Python matplotlib is a for 2D plotting publication-ready figures in various formats, or rendering them interactively cross-platform. It can be scripted or used in Pythons interactive shell, within web applications, or through bindings with multiple GUI toolkits. It simplifies plot generation, histograms, power spectra, bar charts, error charts, scatter plots. Typical uses only require a few lines of code, while complex rendering is kept feasible. Its pyplot interface provides a MATLAB-style API.
This is a truly constexpr C++ template library that implements classes for operations with half, single, double, quadruple and octuple precision IEEE 754 floating point numbers. Internally, these classes are implemented as class templates on top of arbitrary-precision integer class templates so that the templates are expanded as arbitrary precision floating-point operations by just changing the template parameters, rather than implementing each floating-point operation for each precision. The ar
CGAL is a software project that provides easy access to efficient and reliable geometric algorithms in the form of a C++ library. CGAL is used in various areas needing geometric computation, such as geographic information systems, computer aided design, molecular biology, medical imaging, computer graphics, and robotics. The library offers data structures and algorithms like triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, Boolean operations on polygons and polyhedra, point set processing, arrangements of cur
This is a programmer-friendly portable calculator application, which runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac. It can evaluate C-like expressions in 256-bit floating-point numbers through TLFloat library. It allows users to choose between decimal and hexadecimal output formats for integers and floating point numbers. In addition to the math functions in math.h, various bitwise operations can be performed.
wxMaxima is a document based interface for the computer algebra system Maxima. wxMaxima provides menus and dialogs for many common maxima commands, autocompletion, inline plots and simple animations.
GluCat is a generic library of C++ templates that implement universal Clifford algebras over the field of real numbers. The PyClical extension module for Python gives users an easy Python scripting interface for calculations in Clifford algebras. The name PyClical is an homage to Pertti Lounesto's CLICAL.
MathMod is a portable interactive plotting and graphing program for Windows, Linux, MacOSX and many other platforms. MathMod allows to plot 3D mathematical surfaces, described by implicit or parametric equations, and offers a very large database of model samples that can be generated with it. It's Free and Open Source under the terms of the GPL licence version 2 or later.
GNU Octave is a high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides capabilities for the numerical solution of linear and nonlinear problems, and for performing other numerical experiments. It also provides extensive graphics capabilities for data visualization and manipulation. Octave is normally used through its interactive command line interface, but it can also be used to write non-interactive programs. The Octave language is quite similar to Matlab so
The Bricks collection is a set of Pascal units that provides a class library for rapid programming of high-performance computer simulations in life sciences. It also delivers functionality that facilitates the generation of block diagrams in software. CyberUnits is a reusable cross-platform class library for rapid programming of high-performance computer simulations in life sciences. It supports modelling for biomedical cybernetics and systems biology with Object Pascal.
DataMelt is a program for numeric computation, mathematics, statistics, symbolic calculations, data analysis and data visualization. It supports several scripting languages, such as Python, Ruby, Groovy (and others), with the power of hundreds of Java packages. Available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
TRURL G is a free desktop RPN calculator that celebrates the 50th anniversary of the first landing of humans on the earth's moon. Its design is inspired by the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC).
bigz is a simple but feature-rich C library for bignum calculations. It's the continuation of an old BigNum project originally begun as a research project. Current releases include many fixes, extensions and improvements. It's not as efficient as GMP, but comes with a smaller footprint, provides Z+Q infinite precision, and is rather portable and multi-thread safe.
emgr - the EMpirical GRamian framework is a compact open-source model reduction software toolbox for data-driven control engineering. It is compatible with OCTAVE or MATLAB.
A C++ library that supports a few operations on boolean expression binary trees. The main features are a simple boolean expression parser, an algorithm to convert a boolean expression tree into its Disjunctive Normal Form, and a function that determines if an expression tree is in DNF. A commmand-line tool can also be used to convert to DNF.
Hipparchus is a library of lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components addressing the most common problems not available in the Java programming language.
Nelson is an array programming language providing a powerful open computing environment for engineering and scientific applications using modern C/C++ libraries (Boost, Eigen, …) and others state of art numerical libraries. It has sophisticated data structures (including cell, struct, linear systems, …), an interpreter and a high level programming language. Nelson has been developped to be an open/modular system where an user can define these own data types and operations on these data types b
SLEEF implements vectorized versions of all C99 real floating point math functions. It can utilize SIMD instructions of modern processors. SLEEF is designed to fully utilize SIMD computation by reducing the use of conditional branches and scatter/gather memory access. Our benchmarks show that the performance of SLEEF is comparable to that of the best commercial library.
Yacas is an easy to use, general purpose Computer Algebra System, a program for symbolic manipulation of mathematical expressions. It uses its own programming language designed for symbolic as well as arbitrary-precision numerical computations. The system has a library of scripts that implement many of the symbolic algebra operations; new algorithms can be easily added to the library.
TRURL A is a calculator app and a technological demonstration for the open RPN engine. Despite its frugality, TRURL A is a fully functional platform-sensitive virtual calculator.
GNU Dr. Geo, a libre software to design & manipulate interactive geometric sketches. Its aim is to be an open, easy to study, modify and extend interactive geometry software. Distributed with its source code it is modify-me-ready.
Maxima is a computer algebra system comparable to commercial systems like Mathematica and Maple. It emphasizes symbolic mathematical computation: algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and much more.
Mavscript allows the user to do calculations in a text document. Plain text and OpenOffice Writer files (odt) are supported. The calculation is done by the algebra system Yacas (default), Jasymca or by the Java interpreter BeanShell.
This package provides a Python translation of the Matlab package Qpecgen which generates random MPEC test problems with quadratic objective functions and affine variational inequality constraints. For more information, see the paper and accompanying code by Houyuan Jiang, Daniel Ralph, 1997.
librsb is a library for sparse matrix computations featuring the Recursive Sparse Blocks (RSB) matrix format. This format allows cache efficient and multi-threaded (that is, shared memory parallel) operations on large sparse matrices. The most common operations necessary to iterative solvers are available, e.g.: matrix-vector multiplication, triangular solution, rows/columns scaling, diagonal extraction / setting, blocks extraction, norm computation, formats conversion. The RSB format is especia
Functy is a 3D graphics generation tool. It plots cartesian, spherical or parametric curve functions. It allows altering their parameters for immediate redraws to explore 3D function results. It utilized GPU functions entirely for visualization.
ODE is a high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics. It is fully featured, stable, mature, and platform independent with an easy-to-use C/C++ API. It has advanced joint types and integrated collision detection with friction. ODE is useful for simulating vehicles, objects in virtual reality environments, and virtual creatures. It is currently used in many computer games, 3D authoring tools, and simulation tools.
ODE is a high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics. It is fully featured, stable, mature, and platform independent with an easy-to-use C/C++ API. It has advanced joint types and integrated collision detection with friction. ODE is useful for simulating vehicles, objects in virtual reality environments, and virtual creatures. It is currently used in many computer games, 3D authoring tools, and simulation tools.
A library for parsing mathematical expressions. Unlike similar projects, JBEE is able to parse numbers formated according to the user's locale and uses BigDecimal internally instead of double for arbitrary precision.
SCaVis is an environment for scientific computation, data analysis and data visualization designed for scientists, engineers and students. While itself implemented in Java, it provides bindings for Jython, Groovy, JRuby, BeanShell or Matlab/Octav for symbolic calculations. It features chart plotting, histograms, advanced statistics, symbolic calculations, data analysis, mathematical functions, data mining, linear algebra and plots.
Geomview is an interactive 3D viewing program for Unix. Geomview lets you view and manipulate three-dimensional objects: you use the mouse to rotate, translate, zoom in and out, and so on. Geomview can be used as a standalone viewer for static objects or as a display engine for other programs which produce dynamically changing geometry. Geomview can display objects described in a variety of file formats. Geomview comes with a wide selection of example objects, and you can create your own objects
Practically Random is a test suite for PRNGs. It provides multithreaded statistical probing of the actual randomness of RNGs. It also includes multiple well-designed pseudo-random number generators and interfaces.
FriCAS is a computer algebra system forked from Axiom. It provides calculus (integral calculation, differentiation) and abstract algebra, function plotting, and has an integreated help system. It's implemented in Spad, a strongly types high-level language, for expressing mathematical algorithms in natural notation.
This is iStoa, a set of interactive activities to play with mathematics. Its target audience are primary school students. It contents is currently targeting grade 1.
Posest is a C/C++ GPL library for 3D pose estimation from point correspondences. Pose estimation refers to the computation of position and orientation estimates that fully define the posture of a rigid object in space (6 DoF in total). The computation is based on a set of known 3D points and their corresponding 2D projections on an image. Posest estimates the relative motion between the 3D points and the camera system; single or binocular camera systems are supported. Image points typically orig
MACE is a calculator, or algorithm and equation solver suitable for students. It covers 160 logical operations, statistical distributions and functions in the fields analysis, arithmetic, complex functions, linear algebra, differential calculus and statistics. MACE provides a wizard and natural formula and function insertion, also comes with a custom scripting language, and provides extensive help.
clojure2minizinc provides an interface between state-of-the-art constraint solvers (via MiniZinc) and a very high-level programming language with excellent abstraction capabilities, Clojure. The clojure2minizinc user models in Clojure constraint satisfaction or optimisation problems over Boolean, integer, real number, and/or set variables. clojure2minizinc translates them into MiniZinc, they are solved in the background by a compatible solver, and the result is read back into Clojure. clojure2mi
Armadillo is a C++ linear algebra library (matrix maths) aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. The API is deliberately similar to Matlab. Provides efficient classes for vectors, matrices and cubes, as well as many functions which operate on the classes (eg. contiguous and non-contiguous submatrix views). Integer, floating point, and complex numbers are supported, as well as a subset of trigonometric and statistics functions. Various matrix decompositions are provided