Reseter.css 2.1.0

Reseter.css is a CSS reset and normalizer. Reseter.css resets all the premade styles by the browser. Normalizes the browser's stylesheet. Removes most browser i

Tags front-end application-framework html developers end-users information-technology system-administrators education
License Other
State stable

Recent Releases

2.1.006 Sep 2021 18:25 minor feature: 404 Links (0f68663). Avoid ratelimit (66fbb69). Bundlewatch env (fc8159f). Dependabot ecosystem (5fa0a5a). Git cmd syntax (5858058). Package manager (df0c135). Stylus (8851e25). Syntax (cf27807). Yml syntax (69089f0). Automated release (831167a). Automated review process (e0e2ce9). Automated styled components (cc92b98). Build ci (ffb1eb7). Build files (e578df6). Bundlewatch (b937c97). Contributing guide (0081821). Dependabot (6576867). Editorconfig (af0812f). Migrate wiki (592edfe). Minireseter (aa8cbc9). Modularity (ea5fbea). New browser support (0ca5012). New build scripts (9012276). New scripts (4bd28bc). Production guide and support (29f4baf). Reduce size (9c9bb9e). Remove less (162aa6a). Remove unused scripts (7219769). Sans serif font (4601f9c). Scripts (6e02f90). Size reductions (bbc5fd7). should be handled by.github (bf32c17). Sync with modularity (5eef2da). Use community files (be8983a). Use community health files (19c3b06). Use community health files (efb84b2). Visual heirarchy (ec69616). Css reset's don't require security policies (dbe8d61). Github doesn't inherit coc (901acca).
1.2026 Jun 2021 16:05 minor feature:
1.1.230 Apr 2021 08:39 minor feature: Fix Margin Issue Created In v1.1.1 Update Dependencies