mrViewer 6.2.3

mrViewer is a compact video player, image/slideshow management tool, and flipbook viewer. It has a non-intuitive but feature-packed GUI and web interface; supports various video and audio formats via ffmpeg, colorization filters, vectorscope, histogram, HDRI, multichannel, OpenEXR support through anaglyphs, network syncing, grease pencils for the flipbook, and multi-part EXR images in addition to standard graphic files.

Tags cross-platform media-player video-player
License GNU GPL
State mature

Recent Releases

6.2.323 Jan 2025 05:49 major bugfix: This project is no longer active. It has been replaced by mrv2 at: Oct 2014 00:20 major bugfix: Made preloading of sequences being shown while idle. Fixed a crash of Cut tool in EDL when the cut happened in inactive reel. Troubleshoot playback of EDL movies in background. Added a BG button to EDL Edit window to more easily set the background image. Sep 2014 21:47 major bugfix: Sped up reading of image files (specially the first of a sequence). Bug fixed OpenEXR stereo crossed not respecting dataWindows correctly. Bug fixed Single Instance to load images that are fed thru another instance of viewer.