jupp is a text editor. It is highly configurable and comes, besides the standard WordStar-compatible key bindings known from the DR DOS Editor, Turbo C, and Borland C++, with the configurations known from JOE’s Own Editor, namely joe, jmacs, jpico, jstar, and rjoe. It is a portable, compact full-screen editor with comprehensive online help, full key binding configurability, user-defined macros, extensibility, hooks on file open and save, a hex editor, multiple character sets, visual spaces, synt
Tig: text-mode interface for Git Tig is an ncurses-based text-mode interface for git. It functions mainly as a Git repository browser, but can also assist in staging changes for commit at chunk level and act as a pager for output from various Git commands.
Display and Troubleshoot SIP signaling over IP networks in console.
SIPp is a free Open Source test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol. It includes a few basic SipStone user agent scenarios (UAC and UAS) and establishes and releases multiple calls with the INVITE and BYE methods. It can also reads custom XML scenario files describing from very simple to complex call flows. It features the dynamic display of statistics about running tests (call rate, round trip delay, and message statistics), periodic CSV statistics dumps, TCP and UDP over multiple soc
Celluloid (formerly GNOME MPV) is a simple GTK+ frontend for mpv. Celluloid interacts with mpv via the client API exported by libmpv, allowing access to mpv's powerful playback capabilities.
pv ("Pipe Viewer"), a terminal-based tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline. It can be inserted into any normal pipeline between two processes to give a visual indication of how quickly data is passing through, how long it has taken, how near to completion it is, and an estimate of how long it will be until completion.
Praat is a speech analysis tool used for doing phonetics by computer. Praat can analyse, synthesize, and manipulate speech, and create high-quality pictures for your publications. Praat was created by Paul Boersma and David Weenink of the Institute of Phonetics Sciences of the University of Amsterdam. Some of Praat’s most prominent features are: Speech analysis Speech synthesis Speech labelling Grammar models Statistical analysis
Kotlin is a modern but already mature programming language designed to make developers happier. It's concise, safe, interoperable with Java and other languages, and provides many ways to reuse code between multiple platforms for productive programming.
High-order methods have the potential to overcome the current limitations of standard CFD solvers. For this reason, we have been developing and improving our spectral element code for more than 35 years now. It features state-of-the-art, scalable algorithms that are fast and efficient on platforms ranging from laptops to the world’s fastest computers. Applications span a wide range of fields, including fluid flow, thermal convection, combustion and magnetohydrodynamics. Our user community includ
libconfig-persistence is a small library that allows you to read/parse and write the configuration of an application easily. It supports Linux, Windows and Mac and allows a simple "name=value" configuration or XML.
gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can run anywhere. gRPC enables client and server applications to communicate transparently, and simplifies the building of connected systems.
Gradle is an open-source build automation tool focused on flexibility and performance. Gradle build scripts are written using a Groovy or Kotlin DSL.
strace is a diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace utility for Linux. It is used to monitor and tamper with interactions between processes and the Linux kernel, which include system calls, signal deliveries, and changes of process state. The operation of strace is made possible by the kernel feature known as ptrace.
ClamAV is an anti-virus engine, which is commonly used for email and web scanning, or gateway and fileserver securing. It provides a command-line scanner, a sendmail milter, automatic signature database updates, built-in support for many archiving and container or mail encoding formats, scanning standard ELF and compressed executables, as well as common office document formats.
Clapper is a modern media player designed for simplicity and ease of use. Powered by GStreamer and built for the GNOME desktop environment using GTK4 toolkit, it has a clean and stylish interface that lets you focus on enjoying your favorite videos. This application aim is to offer all the essentials features you'd expect from a video player in a simple form.
The Ham Radio Control Library–Hamlib, for short–is a project to provide programs with a consistent Application Programming Interface (API) for controlling the myriad of radios and rotators available to amateur radio and communications users.
Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority).
Libexif is a library that can extract and insert EXIF information, in printable and in binary form.
The Bigloo Programming Language The Bigloo programming is a strict-parenthetical-function programming language. It belongs to the Lisp programming language family, and more specifically, it is a descendant of the Scheme programming language. Its design is governed by one rule: enabling Scheme-based programming style where C(++) is usually required. Bigloo aims at being a practical programming language and a practical programming environment. For it offers features usually presented by traditio
This project aims to make updating firmware on Linux automatic, safe, and reliable.
Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying platform. However, Allegro is not a game engine: you are free to design and structure your program as you like. Allegro has the following additional features: Supported on Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, iPhone and Android Use
GDB is a source-level debugger for Ada, C, C++, Objective-C, Pascal and many other compiled languages. It can debug running processes on more than a dozen different processor architectures. It's itself ported to most BSD/ and GNU/Linux, Unix and Microsoft Windows systems.
Wine is an implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. It does not require Microsoft Windows, but can use native Windows DLLs if they are available. It provides both a development toolkit for porting Windows source code to Unix as well as a program loader, allowing many unmodified Windows programs to run on x86-based Unixes.
OBS Studio (also Open Broadcaster Software or OBS, for short) is a free and open-source app for screencasting and live streaming. Written in C/C++ and built with Qt, OBS Studio provides real-time capture, scene composition, recording, encoding, and broadcasting via Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP), HLS, SRT, RIST or WebRTC. It can stream videos to any RTMP-supporting destination, including YouTube, Twitch, Instagram and Facebook.[11] For video encoding, OBS Studio can use the x264 transcoder
Wings 3D is an advanced subdivision modeler that is both powerful and easy to use. Originally inspired by Nendo and Mirai from Izware, Wings 3D has been developed since 2001, when Björn Gustavsson (bjorng) and Dan Gudmundsson (dgud) first started the project. Richard Jones (optigon) maintained Wings and coded many new features between 2006 and 2012. Wings 3D is currently maintained by Dan with the help of the great community. Wings 3D offers a wide range of modeling tools, a customizable inter
Darcs is a cross-platform version control system. It's similarly decentralized as git, mercurial or subversion but with a very different management approach. It focuses on changes rather than trees/snapshots. Which allows it to provide a freer way of working, and a much simpler CLI and a highly interactive user interface. It can work in an offline mode, provides local preparations, easy (non-)branching and merging, email patch sending, parallel development and builtin cherry-pickying from cha
Intel® Embree is a collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels, developed at Intel. The target users of Intel® Embree are graphics application engineers who want to improve the performance of their photo-realistic rendering application by leveraging Embree's performance-optimized ray tracing kernels. The kernels are optimized for the latest Intel® processors with support for SSE, AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 instructions. Intel® Embree supports runtime code selection to choose the traversal and
Aegisub is a free, cross-platform open source tool for creating and modifying subtitles. Aegisub makes it quick and easy to time subtitles to audio, and features many powerful tools for styling them, including a built-in real-time video preview.
ossia score is a sequencer for audio-visual artists, designed to create interactive shows. Sequence OSC, MIDI, DMX, sound, video and more, between multiple software and hardware, create interactive and intermedia scores and script with JavaScript, PureData or C++ to customize your score. Free, open source and runs on desktop, mobile, web and embedded.
the libvirt project is already available under the *libvirt* ProjectID; this one (libv*e*rt) is a duplicate! Please delete me.
Kodi spawned from the love of media. It is an entertainment hub that brings all your digital media together into a beautiful and user friendly package. It is 100% free and open source, very customisable and runs on a wide variety of devices. It is supported by a dedicated team of volunteers and a huge community.
ngspice is the open source spice simulator for electric and electronic circuits. Such a circuit may comprise of JFETs, bipolar and MOS transistors, passive elements like R, L, or C, diodes, transmission lines and other devices, all interconnected in a netlist. Digital circuits are simulated as well, event driven and fast, from single gates to complex circuits. And you may enter the combination of both analog and digital as a mixed-signal circuit. ngspice offers a wealth of device models for ac
rsync is a replacement for rcp (and scp) that has many more features. It uses the "rsync algorithm" which provides a very fast method for remote files into sync. It does this by sending just the differences in the files across the link, without requiring that both sets of files are present at one of the ends of the link beforehand.
The libvirt project: is a toolkit to manage virtualization platforms is accessible from C, Python, Perl, Go and more is licensed under open source licenses supports KVM, Hypervisor.framework, QEMU, Xen, Virtuozzo, VMWare ESX, LXC, BHyve and more targets Linux, FreeBSD, Windows and macOS is used by many applications
Sndio is a small audio and MIDI framework part of the OpenBSD project and ported to FreeBSD, Linux and NetBSD. It provides a lightweight audio & MIDI server and a fully documented user-space API to access either the server or the hardware directly in a uniform way. Sndio is designed to work for desktop applications, but pays special attention to synchronization mechanisms and reliability required by music applications. Reliability through simplicity are part of the project goals.
There are many media players around these days, it's true. What's missing from most players is a user interface that doesn't get in the way of the user. How many buttons do you have to press for simply adding some new tracks to the playlist? Amarok tries to be a little different, providing a simple drag and drop interface that really makes playlist handling easy. FEATURES * Quick and simple drag and drop playlist creation * Music library * Cross platform: Support for Unix, MacOS X a
OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version.
Evince is a document viewer for multiple document formats. The goal of evince is to replace the multiple document viewers that exist on the GNOME Desktop with a single simple application. Evince is specifically designed to support the file following formats: PDF, Postscript, djvu, tiff, dvi, XPS, SyncTex support with gedit, comics books (cbr,cbz,cb7 and cbt). For a comprehensive list of formats supported, see Supported Document Formats.
Seq66 is a loop based midi sequencer that provides the functionality needed for a live performance. It is a refactoring of the Qt version of Sequencer64 with modern C++ and with a lot of krufty buildup removed. Sequencer64 was based on the classic Seq24, styled after the Akai MPC line, the Kawai Q80 sequencer, or the popular Alesis MMT-8
libpng is the PNG image format reference implementation. Portable Network Graphics are the most widely used raster image format, patent-free, based on lossless data compression, support indexed/paletted, grayscale, and 24 or 32 bit truecolor images with transparency. It's also an highly extensible container format, with built-in color profiles and representation information, textual meta data, filters, progressive interlacing, and permits animations in the derived APNG or MNG formats.
Git is a distributed version control system, originally designed for Linux kernel development and large projects with non-linear workflows. It's comprised of individual tools, reuses ssh and rsync protocols, emphasises speed and data integrity, and keeps every checkout as full-fledged repository, and cryptographically authenticates source history. Various graphical frontends, IDE integrations and web services (GitHub) exist; with its git-fast-export format meanwhile serves interoperability with
libUseful is a general 'C' library providing useful functions related to: resizable strings, lists and maps, unix and tcp sockets, SSL/TLS, cryptographic hashes, parsing of json, yaml and other markup languages, terminal output including ANSI/vt100 escape sequences, OAuth 2.0, etc, etc.
HarfBuzz is a text shaping engine. It primarily supports OpenType, but also Apple Advanced Typography. HarfBuzz is used in Android, Chrome, ChromeOS, Firefox, GNOME, GTK+, KDE, LibreOffice, OpenJDK, PlayStation, Qt, XeTeX, and other places.
KiCad is an EDA software suite for the creation of professional schematics and printed circuit boards up to 32 copper layers with additional technical layers. KiCad runs on Windows, Linux and Apple OS X and is released under the open-source GNU GPL v2 free of charge.
SciPy (pronounced "Sigh Pie") is an open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. It includes modules for statistics, optimization, integration, linear algebra, Fourier transforms, signal and image processing, ODE solvers, and more. SciPy is built to work with NumPy arrays, and provides many user-friendly and efficient numerical routines, such as routines for numerical integration and optimization. Together, they run on all popular operating systems, are quick to install, and
Linux is a mostly POSIX-compliant Unix-inspired operating system kernel, originally implemented by Linus Torvalds and now maintained as an international project. It's the base and common namegiver to a wide array of Linux distributions. The kernel provides all modern Unix-y features, like true process multitasking, virtual memory, virtual and clustered filesystem support, complex networking and extensive support for various hardware and machine platforms.
Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source.
Pango is a library for layout and rendering of text, with an emphasis on internationalization. Pango can be used anywhere that text layout is needed; however, most of the work on Pango so far has been done using the GTK widget toolkit as a test platform. Pango forms the core of text and font handling for GTK. Pango is designed to be modular; the core Pango layout can be used with different font backends. There are three basic backends, with multiple options for rendering with each. Client-side
Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source.
Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source.
Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source.
HDRView is a simple research-oriented high-dynamic range image viewer with an emphasis on examining and comparing images. HDRView currently supports reading EXR, PNG, TGA, BMP, HDR, JPG, GIF, PNM, PFM, and PSD images and writing EXR, HDR, PNG, TGA, PPM, PFM, and BMP images. HDRView can display images in true HDR on Apple extended dynamic range (EDR) and 10-bit displays. HDRView runs on macOS, Linux, Windows, and directly in your browser -- just go to wkjarosz.github.io/hdrview/ for the latest
A new world for application developers Flatpak changes app distribution for the better. Advantages include: Build for every distro. Create one app and distribute it to the entire Linux desktop market. Stable platforms. Runtimes provide platforms of common libraries that you can depend on. Consistent environments. Develop and test your application in an environment that’s identical to the one users have. Full control over dependencies. Flatpak makes it easy to bundle your own libraries as pa
Arping is a util to find out if a specific IP address on the LAN is 'taken' and what MAC address owns it. Sure, you *could* just use 'ping' to find out if it's taken and even if the computer blocks ping (and everything else) you still get an entry in your ARP cache. But what if you aren't on a routable net? Or the host blocks ping (all ICMP even)? Then you're screwed. Or you use arping. Why it's not stupid: Say you have a block of N real IANA-assigned IP-addresses. You want to debug the net and
clazy is a compiler plugin which allows clang to understand Qt semantics. You get more than 50 Qt related compiler warnings, ranging from unneeded memory allocations to misusage of API, including fix-its for automatic refactoring.
gtk-vnc is a project providing client side APIs for the RFB protocol / VNC remote desktop technology. It is built using coroutines allowing it to be completely asynchronous while remaining single threaded. It provides two core C libraries, libgvnc for interacting with the core RFB protocol and libgtk-vnc for a GTK display widget. Access from non-C languages is available using the GObject Introspection system.
Ratatouille is a Neural Model loader and mixer for Linux/Windows. It can load two models, which can be *.nam files with the Neural Amp Modeler module, or *.json or .aidax files with the RTNeural module. You can also load just a single model file, in that case the "Blend" control will do nothing. When you've loaded a second model, the "Blend" control will blend between the two models and mix them to simulate your specific tone. Ratatouille using parallel processing for the neural models, so, l
Use other desktops remotely, from a tiny screen or large monitors. RDP, VNC, SPICE, X2Go, SSH, WWW (HTTP protocol) and EXEC network protocols are supported. Written in GTK, with a port to Qt underway. Released as "remmina" (the main program) and "remmina-plugins".
Gambas is an IDE and BASIC interpreter with object-oriented extensions. It's designed to ease building graphical applications programs using Gtk+ or Qt, and runs on most Unix and Linux systems. With its runtime standalone applications can be packaged, even command-line programs. The Gambas3 JIT-compiling interpreter often executes faster than Perl or Python apps. It also supports SDL, OpenGL and OpenAL, MySQL or PostgreSQL databases, CGI webserver interfacing,
CJIT is a C interpreter that lets you run C code instantly, without needing to build it first. It is just one small file and can do everything a C compiler does, including call functions from any installed library. It works on Linux, Windows, and MacOSX.
Dropbear is a relatively small SSH server and client. It runs on a variety of unix platforms. Dropbear is open source software, distributed under a MIT-style license. Dropbear is particularly useful for "embedded"-type Linux (or other Unix) systems, such as wireless routers.
Native Docker-like solution for macOS developed by Okerew. It has it own containers. It leverages native macOS features to provide containerization capabilities, albeit with some limitations compared to Docker.
BallroomDJ 4 is a ballroom music player. It is designed to play music the entire evening without intervention. Manage your ballroom dance music and create song lists, automatic playlist and sequenced playlists. BallroomDJ 4 is the replacement for BallroomDJ.
Snd is a sound editor modelled loosely after Emacs. It can be customized and extended using either s7 (included in the Snd sources), Ruby, or Forth.
CMOC is a 6809-generating cross-compiler for a large subset of the C language. It produces executables for the Motorola 6809 processor to be used under the Tandy Color Computer Disk Basic environment, OS-9 and others. It runs under GNU/Linux and other Unix-like environments.
The stunnel program works as SSL encryption wrapper between remote and local network sockets or inetd-started daemons. It adds SSL or TLS functionality to any network service, commonly POP3, IMAP or HTTP servers. Stunnel uses OpenSSL for cryptography. It can itself function as port redirection deamon, or as temporary traffic interceptor, and requires no adaption of the shadowed programs.
Krusader is an advanced twin panel (commander style) file manager for KDE Plasma and other desktops in the *nix world, similar to Midnight or Total Commander. It provides all the file management features you could possibly want. Plus: Extensive archive handling Mounted filesystem support File transfers with (S)FTP Advanced search module Copy/move queues An internal viewer and editor Directory synchronisation File content comparisons Powerful batch renaming
Mikmod is a module player and library supporting many formats, including mod, s3m, it, and xm. Originally a player for MS-DOS, MikMod has been ported to other platforms, such as Unix, Macintosh, BeOS, and Java(!!) Mikmod main authors are Jean-Paul Mikkers (MikMak), Jake Stine (Air Richter) and Frank Loemker. Steve McIntyre was the first Unix maintainer, followed by Peter Amstutz, Miodrag Vallat and finally Raphaël Assénat. Unfortunately, since Raphaël Assénat did not have enough free time to w
Gwyddion is a modular SPM (Scanning Probe Microsope) data visualization and analysis tool. It can be used for all most frequently used data processing operations including: leveling, false color plotting, shading, filtering, denoising, data editing, integral transforms, grain analysis, profile extraction, fractal analysis, and many more. The program is primarily focused on SPM data analysis (e.g. data obtained from AFM, STM, NSOM, and similar microscopes). However, it can also be used for analyz
libxmp is the backend library for XMP which provides playback of MOD audio files. Over 90 formats are supported, PC as well as ancient home computer variants, including standard MOD files, S3M, XM, and IT files.
Core Features of ParaView Displaying Data -You can create different views to visualize data simultaneously and easily identify corresponding data elements. These views can also be customized (e.g. creating C++ plugins to add new types of views). Filtering Data Transform your data to generate visualizations that are easier to understand using ParaView filters. While an extensive list of filters is already provided, you can add custom filtering operations through Python scripting via a plugin or
3D Painting Software ArmorPaint is a stand-alone software designed for physically-based texture painting. Drag & drop your 3D models and start painting. Receive instant visual feedback in the viewport as you paint. Node Based Work fast with the convenience of nodes. Paint with fully procedural materials. Build fill layers with material nodes. Use brush nodes to create patterns and procedural brushes. GPU Accelerated ArmorPaint is designed from scratch to run completely on the GPU. This results
Elektroid is a sample and MIDI device manager. It includes the elektroid GUI application and the elektroid-cli CLI application. lektroid started as a FLOSS Elektron Transfer alternative and it has ended up supporting other devices from different vendors in the same fashion. These are the supported devices: Elektron Model:Samples Elektron Model:Cycles Elektron Digitakt I and II Elektron Digitone and Digitone Keys Elektron Syntakt Elektron Analog Rytm MKI and MKII El
Overwitch is a set of JACK (JACK Audio Connection Kit) clients for Overbridge 2 devices. Since PipeWire is ABI compatible with JACK, Overwitch works with PipeWire too.
GIMP is a very versatile graphics editing software. It works on bitmap images, provides layered editing, a plethora of drawing and colorization tools, photo enhancing and retouching features and filters, programmatic effects, various extension and scripting capabilities, and itself provides a highly adaptable multi-window interface. It can open nearly any graphics format, or import Photoshop, PDF, Postscript, SVG and other vector formats even.
WebP codec is a library to encode and decode images in WebP format. This package contains the library that can be used in other programs to add WebP support, as well as the command line tools 'cwebp' and 'dwebp' to compress and decompress images respectively.
Fontconfig can: discover new fonts when installed automatically, removing a common source of configuration problems. perform font name substitution, so that appropriate alternative fonts can be selected if fonts are missing. identify the set of fonts required to completely cover a set of languages. have GUI configuration tools built as it uses an XML-based configuration file (though with autodiscovery, we believe this need is minimized). efficiently and quickly find the fonts you need among the
mpg123 is a fast MPEG Audio Layer 1 / 2 / 3 decoding library and terminal playing utility. It uses floats or integer arithmetics with any available instruction set extension (3DNow, SSE, ARM) for efficiency.
OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall. Key features Interactive outbound connections filtering. Block ads, trackers or malware domains system wide. Ability to configure system firewall from the GUI (nftables). Configure input policy, allow inbound services, etc. Manage multiple nodes from a centralized GUI. SIEM integration
MKVToolNix is a tool collection for manipulating Matroska video (MKV) files. It can mux/demuc, split/merge, edit, inspect or create them, or convert from AVI, MP4, OGM, Dirac, h264 fromats. It supports common encodings and subtitle formats, runs on Linux, Windows and Max OS X.
GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) is a data flow based image processing framework, providing floating point processing and non-destructive image processing capabilities to GNU Image Manipulation Program and other projects (imgflo, GNOME Photos, gcut, iconographer, …) With GEGL you chain together processing operations to represent the desired image processing pipeline. GEGL provides operations for image loading and storing, color adjustments, GIMPs artistic filters and more forms of image processi
Tahoma2D is a 2D and stop motion animation software.It is based on Toonz Studio Ghibli Version, originally developed in Italy by Digital Video, Inc., and customized by Studio Ghibli over many years of production.
AtomicParsley is a lightweight command line program for reading, parsing and setting metadata into MPEG-4 files, in particular, iTunes-style metadata.
Schism Tracker is a free and open-source reimplementation of Impulse Tracker, a program used to create high quality music without the requirements of specialized, expensive equipment, and with a unique "finger feel" that is difficult to replicate in part. The player is based on a highly modified version of the ModPlug engine, with a number of bugfixes and changes to improve IT playback.
HomeBank helps managing your personal accounting. It's designed for ease of use, and quickly analyzing and tracking your personal finances in detail, has filtering tools and pretty graphing. It can import from Quicken, MS Money, bank statements as OFX, QIF, CSV and QFX. HomeBank also detects duplicate transactions, auto-numbers cheques, handles bank, cash, asset, credit and liability account types, can schedule transactions, internel transfers, and so forth.
ImageMagick® is software toolset and library to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images. It supports easy cropping, resizing and distorting, combining and morphing, colorizations, animations, applying effects or decorations, adding text, polygons and Bézier curves. Supported image formats include PNG, JPEG, JPEG-2000, GIF, SVG, TIFF, DPX, EXR, PDF and Postscript. IM is comprised of the command line tools convert, identify, mogrify, composite, montage, compare, stream, display (with edi
A planetarium software that renders a 3D simulation of the night sky. * default catalogue of over 600,000 stars * extra catalogues with more than 177 million stars * default catalogue of over 80,000 deep-sky objects * extra catalogue with more than 1 million deep-sky objects * asterisms and illustrations of the constellations * constellations for 20+ different cultures * images of nebulae (full Messier catalogue) * realistic Milky Way * very realistic atmosphere, sunrise and sunset * the plane
darktable is an open source photography workflow application and RAW developer. A virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. It manages your digital negatives in a database, lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable and enables you to develop raw images and enhance them.
FreeRDP is a free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a world where interoperability can finally liberate your computing experience.
Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility for Linux, OS/2, MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other platforms. The source code is copyrighted but freely distributed (i.e., you don't have to pay for it). It was originally created to allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data interactively, but has grown to support many non-interactive uses such as web scripting. It is also used as a plotting engine by third-party applications like Octave. Gnuplot has b
projectM - The most advanced open-source music visualizer Experience psychedelic and mesmerizing visuals by transforming music into equations that render into a limitless array of user-contributed visualizations. projectM is an open-source project that reimplements the esteemed Winamp Milkdrop by Geiss in a more modern, cross-platform reusable library. Its purpose in life is to read an audio input and to produce mesmerizing visuals, detecting tempo, and rendering advanced equations into a lim
An MP4 tagging library where all tags can be accessed and modified and any tags, unknown tags or custom tags are never lost when the audio file is updated. A list of known tags is only used when new tags are added.
FeenoX is a computational tool that can solve engineering problems which are usually casted as differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) or partial differential equations (PDEs). It is to finite elements programs and libraries what Markdown is to Word and TeX, respectively. In particular, it can solve dynamical systems defined by a set of user-provided DAEs (such as plant control dynamics for example) mechanical elasticity heat conduction structural modal analysis neutron diffusion
Rspamd is an advanced spam filtering system featuring support for various internal and external filters such as regular expressions, suffix tries, RBLs, URL black lists, IP lists, SPF, DKIM, character maps, advanced statistics module (based on OSB-Bayes algorithm) and fuzzy hashes database that is generated based on honeypots traffic. Rspamd is designed to process hundreds of messages per second simultaneously without significant CPU load.
OPENMODELICA is an open-source Modelica-based modeling and simulation environment intended for industrial and academic usage. Its long-term development is supported by a non-profit organization – the Open Source Modelica Consortium (OSMC). An overview journal paper is available and slides about Modelica and OpenModelica. The goal with the OpenModelica effort is to create a comprehensive Open Source Modelica modeling, compilation and simulation environment based on free software distributed in b
Xfdesktop manages the root window for the XFCE4 desktop environment. It basically displays the background, shows desktop icons, implements the virtual desktop switching, and the root context and application menu.
GnuCash is a personal finance and small-business accounting software. It provides a check-book like register GUI to enter and track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses, for double-entry accounting. It also allows to manage stock/bond/mutual fund accounts, generate graphs and reports, supports QIF/OFX/HBCI import, and transaction matching, common calculations and scheduling. It's still simple to use.
AlsaPlayer is a type of PCM player. It is heavily multi-threaded and tries to exercise the ALSA library and driver quite a bit. It has some very interesting features unique to Linux/Unix players. The goal is to create a fully pluggable framework for playback of all sorts of media with the focus on PCM audio data. The core code was written by Andy Lo-A-Foe with contributions from many other folks. See the credits files for details. The name AlsaPlayer might be confusing a bit today since we now
LibAgar is a cross-platform GUI system. It provides a base framework and a standard toolkit of widgets from which high-performance, portable graphical applications can be built. The toolkit is extensible through class registration. A powerful style engine allows precise control over the appearance of elements. Agar applications work under X Windows, MS Windows, MacOS, SDL (1.2 and 2.0) and others. It can attach to an existing graphical context and work as a self-contained window manager. Agar i
Hashrat is a command-line utility that hashes things using md5, sha1/256/512, whirlpool and jh hash algorithms. It's written in C with few dependancies (basically just the standard C library). It can read input from standard in and hash it, either as a complete file, or line-by-line. It can recursively hash files on disk, either outputing hashes to stdout, or storing them in filesystem attributes, or in a memcached server. It can check files against a list of hashes supplied on stdin, or in t