spettro shows a scrolling logarithmic-frequency-axis spectrogram of sound files as it plays them.
You can also:
* Pause, continue, rewind and seek back and forth in the audio
* Zoom and pan in time and in frequency
* Adjust the brightness and dynamic range (contrast)
* Change the FFT sample size to adjust the relative frequency/time resolution
* Select from five different FFT window functions
* Show where the ten score lines, six guitar strings or 88 piano keys fall
* Position bar lines to help determine the rhythm
* Add frequency and time axes
* Increase the playing volume above 100%
* Dump the current view to a PNG image file.
It was intended as an aid in scoring music from its audio but it turns out that it gives deep insight into the structure of music and how it was created.
Recent Releases
0.203 Sep 2024 08:08
minor feature:
Functional changes:
* Reduce the tiny font's space from two pixels to one.
* The keys to cycle through the window functions changes from w/W to Ctrl-w/W.
* Add -U flag to start up minimized so that next-file remains minimized.
* THe -= flag to start up showing the whole piece changes to -e.
* When it fails to open an audio file it now plays the next file instead of dying.
* The default pixels per second increases from 50 to 100.
* Various bug fixes and some small speed improvements.
* It checks for zero-length audio files and doesn't try to play them.
* The SDL audio bufferr is now fixed at 1/100th of a second.
* It stays in fullscreen mode or not when playing another track.
* Added the DISP_OFFSET environment variable to be able to move the green line.
* In mute mode it now stops at the end of the audio file.
* d and D now move the green line.
* Environment variable SPETTROFLAGS sets default options.
* The -D/--double N flag makes it increase softvol so it doubles in N seconds.
* libmpg123 recovers from broken MP3 files.
* Added libsox support to read unusual audio files.
System changes:
* It compiles with CC=c99
* Source files are renamed to length 8.3
* It catches segmentation faults (usually in libav) and plays the next track.
* ./configure --without-mpg123 now works
0.110 Feb 2024 18:22
major feature:
First public release