vokoscreen is an easy to use screencast creator to record educational videos, live recordings of browser, installation, videoconferences, etc.
Part-DB is an open source inventory managment system with a focus on electronic components. It allows you to keep track of your inventory and locate it easily. It supports multiple users with different permissions and is therefore useful for personal use, for hackerspaces/makerspaces, universities and small companies. Part-DB runs on your server and only needs a web browser for access, so you can access your inventory from everywhere you want, no matter if you are on a PC, a tablet or your smart
This Public Domain console program speaks the ebooks and is controlled via the keyboard to make it handy for the vision accessibility. Fast and simple. Supported formats: TXT, EPUB, FB2, ABW, [X]HTML, ODT, DOCX. Uses Speech Dispatcher to speak, so you can use synths such as RHVoice, Festival, espeak-ng, etc.
MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments.
WackoWiki is a light and easy to install multilingual Wiki-engine. Supports WYTIWYG-editing, section edit, page rights (ACLs), design themes (skins), file upload, email notification, URI router, template engine, session handler and much more. Compatible with PHP 8.0 - 8.3 and MariaDB / MySQL.
Verbiste is a French conjugation system. It contains a C++ library, two programs that can be run from the command line or from another program, and a GNOME application. This application shows a text field in the GNOME Panel where the user can enter a conjugated verb and obtain its complete conjugation. The knowledge base is represented in XML and contains over 7000 French verbs. A TRS-80 Color Computer version is also available.
CXXGraph is a comprehensive C++ library that manages graph algorithms. This header-only library serves as an alternative to the Boost Graph Library (BGL).
video2midi is an open source crossplatfrom utility, written in python for creating midi file from Synthesia video and the like.. Works on GNU/Linux, *BSD, Windows & Mac
GNU PSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It is a Free replacement for the proprietary program SPSS, and appears very similar to it with a few exceptions.
Tupi is a design and authoring tool for digital artists interested in 2D Animation, offering an interface experience focused on 8-100 years old kids.
We like to challenge the quality of what we build to make it better. To do so, we try to make the product intuitive, beautiful, and user friendly. Innovation and hard work help to fulfill these requirements. I believe in order to innovate we need to think differently. A few months ago I discovered there was no open source free school management software that met my quality standards. I happen to know a bit of programming so I decided to make one. I also believe that working with more people can
Reseter.css is a CSS reset and normalizer. Reseter.css resets all the premade styles by the browser. Normalizes the browser's stylesheet. Removes most browser i
Nootka helps understand the basics of music notation: reading and practicing playing musical scores. Long story short: the user plays notes (melody) displayed by the app, which then in real time checks if the notes was played correctly. The application is free and open source. It works under Windows, Linux, Mac and Android... Features - interactive interface to discover the rules of musical notation - exercises where user can play or may guess a note on a score or its name - possibility
RemotExam provides a simple remote one-time pseudorandom draw of exam question-paper online. It consists of PHP script, MySQL database, and images of question-papers, which you deploy on your website. As an examinator, you add participants to database, automatically send them individual links, and set the exam specifying template of group name; they send you photos of their papers by email. Some common functions are available from password-protected admin interface.
A screencast tool to display your keys, inspired by Screenflick. This major rewrite features: Several keyboard translation methods, Key composition/input method support, Configurable font/size/position, Highlighting of recent keystrokes, Improved backspace processing, Normal/Emacs/Mac caps modes, Multi-monitor support, Dynamic recording control by pressing both control keys, Switch for visible shift and modifier sequences only.
GNU Dr. Geo, a libre software to design & manipulate interactive geometric sketches. Its aim is to be an open, easy to study, modify and extend interactive geometry software. Distributed with its source code it is modify-me-ready.
GeoToad is a tool for serious geocachers. It lets you make advanced queries to find the perfect caches to hit on your day out, and export them to any imaginable format. Here is what it can do: On-demand queries for geocaches based on several constraints: query type, distance, difficulty, terrain, fav factor, size, type, unfound, trackables, cache age, last found date, title, description, found by, cache creator. Outputs cache listing and details to HTML, GPX, CSV, VCF, Text, Ozi, MXF, Tiger, GP
Stresslinux is a minimal linux distribution running from a bootable cdrom, usb, vmware or via PXE. Stresslinux makes use of some utitlities available on the net like: stress, cpuburn, hddtemp, lm_sensors ... Stresslinux is dedicated to users who want to test their system(s) entirely on high load and monitoring the health.
vokoscreen is an easy to use screencast creator to record educational videos, live recordings of browser, installation, videoconferences, etc.
Fachwerk3D calculates three-dimensional strut-and-tie models used by structural engineers for analysing and designing reinforced concrete structures. The program only uses the equilibrium conditions, thus it is not assuming elastic behaviour.
qStopMotion is a free application for creating stop-motion animation movies. The users will be able to create stop-motions from pictures imported from a camera or from the harddrive and export the animation to different video formats such as mpeg or avi.
GNU Solfege is *free* ear training software written in Python 3.4 using the Gtk+ 3 toolkit. The program is designed to be easily extended with lesson files (data files), so the user can create new exercises.
This is a scoring server built using Ruby on Rails by the Military Cyber Professionals Association (MCPA). It is free to use and extend under the MIT license. The goal of this project is to provide a standard generic scoring server that provides an easy way to add and modify problems and track statistics of a Cyber Capture the Flag event.
Golden Cheetah is a cycling performance software. It imports ride data downloaded from various devices or exported from other programs, including TrainingPeaks WKO+ and the manufacturers' software for the Ergomo, Garmin, Polar, PowerTap, and SRM devices. It provides a rich set of analysis tools, including a critical power graph, BikeScore calculation, histogram analysis, a best interval finder, and a pedal force versus pedal velocity chart, to name just a few.
GCompris is an educational software suite with numerous activities for children aged 2 to 10. Some of the activities are game-orientated, but nonetheless still educational. These include computer discovery (keyboard, mouse, different mouse gestures), algebra (table memory, enumeration, double entry table, mirror image), science (the canal lock, the water cycle, the submarine, electric simulation), geography (place the country on the map), games (chess, memory, connect 4, oware, sudoku), reading
A school administration software package including student demographics, attendance, report cards, fees, gradebook, and more. It is designed to run on Linux primarily. It is multi-language capable, with several languages available.
TOMUSS is a collaborative web application for multi-user table editing. Its interactivity prevents accidential data loss or incorrect values, provides a cell editing history, does not impose complex formulas, a lean security model, allows integration with information backends, does not require a specific framework for extensibility. It's intended for managing student grades, but allows simple column averages or free text editing.
Thinstation is a small Linux distribution for basix x86 hardware that provides thin client setups, suitable for school setups. It provides connectivity for RDP and VNC connections, works as Citrix/ICA client, standard X11, NoMachine NX, Windows RDP, tb5250, Tarantella, VMS terminal, or just SSH/telnet client. It allows network booting via PXE, syslinux, CD-ROM, or flash/USB installations.
pyLogika is an educational program collection for practising formal logic. Its exercises are on proposition, modal, and predicate logic, syllogisms, set theory, and relation properties. It also includes games such as Mill's Sluice and Popper's Minesweeper. It includes lessions on the Greek alphabet, and truth tables.
Rotationslib is a function collection for Matlab and Octave for computing rotations in a 3D euclidean space. It supports representations of rotation matrices (Rotmat), Quaternions (Quat), intrinsic ZYX Euler angles (Euler), fused angles (Fused) and tilt angles (Tilt). It also helps with numberical handling, and composition operations, inversion, ZYX yaw extraction, fused yaw extraction, random generation, equality detection, and vector rotation. The code is well-documented, portable and fully un
bWAPP is an "extremely buggy wep app" intended for researching and discovering common security issues. It deliberately covers over 100 vulnerabilities ranging from SQL injection, to XSS, CGI exploits, SSL tampering, remote code execution, RFI, SSRF, CORS, buffer overflows; and replicates many high-profile exploits of other applications (Drupal, Wordpress). It's implemented in PHP, but of course only meant to be run in a sandbox or with its bee-box VM exposing further server process vulnerabili
TuxMinds is a visial program designer for autonomous robots. It supports ASURO, NxT, RcX and some extension hardware can be integrated, freely configurable models. A tutorial video is available, and Debian packages or an ISO image.
Nightfall is an astronomy application for science, education, and fun. It can produce animated views of eclipsing binary stars, calculate synthetic lightcurves and radial velocity curves, and eventually determine the best-fit model for a given set of observational data of an eclipsing binary star system. Nightfall comes with a user guide, and a set of observational data for several eclipsing binary star systems.
Lab Assistant is a chemistry experiment and tutoring application for Windows. It provides an interactive element and compound library and allows to synthesize them into known substances given the correct reagents. It's suitable for beginners as little prior chemistry knowledge is required.
This is iStoa, a set of interactive activities to play with mathematics. Its target audience are primary school students. It contents is currently targeting grade 1.
MACE is a calculator, or algorithm and equation solver suitable for students. It covers 160 logical operations, statistical distributions and functions in the fields analysis, arithmetic, complex functions, linear algebra, differential calculus and statistics. MACE provides a wizard and natural formula and function insertion, also comes with a custom scripting language, and provides extensive help.
Moodle is a course / learning management system. It's customizeble through extensions and is easy to use collaboratively, multilingual, and interoperable through open standards (ITL, SCORM, QTI, LDAP). Learning material can be set up in directed paths, scheduled, including multimedia material and WYSWIG editing, evaluated per peer or self assessment, reporting, and badges or flexible grading systems.
ILIAS is a web based learning management system / virtual learning environment. It features a course and test system, SCORM 1.2 support, LOM, modules for email, forum, surveys and polls, chatting, groups, podcasts, calendaring, file sharing, authoring, a content management system, wikis, blogs, personal desktops, and Lucene based searching. It allows LDAP management and role based access controls. It's plugin based, themeable, and internationalized for 25 languages.
For users on Linux and Unix, KDE offers a full suite of user workspace applications which allow interaction with these operating systems in a modern, graphical user interface. This includes Plasma Desktop, KDE's innovative and powerful desktop interface. Other workspace applications are included to aid with system configuration, running programs, or interacting with hardware devices. While the fully integrated KDE Workspaces are only available on Linux and Unix, some of these features are availa