Moodle is a course / learning management system. It's customizeble through extensions and is easy to use collaboratively, multilingual, and interoperable through open standards (ITL, SCORM, QTI, LDAP). Learning material can be set up in directed paths, scheduled, including multimedia material and WYSWIG editing, evaluated per peer or self assessment, reporting, and badges or flexible grading systems.
ILIAS is a web based learning management system / virtual learning environment. It features a course and test system, SCORM 1.2 support, LOM, modules for email, forum, surveys and polls, chatting, groups, podcasts, calendaring, file sharing, authoring, a content management system, wikis, blogs, personal desktops, and Lucene based searching. It allows LDAP management and role based access controls. It's plugin based, themeable, and internationalized for 25 languages.