vokoscreenNG 4.4.0

vokoscreen is an easy to use screencast creator to record educational videos, live recordings of browser, installation, videoconferences, etc.

Tags video capture screen-capture cpp linux education
License GNU GPL
State stable

Recent Releases

4.4.008 Oct 2024 03:15 major feature: /li . Wayland: Added second wait before recording. Wayland: Crashes if clicked toolbutton log. Wayland: Double selection of the area under KDE version 6. Translation: Updated. . .
4.3.003 Jul 2024 07:45 major bugfix: /li . GUI: The text for audio devices is pixelated. Translation: Updated. . .
4.1.012 Jan 2024 06:45 major bugfix: /li . Camera: Frameless works not under Linux Desktop MATE. Translation: Updated. . .