Pybind11 2.13.1

pybind11 is a lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ types in Python and vice versa, mainly to create Python bindings of existing C++ code. Its goals and syntax are similar to the excellent Boost.Python library by David Abrahams: to minimize boilerplate code in traditional extension modules by inferring type information using compile-time introspection.

MicroPython 1.24.0-preview

MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments.

SimulAVR 1.1.0

The SimulAVR program is a simulator for the Atmel AVR family of microcontrollers (ATtiny and ATmega). SimulAVR can be used either standalone or as a remote target for avr-gdb. There are interfaces for Python and Tcl. When used in gdbserver mode, the simulator is used as a back-end so that avr-gdb can be used as a source level debugger for AVR programs.

Embedthis GoAhead 5.1.5

The Embedthis GoAhead™ web server is one of the world’s most popular embedded web server deployed for over 15 years in hundreds of millions of devices by industry leaders and startups. It is compact and requires less than 150K RAM. GoAhead uses an event-driven, non-blocking core to efficiently operate with minimal resources. Coupled with a role-based authentication framework and security sandbox, GoAhead is highly secure. It is easily embedded and ported to create secure web applications.

asm1825 Assembler 0.8.1

asm1825 is a lightweight standalone assembler for PIC microcontrollers, specifically the PIC16(L)F1825 and similar variants. It is a two pass command line based assembler producing ready to burn .hex output with support for macros, file inclusion, and arithmetic evaluation of operands. It follows the opcode definitions in the '1825 datasheet and makes no explicit attempt at full compatibility with other specific assemblers (such as mpasm), but hopefully does not break compatibility without good

Embedthis Appweb 8.2.4

Embedthis Appweb is a fast, little embedded Web server. It is unmatched in efficiency and serves pages at native speed, using an event-driven, non-blocking core to serve multiple requests using minimal resources. It has integrated caching and the ESP "C" Web framework. Without compromising performance, it has extensive security controls and a rigorous security sandbox that helps protect the server and mitigate denial-of-service attacks. It is one of the most widely deployed embedded Web servers

picocom 3.1

Picocom is a minimal dumb-terminal emulation program. It is, in principle, very much like minicom, only it's "pico" instead of "mini"! It was designed to serve as a simple, manual, modem configuration, testing, and debugging tool. It has also served (quite well) as a low-tech serial communications program to allow access to all types of devices that provide serial consoles. It could also prove useful in many other similar tasks. It is ideal for embedded systems since its memory footprint is mi

SQLite 3.14.1

SQLite is a lightweight and embeddable database. It's fully ACID and SQL92 compliant with 100% test coverage. As storage a single cross-platform disk file format is used, which may be up to terrabytes in size. It requires no setup and little administrative work. SQLite itself has a simple yet expandable API. Bindings for most programming languages exist on all major plattforms.

TinyTcl 6.8.1

Tiny Tcl 6.8 is a rommable, minimal Tcl implementation for embedded applications. Derived from the venerable Tcl 6.7 release, Tiny Tcl 6.8 has a solid Tcl feature set, excluding newer capabilities of Tcl 7 and 8 such as the bytecode compiler, namespaces, sockets, and async event handling, among others. Excluding C library functions, Tiny Tcl compiles down to less than 60 Kbytes on most machines, far smaller than any Tcl 7 or Tcl 8 derivatives.

CVPI: A Computer Vision Library For Mobile and Embedded Platforms 0.1

I am desiring to turn my university capstone project into a free software project, which you can view at CVPI is a computer vision library that utilizes OpenVG to perform image manipulation. I used as a guide for what functionality to implement. Working test code can be found in the `tests' directory. The code currently only works with the Raspberry Pi running Raspbian. If you have a singl

HomeGenie 1.00 beta rev 484

HomeGenie is a feature-packed and easily programmable home automation server. It provides a customizable web based UI, can command X10 and Z-Wave devices, UPnP and DLNA media devices, infrared controls, handles voice interaction, provides statistics and metering, allows scripting without much programming per wizard. HomeGenie also works on low-energy embedded devices such as Raspberry Pi, provides a JSON Web API, virtual modules, and mobile app clients.

Pybind 1.5

Pybind is a library that embeds Python and allows C++ code to utilize declared bindings. It comes without documentation or build scripts, depends on stdex2.

PolarSSL 1.3.8

PolarSSL is a light-weight cryptographic and SSL/TLS library written in C. PolarSSL makes it easy for developers to include cryptographic and SSL/TLS capabilities in their (embedded) applications with as little hassle as possible. Loose coupling of the components inside the library means that it is easy to separate the parts that are needed, without needing to include the total library. PolarSSL is written with embedded systems in mind and has been ported on a number of architectures, including