Recent Releases
3.6.209 Feb 2021 07:05
minor feature:
an with gap between staff and final barline with courtesy clef.
an when removing spanners from measures outside of the rewrite range.
an accessibility with the score migration dialog.
a crash related to QtWebEngineProcess after update.
an with timeline showing part name rather than instrument name.
an with focus of dockable windows when visibility is toggled.
an where custom gliss text reverts to default "gliss".
Added missing Flügelhorns to instrument ordering definitions.
an where beams cannot be connected over quarter rests.
an where staff spacers do not work on last system of page.
an with broken swapping of notes/chords with Shift + Left/Right.
an with incomplete import from ScoreScan XML file.
an with unsaved default settings to pre-3.6 score after 'reset styles to default'.
an with Banjo fifth string fret numbers.
an where invisible breath marks impact layout.
a crash during the opening of a score with a missing section break.
Applying tremolo is now a toggle operation.
an where the Mixer panel is not fully shown when opened.
an where an empty rehearsal mark is not deleted after entering a system break.
an where multi-measure rest numbers can collide with other elements.
an where deleting a breath/caesura leads to the wrong note being selected.
an when parts inherit non-default style from score.
a crash when changing time signature at the beginning of a corrupted measure.
an with unreadable chord symbols.
Updated the icon for Import Midi Panel (and Find/GoTo).
an with auto-sizing of vertical frames when dragging the height handle.
3.6.128 Jan 2021 03:25
minor feature:
a crash on open of a file with start repeat in continuous view.
an when switching tabs when opening a score while "Score migration dialog" is open.
crashes when rearranging instrument positions and changing Ordering.
an where the window is marked as modified, even when the last score is.
a crash when opening scores with large orchestration created in older versions of MuseScore.
an with incorrect order of Violins in Orchestra template.
a crash when hiding palettes.
an export failure when part name contains a slash.
an where spacers do not function when vertical justification is enabled.
Added an option to Copy SMuFL Symbol Code for symbols in Master Palette.
Clef changes are no longer visible on hidden staves.
an where first system indentation can cause measures to not fit on system.
an with wrong key signatures upon "Reset Al Styles" in concert pitch scores.
Display symbols' SMuFL name in Symbols Palette.
Removed corner radius from new default rehearsal mark style.
an where custom style defaults are ignored when creating new score from template.
an where applying a key change to a selection causes a crash when transposing instruments are involved.
an where an incomplete voice in local time signature leads to corruption upon import.
an where swapping notes in a two-note tremolo causes corrupted tremolo, and crash.
an where two-note tremolos display incorrectly on a stave with custom scale.
an where measure number offset changes on reload.
It is now possible to copy/paste the LetRing, PalmMute and Vibrato elements.
The link on "Score migration dialog" now leads to Bilibili if using Chinese.
3.5.217 Oct 2020 08:45
minor feature:
an unexpected page stretching in "Edit style" dialog.
an with audio export on Windows, previously exporting to.FLAC or.OGG could result in an empty file that cannot be played.
an of harmony playback preferences. Previously, the real value of "Chord symbol playback" was not taken into account until the first toggle of this setting.
a potential crash that could occur when resizing the Piano Roll.
3.5.107 Oct 2020 18:25
minor feature:
a crash during the changing voice of chord with tied grace note.
a wrong curly bracket scaling when using MuseJazz.
a scaling of tuplet number.
an when Staff/Part dialog changes not dirty when activated via double click.
an when divider was not removed after undo of deleting a vertical frame.
an when triple and quadruple dots was not exported correctly.
an when tremolo customizations lost on second save/reload.
the various with handling the title frame on MusicXML import.
an when decrescendo doesn't work on tied notes with subchannels.
an when changing portaudio preferences does not work.
an with loudness of accents.
an when changing portaudio preferences does not work.
Chord symbol playback settings are now available in Edit Style dialog.
an when changes to Measure properties are not propagated between score and parts.
an when Ctrl+Delete command was not alowed from note input mode.
Added preferences to disable chord symbol playback when opening old scores, or creating new ones.
an with entering notes above/below staff.
an with assertion failure adding image to vertical frame.
with voice and chords with drum input.
the crashes with using the hbox within vbox.
a crash when deleting all measures.
Added the guitar "Solo" templates with default guitar sound.
invisible elements not getting displayed after turning "Show invisible" on.
an when 1-line staves show unexpected vertical offset.
an with bad selection and corruption on delete.
an with changing Common time to Cut time in parts shuts down the program.
a crash on playback of score with MM rest at the end.
Updated extra navigation shortcuts to handle MMRests appropriately.
Updated offsets of Gonville's top bottom bracket glyphs.
"add clef" shortcuts are now allowed to also work in normal mode.
an when clicking footer text corrupts parts.
an when continuous view stops repeats from working in playback.
an when drag and drop a breath pause or rest symbol from the score to a custom palette crashes the program.
a cr
3.4.208 Feb 2020 07:25
minor feature:
Telemetry dialog was not accessible for visually impaired people.
Drum input palette worked incorrectly due to the changes involving single click behaviour.
MuseScore crashed when pressing numbers/letters in a different voice when inputting tabs.
Hidden pedal items were no longer displayed.
"L" letter could not be typed when entering text.
3.4.126 Jan 2020 03:16
minor feature:
MuseScore crashed after closing a menu bar pop-up window if no score is opened.
Audio glitches on note input and playback happened on macOS and other platforms.
Parts corruption happened on timewise delete of individual beats.
Crash happened when undoing "Beam middle" setting on a single note.
Pedal lines alignment applied to the whole system, not individual staff.
3.3.405 Dec 2019 10:25
minor feature:
Palette names were scrambled and nearly impossible to read (Windows 7).
Scale of palette was incorrect for high and low DPI displays.
Courtesy accidentals disappeared after an octave change using Ctrl(Cmd)+Up/Down.
Crash reports could not be sent.
3.3.327 Nov 2019 09:45
minor feature:
Tie button behaves as a toggle now.
Enable changing notes duration if selecting note stem, hook or a range.
Visual improvements for palettes.
Mark notes that are out of instrument range with red or yellow color even when they are selected.
Save Online is now fully synchronised with the upload page.
Export Pdf on Mac with Muse Jazz Text was garbled and unreadable if no printers were setup on a machine.
Entering notes with mouse failed in Italian TAB.
Scoreview jumped back to start of score during note input on (auto)save.
Sticking could not be copy-pasted.
Extensions could not be installed on macOS Catalina.
3.3.218 Nov 2019 03:15
minor feature:
MuseScore crashed on startup in some cases on Windows 7.
"Save online" failed in some cases.
Palettes were incorrectly placed when using multiple HighDPI monitors and scaling.
Palettes disappeared on Ubuntu 18.04 in some cases.
3.3.114 Nov 2019 03:15
minor feature:
MuseScore crashed on startup in some cases on Windows 7.
Palettes were incorrectly placed when using multiple HighDPI monitors and scaling.
Palettes disappeared on Ubuntu 18.04 in some cases.
3.2.324 Sep 2019 23:39
minor feature:
Articulations didn't play properly in MDL instruments
Tuplets layout was broken in some cases
Fingering jumped unpredictably in some cases
Score_and_Parts pdfs were garbled when using MuzeJazz font on macOS
Switching between workspaces erased the enabled plugins