WDBAJ$v.1 is invented in JDOLLAR Technology at year 2014 by wilmix jemin j. WDBAJ$v.1 is used in cloud computing. It is a remote database to connect to any program or J$ program or saucer , etc.
It is a NOSQL database.(ie, no need to type sql).
We can perform insertion , deletion, updation, deletion, encryption, and deencryption by using it.
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.127 Mar 2016 04:22
major feature:
1.It saves time and cost
2.It Provides very high security
3.It is a remote database
4.it is used in cloud computing
5.it is used in banking and insurance projects and with all WSIT Technologies.
6.it provides encryption , deencryption ,etc
7.It is flexible, user friendly, robot , and fast.
8.We can write only single piece of code to connect to database.
6.It is also a interactive database.
7.It is used to store data to - from any database.
8.we can also store large bulks of data and set the relationship between the table.
9.It is a platform independant database.
10.It stores the data in a serialization format.
11.WDBAJ is a NO-SQL Database
We can also executed encrypted class file .dbs file and it will generate a output.
12.WDBAJ is used with sql server .It will not support java DB server.