable format that could handle the full range of additive manufacturing technologies from prototyping to production. What is .3mf ? The 3D Manufacturing Format (3MF) is a file format designed to allow design applications to send full-fidelity 3D models for additive manufacturing to other applications, platforms, services, and additive manufacturing hardware. The primary goal behind the creation of the 3MF file format is to establish a new standard for additive manufacturing which addresses the shortcomings and complexities of existing file formats, thereby making the various processes reliable, repeatable and scaleable through prototyping to production.

Tags 3d-printing 3mf format standard cpp c pascal go
License BSDL-2
State stable

Recent Releases

2.3.0-alpha06 Feb 2024 03:15 minor feature: lt;p gt;This is the alpha pre-release for version 2.3.0 of lib3mf. lt;/p gt;. lt;p gt; lt;strong gt;Version 2.3.0 adds new functionality. The changes compared to version 2.2.0 are: lt;/strong gt; lt;/p gt;. lt;h3 gt;Highlights lt;/h3 gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt;lib3mf now uses lt;a href="" gt;fast_float lt;/a gt;: Reading 3mf files is now 12 faster (when reading the official lt;a href="" gt;test-suite lt;/a gt;) and reading floating point numbers is now locale-independent. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;key 3rd party libraries have been updated: lt;br gt;. Fast_float v6.0.0 lt;br gt; Zlib v1.3 lt;br gt; Cpp-base64 v2.rc.08 lt;br gt; Libzip v1.10.1 lt;/li gt; lt;/ul gt;. lt;h2 gt;What's Changed lt;/h2 gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt;32bit experimental by lt;a class="user-mention notranslate" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/martinweismann/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="" gt;@martinweismann lt;/a gt; in lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="815274514" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="pull_request" data-hovercard-url="/3MFConsortium/lib3mf/pull/253/hovercard" href="" gt;#253 lt;/a gt; lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;-293: make override part names absolute by lt;a class="user-mention notranslate" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/martinweismann/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="" gt;@martinweismann lt;/a gt; in lt;a class="-link js--link" data-error-text="Failed to load title" data-id="1175463184" data-permission-text="Title is private" data-url="" data-hovercard-type="pull_
2.2.0-alpha02 Feb 2024 17:51 minor feature: This is the alpha pre-release for version 2.3.0 of lib3mf. Version 2.3.0 adds new functionality. The changes compared to version 2.2.0 are: Highlights lib3mf now uses fast_float: Reading 3mf files is now 12 faster (when reading the official test-suite) and reading floating point numbers is now locale-independent. key 3rd party libraries have been updated: fast_float v6.0.0 zlib v1.3 cpp-base64 v2.rc.08 libzip v1.10.1 What's Changed 32bit fixes experimental by @martinweismann in #253 Issue-293: make override part names absolute by @martinweismann in #294 Issue#291 updating algorithm to use RFC1951 rather than RFC1950 by @feliperoos in #292 Add a test for a duplicate startPart relationship by @martinweismann in #301 Fix reading of broken composite element by @martinweismann in #303 Handle duplicate transform attributes by @martinweismann in #302 Add support for RTTI to lib3mf by @martinweismann in #300 Add GetResourceByID method by @martinweismann in #304 Fix MergeToModel for mesh without properties by @martinweismann in #309 Clarify behavior of Attachment::ReadFrom*-methods by @martinweismann in #283 Add a possibility not to strip binaries by @martinweismann in #310 Add platform native GUID creation by @martinweismann in #312 Update google test, update to C++14 by @martinweismann in #311 Updating build.yml to fix failing ci builds by @3dJan in #324 Using fast_float to do local independent parsing by @3dJan in #325 Fixing code coverage by @gangatp in #330 Updating Lib3MF dependent libraries by @gangatp in #336 Linux build using ubi8 and gcc12 by @gangatp in #338 fixing fast float stod conversion according to ST_Number schema specification by @gangatp in #339 lib3mf 2.3.0-alpha version by @gangatp in #340