Yacas is an easy to use, general purpose Computer Algebra System, a program for symbolic manipulation of mathematical expressions. It uses its own programming language designed for symbolic as well as arbitrary-precision numerical computations. The system has a library of scripts that implement many of the symbolic algebra operations; new algorithms can be easily added to the library.
Recent Releases
1.9.105 Jul 2020 08:05
minor feature:
Debian build dependecies
Debian build dependencies.
Debian build dependencies.
Various snap and improvements.
More vscode configuration.
Update rpm packaging.
Adjust yacasdomain to newer sphinx.
Minor cleanups.
Make one-argument constructors explicit.
Minor cleanup.
Minor cleanup.
Use strict mode in mathbar.
Missing variable declarations in mathbar.
Almost consistently use double quotes in js.
Minor js.
More double quotes.
Selected semicolons in js.
Another missing semicolon.
Add codacy badge.
Duplicate sources field in flatpak.
Try to use === instead of == in js.
Some js camelCase.
Minor mathbar css format improvements.
More js camelCase.
Some stray semicolons in java engine.
Minor css style improvements.
Add support for coverage reporting.
Some missing js semicolons.
Some css format improvements.
Try to enable code coverage reporting on travis.
Decoverage info generation/gathering.
Minor css formatting cleanups.
Use appropriate gcov version.
Use gcc-8 compatible lcov.
Add coverage info to readme.
Minor css formatting cleanups.
Minor css formatting cleanups.
Enable unit tests on travis.
Minor css formatting cleanups.
Minor css formatting cleanups and.
Minor css formatting cleanups and.
Minor js cleanups.
Minor js cleanup.
Reformat js and json.
Minor css formatting cleanups.
More simple NN and ZZ parsing tests.
Some more sqr() tests.
Remove unreachable branch from NN parser.
Test sqr(0).
Minor mathbar.
Use ctrl-up/down to move between cells in gui.
do not check pointer returned by new.
Some more js cleanup.
Minor js cleanups.
Some more js cleanups.
Comment out unused (yet!) platform math.
Minor js cleanup.
Minor js cleanups.
Use camelCase in mathBar.
Comment out unused c++ Sqrt() code.
Comment out unused c++ GCD c
1.8.023 Oct 2019 11:45
minor feature:
Downgrade required cmake version
Use prebuilt CodeMirror.
Use GNUInstallDirs for standardised cmake switches.
Desktop icon name.
Faster bigint to bigfloat conversion.
Use plotly for 3d surface plots.
Use plotly for 2d plots.
Try to https://travis-ci.org/grzegorzmazur/yacas/builds/566423139.
Try to https://travis-ci.org/grzegorzmazur/yacas/jobs/566439054.
Try to https://travis-ci.org/grzegorzmazur/yacas/jobs/566467707.
do not third-party libs during build.
Try to https://travis-ci.org/grzegorzmazur/yacas/jobs/566503317.
Try to https://travis-ci.org/grzegorzmazur/yacas/jobs/566554625.
Try to https://ci.appveyor.com/project/grzegorzmazur/yacas/builds .
Recognize polynomial eqn systems.
Groebner base calculation.
Checking for polynomial system in solver.
Related to #273.
Preliminary attempt at solving polynomial systems.
Get rid of wrong solutions.
Upgrade utf8-cpp to to version 3.1.
Got rid of some redundant rule names.
Improved build-system docs and defaults.
Export missing symbols.
Minor documentation improvements.
Try to with newer sphinx.
Minor tests cleanup.
Implement BitNot().
Minor documentation improvements.
Minor documentation improvements.
Polynomial system solver.
Improved PSolve() test case.
Minor cleanup.
Minor documentation.
Arbitrary precision integers microoptimization.
Cmake variable inside if semantics.
Try to https://travis-ci.org/grzegorzmazur/yacas/jobs/594634203.
Try to https://travis-ci.org/grzegorzmazur/yacas/jobs/599996126.
Optionally use system-wide mathjax.
Update jquery.
Bump version number.
Remove files from lfs.
Remove lfs support in.gitattributes.
Restore files from lfs.
Install copy of mathjax by default.
1.7.027 Jun 2019 03:15
minor feature:
Licence badge
Documentation formatting.
Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:grzegorzmazur/yacas into develop.
Let readthedocs know that we need sphinxcontrib-bibtex.
Ebuild packaging template contributed by Petros S.
Update external js libs.
Prepare source tarball containing external js libs.
Provide openSUSE-specific qt5 package names.
Flatpak packaging templates.
Switch flatpak packages from gnome to freedesktop platform/sdk.
Use CommonHTML instead of HTML-CSS in gui.
Update external js libs.
Try to https://travis-ci.org/grzegorzmazur/yacas/jobs/202580728.
Stopgap for #232.
Replace QtWebKit with QtWebEngine.
Switch appveyor to new msvc and qt.
Use msvc 14 on appveyor.
Try to https://travis-ci.org/grzegorzmazur/yacas/jobs/243955195.
Try to https://travis-ci.org/grzegorzmazur/yacas/jobs/244446736.
Try to https://travis-ci.org/grzegorzmazur/yacas/jobs/244449963.
Try to https://travis-ci.org/grzegorzmazur/yacas/jobs/244449963.
Links to headers.
Added files for updated qt webengine.
Ctrl-D in empty line leaves yacas.
Try to https://travis-ci.org/grzegorzmazur/yacas/jobs/251705813.
Try to https://ci.appveyor.com/project/grzegorzmazur/yacas/build/ .
The program name in gui.
Preliminary implementation of Product() modelled after Sum(); # .
Minor cleanup.
Reported by desktop-file-validate.
Complete switch to CommonHTML display engine.
Consistently use yacas_gui instead of yagy.
Ignore visual studio code working files.
Allow unit tests in subdirectories.
.jar name.
Add r_form to the list of std scripts.
Implement -v option in jyacas.
Update link to the webpage in jyacas banner.
Minor cleanup.
Update the list of Qt DLLs to install on windows.
Scale the app
1.6.109 Nov 2016 23:38
major feature:
Quite a few improvements and assorted bugfixes.
1.3.524 Nov 2014 22:17
minor feature:
Quite a few improvements and assorted bugfixes.