Bokeh 3.5.0

Bokeh is an interactive visualization library for modern web browsers. It provides elegant, concise construction of versatile graphics, and affords high-performance interactivity over large or streaming datasets. Bokeh can help anyone who would like to quickly and easily make interactive plots, dashboards, and data applications.

TurboVNC 3.1.2

TurboVNC is a performance-oriented version of the VNC remote desktop connection protocol, based on TightVNC, x4vnc, TigerVNC, and It provides 3D rendering and VirtualGL compression, works well on video and image-intensive connections. It remains fully compatible to other implementations, but often requires less than a fifth processing power. A Java-based VNC viewer is also available

Shotcut 24.06.26

Shotcut is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor for Windows, Mac and Linux. Major features include support for a wide range of formats; no import required meaning native timeline editing; Blackmagic Design support for input and preview monitoring; and resolution support to 4k.

Ælhometta 1.0.16

Archaic attempt at autonomous non-sandboxed distributed artificial life of assembler automaton type, it features: separation of descriptive and executive data that provides branches and loops without jump instructions, publish-subscribe interaction with other instances over Tor, input/output through ordinary files associated with external sensors and actuators, and built-in shell.

HandBrake 1.8.1

HandBrake is a video file conversion tool. It supports nearly all formats, can transcode media files and codecs for various platforms, players and devices (includes a user-friendly target list to select from). It has an uncomplicated interface and is available cross-platform.

Eagle Mode 0.96.2

Eagle Mode is a C++ GUI toolkit and provides a zoomable user interface (ZUI) usable as desktop shell even. It functions as filesystem browser and manager, and seamlessly runs integrated applications. Images, text files and office documents can be zoomed in, audio and video files engaged as well. Built-in widgets like an archiver, chess and 3D minesweeper games, a clock, fractal imaging examples integrate likewise.

abcMIDI 2024.04.30

The abcMIDI suite consists of programs for turning ABC music files into MIDI and vice versa, typesetting them as PostScript files, and manipulate them in several ways.

Nana 1.7.4

Nana is an easy-to-use, portable and modern GUI and application toolkit. It uses standard C++ with a very lean API, provides threading support, bidirectional text, requires no macros, comes with the common set of widgets (buttons, comboboxes, labels, forms, file and date chooser, menus, panels, images, slider, textboox, treebox and listbox) and allows to write custom ones.

SerialTest 0.3.5

A versatile test tool running on Windows/Linux/macOS/Android. Works as data transceiver/realtime plotter/shortcut/file transceiver. Supports serial port, Bluetooth SPP client/server, Bluetooth LE client, TCP client/server, UDP.

Drawj2d 1.3.3

Drawj2d creates technical line drawings using a descriptive language. It writes pdf, svg, eps and emf vector graphics or png images. It runs on all platforms that run Java. It is inspired by Asymptote but with a tcl-like syntax and 2D only.

mpg123 1.32.6

mpg123 is a fast MPEG Audio Layer 1 / 2 / 3 decoding library and terminal playing utility. It uses floats or integer arithmetics with any available instruction set extension (3DNow, SSE, ARM) for efficiency.

Texmaker 5.1.4

Texmaker is a free, modern and cross-platform LaTeX editor for Linux, MacOS X and Windows systems that integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX. It includes unicode support, spell checking, auto-completion, code folding and a built-in pdf viewer with synctex support and continuous view mode. Texmaker is easy to use and to configure.

QT Creator 12.0.2

Qt Creator provides a cross-platform, complete integrated development environment (IDE) for application developers to create applications for multiple desktop, embedded, and mobile device platforms, such as Android and iOS. It is available for Linux, OS X and Windows operating systems.

Pidgin 2.14.13

Pidgin is a widely-used and featureful instant messenger and chat client. It supports AIM, Bonjour, Gadu-Gadu, Google Talk, Groupwise, ICQ, IRC, MSN, MXit, GroupWise, SILC, SIMPLE, Sametime, XMPP (Jabber), Yahoo!, Zephy. It provides friend lists across chat networks, file transfers, avatars, custom smileys, typing status display, away messages, and many more features (encryption, audio alerts, LED notification, IRC scripting, SMS gateways, sessions, auto-replys) and IM services (Tor, Twitter, Wh


Mono is an open source implementation of Microsofts .NET Framework, which in turn is meanwhile based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime. Mono provides its own C# compiler, and a JIT/AOT-based VM. It adds true runtime cross-platform support by providing Gtk/Cairo, OpenGL, LDAP, and POSIX bindings, and further integration with Wine. Mono runs on Linux, BSD systems, MacOS, PS3, Wii, Android, x86/amd64, PowerPC, Sparc, ARM, Alpha systems. Besides C# 4.0-6.0 support, it can

abcm2ps 8.14.15

abcm2ps is a command-line program that converts ABC music notation files to sheet music in PostScript or SVG format.


EasyABC is an open source ABC editor for Windows, OSX and Linux. It uses abcm2ps and abcMIDI for typesetting the score and playing the music.

aSmCaHlIgZaMaze 1.0.0

Cross-platform game, where you experience schizm and amalgamation of adventurer's probability distribution across multiverse 2D maze on a single screen via the mapping of probability to opacity of adventurer's image in all possible locations and directions. Mazes can be added and assets can be changed without engine recompilation. Built-in localisation support. Written in Rust, uses SDL2.

VICE - Versatile Commodore Emulator 3.6.1

VICE is a program that runs on a Unix, DOS, Win32, OS/2, BeOS, Amiga or Mac OS X machine and executes programs intended for the old 8-bit computers. The current version emulates the C64, the C64DTV, the C128, the VIC20, practically all PET models, the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610/C510). An extra emulator is provided for C64 expanded with the CMD SuperCPU. VICE is *free* software released under the GNU General Public License, and as such it comes with full source code.

Eclipse 4diac 2.0.1

The general aim of the 4DIAC initiative is to provide an open, free, IEC 61499 standard compliant automation and control environment. The following open source projects are in the focus of the 4DIAC initiative: * FORTE (4DIAC-RTE): Modular IEC 61499 compliant Runtime Environment for small embedded devices (16/32 Bit), implemented in C++ * 4DIAC-IDE: Modular IEC 61499 compliant Integrated Engineering Environment based on the Eclipse open tool framework * 4DIAC-LIB: Library of function block

Veusz 3.4

Veusz is a scientific plotting package, designed to create publication-ready Postscript, PDF, or SVG output. It features an easy to use graphical interface as well as a command line interface and can be scripted or embedded in Python scripts. Graphs are constructed in a modular fashion from separate components. Datasets can be interactively modified or created from within the program.

GUIslice 0.17.0

A lightweight GUI framework for embedded displays Design your GUI with a drag & drop builder, then apply the same code to a wide range of displays, libraries and controllers with the cross-platform Arduino framework supporting Windows, OS X and LINUX. Open source MIT license. Features: - Pure C library, no dynamic memory allocation - Widgets: text, images, buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, sliders, keypad, listbox, radial controls, scrolling textbox / terminal, graphs, etc. plus extensions a

Rayngin 0.3.0

Rayngin is a 3D 6DF framework/engine for approach&click quests in rectangular chambers with objects consisting of balls. Written in Rust and uses SDL2. Demo 'game' is provided. Includes music and sound, inventory management, item usage, branched dialogues, saving and loading, has multilanguage support.

libzip 1.8.0

libzip is a C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives. Files can be added from data buffers, files, or compressed data copied directly from other zip archives. Changes made without closing the archive can be reverted. The API is documented by man pages. It includes a tool to modify zip archives from the command line.

JPPF 6.3-alpha

JPPF enables applications with large processing power requirements to be run on any number of computers, in order to dramatically reduce their processing time. This is done by splitting an application into smaller parts that can be executed simultaneously on different machines.

BitWrk 0.6.5

BitWrk is a peer-to-peer computation service that tightly integrates into Blender, the 3D rendering software. BitWrk greatly accelerates rendering by scaling to a swarm of computers. Fueled by Bitcoin, BitWrk creates an open marketplace where participants buy or sell computing power like stocks in a stock exchange.

GNU Dr. Geo 19.06

GNU Dr. Geo, a libre software to design & manipulate interactive geometric sketches. Its aim is to be an open, easy to study, modify and extend interactive geometry software. Distributed with its source code it is modify-me-ready.

ivykis 0.42.4

ivykis is a library for asynchronous I/O readiness notification. It is a thin, portable wrapper around OS-provided mechanisms such as /dev/poll, epoll_create(2), kqueue(2), poll(2), and port_create(3C). ivykis was mainly designed for building high-performance network servers, but can be used as building block for any kind of event-driven application that uses poll(2)able file descriptors as its inputs.

ExeQt 1.2.2

What is it? A nifty little utility for pinning commands, applications or links to the system tray. ExeQt goes even further and provides network facilities so that your custom actions can be transfered, accesed and used from computers around the world or computers around your house. How does it work? ExeQt uses the system's native tray to display groups of actions with the things the user loves most such as their documents, the folder with pictures of cats or that site that lets you see how you

Naamari 1.3.2

Naamari is AES&SHA-based crypto-synchronizer for cloud/remote file storage, with cryptographic and transport modules being separate applications. It works with 4 locations. 1st: local dir with original files. 2nd: dir containing folder structure and names of files placed into storage (but not content). 3rd & 4th - storages: local (another local dir) and remote (say, a cloud). In storages, there are no folders, files have pseudo-random names and encrypted content ("flattening"). The main module

Fachwerk 0.4.5

Fachwerk calculates strut-and-tie models used by structural engineers for analysing and designing reinforced concrete structures. The program only uses the equilibrium conditions, thus it is not assuming elastic behaviour.

Ricochet 1.1.4

Ricochet is a peer-to-peer, anonymous and secure instant messaging system utilizing Tor. It allows chatting with anyone without exposing an identity or IP address. It does not reveal any meta data, contacts, as it does not rely on central servers.

mulle-bootstrap 2.0

mulle-bootstrap, cross platform dependency manager using bash and cmake ... for Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, Windows ... for C, C++, Objective-C ... certainly not a "minimal" or lightweight" project with ca. 10000 lines of shell script code Why you may want it You program in C, C++ or in Objective-C, mulle-bootstrap is written for you If you need to link against a library, that clashes with an installed library, mulle-bootstrap could break this quandary If you feel that apt-get install p

getNya 2.0

"New nya every time you want." Simple cross-platform java application for downloading pictures from You can find images by size or a tag. It's simple. And flat.

Japanese Chess Game 0.5.0

A program to play Shogi against the builtin engine or against USI engines. It is written in python 3 and C and runs on GTK3 (PyGI) desktops.

RPGboss 0.9.8

RPGboss is a 2D role-playing game engine and application designer. It requires little programming logic, comes with a map editor and tiles. It allows custom screen sizes, side battles, defining map events and interactive dialogs, JavaScript usage, items/inventory, in-game menus, managing scores and skills, animations, characters and enemies. Completed games can be exported to Windows, Linux and Mac binaries.

B4J Bugzilla for Java 2.0.3

A Java based tool for accessing Bugzilla instances. B4J offers to write own reports based on those bug records that one want to incorporate.

libqemf 0.1

The Enhanced MetaFile format (EMF) is the native vector graphics file format on Windows. Qt is a cross-platform application development framework, widely used for the development of GUI programs. Although it provides tools for almost every aspect of software development, Qt doesn't include a solution for the rendering of the EMF image format. libqemf covers this lack and provides the QEmfRenderer class that enables Qt based applications to easily draw the contents of EMF files onto paint devices

Dillo 3.0.5

Dillo is a small and speed-oriented web browser. It's implemented in C, C++ using the FLTK gui toolkit. It implements a custom HTML and CSS rendering engine for low resource usage. Functionality-wise it targets end-users and web developers.

FontForge 20150228

FontForge is a powerful outline font editor supporting many font formats (SFD, UFO, TTF, TTC, OTF, PS1, TeX, X11 OTB, BDF, FON, FNT, WOFF and SVG). It provides scripting and Python bindings to automate some tasks and conversions, even some command-line utilization, OpenType feature specs, mathematical typesetting extensions, utilize FreeType, Cairo and Pango for anti-aliased rendering, or Potrace/Autotrace for bitmap vectorization. It runs on Linux, MacOS X, and Windows. FontForge is mostly 3-cl

RsLibrary 1.2.9

RsLibs is a collection of Java interfaces, classes and static utilities that solve common application developer tasks.

PyUPC-EAN 2.7.10

PyUPC-EAN is a barcode library/module for Python. It supports the barcode formats upc-e, upc-a, ean-13, ean-8, ean-2, ean-5, itf14, codabar, code11, code39, code93, and msi.

ChatScript 4.8.1

ChatScript is AI chat bot engine. It won 2010-2012 Loebner prices against Suzette, Rosette, and Angela chat engines. It can be used standalone or in server mode. ChatScript comes with useful ontology files for nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.

Lance job scheduler 3.7

Lancypy is a process/job scheduler implemented in Python. It provides sequentially cron-style timed tasks, job chains, and handles syslogging, email notifications, allows to pause, resume or force instant job execution. It includes a status monitoring system and a Web GUI.


mrViewer is a compact video player, image/slideshow management tool, and flipbook viewer. It has a non-intuitive but feature-packed GUI and web interface; supports various video and audio formats via ffmpeg, colorization filters, vectorscope, histogram, HDRI, multichannel, OpenEXR support through anaglyphs, network syncing, grease pencils for the flipbook, and multi-part EXR images in addition to standard graphic files.

facedetect: a simple face detector for batch processing

facedetect is a simple face detector for batch processing. It answers the basic question: "Is there a face in this image?" and gives back either an exit code or the coordinates of each detected face in the standard output. The aim is to provide a basic command-line interface that's consistent and easy to use with software such as ImageMagick, while progressively improving the detection algorithm over time.

CSV/Excel Utility Package for Java 2.7.1

The CSV/Excel Utility Package allows to easily integrate CSV and Excel functionality into a Java application, just by using Iterator-like classes for reading, and PrintStream-like classes for writing. The CSV tools can be configured to use different column delimiter and separator characters in case they need to be adopted to some other versions of CSV. The default configuration conforms to the Excel style of CSV.

RsBudget 2.0.0

RsBudget is a PC software to budget, track and control your private financial activities (Expense Tracker).