Tupi 0.2.21

Tupi is a design and authoring tool for digital artists interested in 2D Animation, offering an interface experience focused on 8-100 years old kids.

Tags artistic-software animation education graphics c++ ruby
License GNU GPL
State development

Recent Releases

0.2.2122 Mar 2024 08:56 minor feature:
0.2-git0814 Aug 2016 04:50 minor feature: Dear community, I'm so happy to announce Tupi's third minor release of the year. With every new version, the bonds between the project and our community get stronger, which is a great motivation for every member of our little crew of collaborators. The response of new users has been overwhelming for us! Thank you! :D About this version, here is the list of most significant achievements: lip-sync module bug fixed; French language basic support; position/rotation tween improvements; canvas rotation feature enhanced; library items order bug fixed; Selection tool transformations bug fixed; pen thickness bug fixed. PS: From this release, there will be only one universal installer for Windows platforms.