LabPlot 2.11.1

LabPlot is a FREE, open source and cross-platform Data Visualization and Analysis software accessible to everyone. High-quality Data Visualization and Plotting with just a few clicks Reliable and easy Data Analysis and Statistics, no coding required! Intuitive and fast Computing with Interactive Notebooks Effortless Data Extraction from plots and support for Live Data Smooth Data Import and Export to and from multiple formats Available for Windows, macOS, Linux and FreeBSD

meet-the-fans 1.1.0

Query and Visualize the network graph of your GitHub repositories, followers, stargazers, and forks (using GraphQL and D3).

kaggle-look-alike 1.0.1

Kaggle Data Explorer UI look-alike build with React. This app provides a convenient way to explore and understand your datasets.

Subsurface 6.0.5112

Subsurface can plan and track single- and multi-tank dives using air, Nitrox or TriMix. It allows tracking of dive locations including GPS coordinates (which can also conveniently be entered using a map interface), logging of equipment used and names of other divers, and lets users rate dives and provide additional notes. You can tag dives and filter a dive list based on criteria including tags, locations and people with whom you were diving. You can group the dive list into trips, and edit mul

Kenozooid 0.20.0

Kenozooid is software used to plan and analyse diving activities. Features like dive data plotting and analysis, dive planning and dive computer support along with simple but powerful logbook maintenance are already implemented.

Data Scratchpad 0.1

The Data Scratchpad is a desktop application used to inspect and profile data sources and to sketch analysis ideas. It's designed for people use work with data files and streams.

Jertl 0.1.1

Where developers declaratively define and execute common operations on complex data structures. Operations are specified using a mini-language in which target structures are visually similar to their textual representation. The jertl mini-language unifies pattern matching, structure verification, template filling, transformation and production rule execution.

Greenish - Data Monitoring Tool 1.7.0

Greenish is a monitoring tool, that can be used to monitor the presence of data-sets. Greenish understands periods, for example for an hourly job, Greenish can check for data for all the past N hour data-sets. Greenish jobs are configured in a YAML-like configuration file, here is an annotated example. Greenish provides default values for most of the settings, the defaults can be found here. Greenish does not have a standard monitoring scripting language/plugin. Monitoring tasks can be in any

Sauvegarde 0.0.12

Sauvegarde saves your data in a continuous way that is to say while being written to disk. It is intended for users that have many files to save and that do not want to miss any change on them. The whole backup is deduplicated so users using many similar systems or having copies of the same file in many systems will save space regarding traditional backup. A specific feature (caching in the client) yet to implement will allow one to backup systems that do not have permanent access to the network

Repeated Improvement Analysis 0.9.3

This package provides 4 algorithms for review graph mining project. Mutually Reinforcing Analysis (MRA) algorithm is an algorithm we've introduced in DEXA 2011, Repeated Improvement Analysis (RIA) algorithm is an algorithm we've introduced in DEIM 2015. Algorithm One has been proposed by Ee-Peng Lim ea al. in CIKM 2010, and algorithm OneSum is an variation of it made by us.

A Synthetic Review Dataset 0.9.2

This package provides a method to load a synthetic review dataset. The synthetic review dataset has been introduced in the following paper: Kazuki Tawaramoto, Junpei Kawamoto, Yasuhito Asano, and Masatoshi Yoshikawa, "A Bipartite Graph Model and Mutually Reinforcing Analysis for Review Sites," Proc. of the 22nd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2011), pp.341-348, Toulouse, France, August 31, 2011. (

XBUP 0.1.25

The eXtensible Binary Universal Protocol (XBUP) project is an attempt to design unified general binary data communication protocol and file format. It is based on the unlimited unary-binary encoding and block-tree structure with strong-type system and automatic transformations. Implementation should provide open-source libraries, editor tools, catalog of types and processing framework.

freeDataMap 2.1

Unchain your data ! The combination of both graphic map and classic charts, leads to a complete and interactive dashboard for rapid information access. FreeDatamap provides a unique way to browse any kind of data. FreeDatamap helps turning flat and boring sheets of data into a unique visual compelling dashboard. At the crossroads of mind-mapping and business-intelligence: FreeDatamap delivers a fast and visually attractive user interface that runs on any support: computers, tablets or phones

Treecle 1.1.1

Treecle is program for creating, managing and maintaining tree-like heirarchical data. It is a utility for organizing personal or commercial data into one's own tree-like structure. The program has been re-written using the Qt Toolkit.