Ælhometta 1.0.16

Archaic attempt at autonomous non-sandboxed distributed artificial life of assembler automaton type, it features: separation of descriptive and executive data that provides branches and loops without jump instructions, publish-subscribe interaction with other instances over Tor, input/output through ordinary files associated with external sensors and actuators, and built-in shell.

Tags artificial-life assembler automaton autonomy cross-platform distributed evolution input-output peer rust science shell tor zeromq
License GNU GPLv3
State stable

Recent Releases

1.0.1626 Jun 2024 13:14 minor feature: Optimised calculation of some basic statistics; added formatting to output of "showseq" and "backtrace" commands; added counters of I/O updates and last tick timestamp; extended subcommands of "cleanse" command; changed shell prompt to Æ.
1.0.1408 Jun 2024 11:13 minor feature: Added subcommand to discard data received from given other peer beyond specified size; added instants of last disconnect, connection permit, connection attempt to peer info; added median to statistics of controllers' generation and tick.
1.0.1225 May 2024 08:16 minor feature: Added some statistics; added subcommands of cleanse command; added binary releases and deployment instructions for macOS on x86_64 and arm64; switched to Android NDK as main toolchain for cross-compile to Android.
1.0.1006 May 2024 12:43 minor feature: Fixed another peer's too-frequent updates and duplication; added updates counter and description of another peer; added binary releases and deployment instructions for Linux on ARM32 and ARM64 (e.g. Raspberry Pi); less dependency files in some binary releases.
1.0.813 Apr 2024 13:44 minor feature: Added Windows-related binary releases and documentation; added shared libraries to Linux and Android binary releases as optional runtime dependencies to increase portability; fixed key press duplication at frequencies chart on Windows.
1.0.601 Apr 2024 08:29 minor feature: Added build support for armv7-linux-androideabi and aarch64-linux-android targets, so that Ælhometta can run in Termux on Android smartphones without rooting; added binaries to Release; added Deployment section to README.md
1.0.404 Feb 2024 20:27 minor feature: Added switches to NOP commands, added incoming connections counts to peer state, adjusted few shell commands
1.0.226 Jan 2024 14:33 minor feature: Added real-time bar chart statistics of content being executed
1.0.017 Jan 2024 18:30 minor feature: Initial release