Castle Model Viewer 5.0.0

Viewer for 3D and 2D model formats supported by the Castle Game Engine: glTF, X3D, VRML, Spine JSON, sprite sheets (in Castle Game Engine, Cocos2D and Starling XML formats), MD3, Wavefront OBJ, 3DS, STL, Collada, and more. Examine or walk in the virtual world with collisions, gravity, animations, X3D sensors, shadows, mirrors, shaders and more. View it from multiple cameras at once. Take screenshots with various options (transparent background, cube maps). You can also convert between model fo

SoundTouch 2.3.2

SoundTouch is an open-source audio processing library for changing the Tempo, Pitch and Playback Rates of audio streams or audio files. The library additionally supports estimating stable beats-per-minute rates for audio tracks. Tempo (time stretch): Changes the sound to play at faster or slower tempo than originally without affecting the sound pitch. Pitch (key) : Changes the sound pitch or key while keeping the original tempo (speed). Playback Rate : Changes both tempo and pitch together as i

lib3mf 2.3.0-alpha

What is the 3MF Consortium The 3MF Consortium is an industry association formed to develop and promote a new full-fidelity file format for 3D printing/additive manufacturing, known as the 3D Manufacturing Format (3MF). This consortium came together to rectify the limitations of the existing file formats used in 3D printing, providing a standardized, more capable format that could handle the full range of additive manufacturing technologies from prototyping to production. What is .3mf ? The 3D

PUMA's Unit Converter 1.5

The PUMA Repository is a collection of Pascal units for medical informatics. It is compatible with and was developed for Lazarus and Free Pascal. The units are also partially compatible with other Pascal dialects, including Delphi and Embarcadero RAD Studio. PUMA's Unit Converter is a Pascal unit that provides functions for parsing measurements (e.g. from biochemical experiments or clinical laboratory experiments) consisting of numeric values and units of measurement. It also supports functions

Lazarus 3.0.0

Lazarus is a cross-platform RAD Object Pascal Development IDE for use with Free Pascal. It is the open source equivalent of the Delphi VCL, designed to be widget-independent and to work on any platform where Free Pascal can be found.

SimulaBeta 3.1.2

SimulaBeta is a continuous numerical simulation program for insulin-glucose feedback control. It is based on a published nonlinear MiMe-NoCoDI model of insulin-glucose homeostasis, calibrated with physiological data. It supports sensitivity analysis, saving and reading parameter sets and sub-models as scenarios and the export of simulation results in various formats for evaluation in statistics packages.

CyberUnits Bricks 2.0.0

The Bricks collection is a set of Pascal units that provides a class library for rapid programming of high-performance computer simulations in life sciences. It also delivers functionality that facilitates the generation of block diagrams in software. CyberUnits is a reusable cross-platform class library for rapid programming of high-performance computer simulations in life sciences. It supports modelling for biomedical cybernetics and systems biology with Object Pascal.

TRURL G 1.1.2

TRURL G is a free desktop RPN calculator that celebrates the 50th anniversary of the first landing of humans on the earth's moon. Its design is inspired by the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC).

view3dscene 4.2.0

view3dscene is a viewer for glTF, X3D, Spine JSON and all other model formats supported by Castle Game Engine (3DS, MD3, Wavefront OBJ, Collada, sprite sheets in Starling and Cocos2d formats). It supports viewing the scene in the "Examine" mode and walking in the virtual world with features such as collision detection and gravity. Rendering is done using OpenGL. Many advanced 3D graphic effects are available, like mirrors (flat and through cube environment mapping), shadows (shadow maps and sh

Castle Game Engine 7.0-alpha.2

Cross-platform (desktop, mobile, console) 3D and 2D game engine. Powerful visual editor. Support for glTF, X3D, Spine and more. Fast clean code using modern Pascal. Free and open-source.

Triangolo 1.0

Triangolo is an easy-to-use calculator software helping to determine L-T4 and L-T3 substitution dosage according to the algorithms provided by the European Thyroid Association (ETA).

Free Pascal Compiler 3.2.2

The Free Pascal Compiler is a Turbo Pascal 7.0 and Delphi-compatible 16/32/64 bit Pascal Compiler. It comes with a fully TP 7.0-compatible run-time library. Some extensions have been added to the language, like function overloading. Shared libraries can be linked. Basic Delphi support is implemented with classes, exceptions, RTTI, and ansistrings. A Free Component Library (FCL) is available with the base classes. Bindings for X11, ncurses, GTK, OpenGL, zlib, mysql, interbase and postgres are ava

PUMA's EDFplus engine 1.1.2

PUMA's EDFplus engine is an Object Pascal library that supports reading, writing, parsing and composing multichannel biological and physical signals in the European Data Format (EDF) or its successor EDF+.

Trurl A 1.0.1

TRURL A is a calculator app and a technological demonstration for the open RPN engine. Despite its frugality, TRURL A is a fully functional platform-sensitive virtual calculator.

PUMA's HL7 engine 2.0.1

The PUMA Repository is a collection of Pascal units for medical informatics. It is compatible with and was developed for Lazarus and Free Pascal. The units are also partially compatible with other Pascal dialects, including Delphi and Embarcadero RAD Studio. The HL7 Engine is a library of Pascal units that provide functions for parsing and compiling Health Level 7 messages as well as for reading and writing messages as files or streams.

PUMA Repository HL7 engine 2.0

The PUMA Repository is a collection of Pascal units for medical informatics. It is compatible with and was developed for Lazarus and Free Pascal. The units are also partially compatible with other Pascal dialects, including Delphi and Embarcadero RAD Studio.


LazSqlX is a cross-platform database management tool. It works with MariaDB/Mysql, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird and Oracle databases. It provides am intuitive data browser, querying tool and management GUI. LazSqlX can also be used on stored procedures, for changing table schemata, search, filtering, printing, or CSV / XML /JSON exports.


SoundSteper is a software-only control tool for step motors used with telescopes. It works in real-time, operates over a sound card, and requires an analog sound amplifier, works with up to 4 moters in parallel; provides sync and go-to modes or joystick control even. It runs on Windows.

Quick Hash GUI 2.5.2

Quick Hash GUI provides recursive file hashing, copying and verification of whole directory structures. It provides a simple GUI for Linux and Windows. It can also verify whole partitions, provides MD5 and SHA1/SHA2 algorithms, export results as CSV or HTML report.

Mundo 0.22.4

Mundo is a 3D massive-multiplayer online role playing game, with basic graphics. It's multi-platform, based on GPLDevKit and OpenGL and written in FreePascal. The current map provides 1 million square meters, including caves and hell-style scenes, 17 non-player characters, 21 monster types, 58 items, and around 100 quests.