The eXtensible Binary Universal Protocol (XBUP) project is an attempt to design unified general binary data communication protocol and file format.
It is based on the unlimited unary-binary encoding and block-tree structure with strong-type system and automatic transformations.
Implementation should provide open-source libraries, editor tools, catalog of types and processing framework.
Recent Releases
0.1.2516 Sep 2015 18:38
minor feature:
- XBEditor: Added undo manager with commands / operations
- XBService: Converted RPC networking to use serialization
- XBLib, XBParserTree: Tests reworked
0.1.2431 Jan 2015 22:02
minor feature:
- XBCatalogWeb: Add browsing functionality to show item by catalog path + link to it in XBEditor
- XBEditor: Add generic context menu for table items
- XBCore: Extract framework-client and server libraries
- XBServiceManager: Add HTML editor for catalog item documentation editing
- XBServiceManager: Add icon editor for catalog item icons editing
- XBServiceManager: Move catalog status to XBManager and "Files" tab in items detail panel
- XBServiceManager: Add catalog item search by filter
- XBEditor: Add context and catalog block type selection for new block adding
- XBEditor: Add parameters tab in item modify dialog
- XBEditor: Add support for line editors in property panel
- XBCore: Add XBUP level 2 serialization (no transformations yet)
- XBEditor: Add performing local catalog update according to time mark
- Add work items management system
- Add continuos integration service
- Move source codes to GIT/GitHub
- Change build system to Gradle