TeXstudio 4.8.1

TeXstudio is an IDE that simplifies creating and editing LaTeX documents. It has numerous features like syntax highlighting, an integrated document and PDF viewer, reference checking and link overlays, auto-completion, code folding, over 1000 builtin math symbols, bookmarks, spellchecking, multi-cursor editing, image drag and drop, table formatter, and many other assistants for images, tables, formulas. It can be used with different TeX compilers and distributions and multiple build steps. It's

Texmaker 5.1.4

Texmaker is a free, modern and cross-platform LaTeX editor for Linux, MacOS X and Windows systems that integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX. It includes unicode support, spell checking, auto-completion, code folding and a built-in pdf viewer with synctex support and continuous view mode. Texmaker is easy to use and to configure.


LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. LyX is for people that write and want their writing to look great, right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting details, 'finger painting' font attributes or fuzzing around with page boundaries. You just write. In the background, Prof. Knuth's legendary TeX typesetting engine makes you look good. On screen, LyX looks like any word processor; its

ODT2TeX 0.0.13

odt2tex is a simple command line tool that converts ODT (Libre/OpenOffice text documents) to LaTeX .tex input files. It is released under the MIT license and written in plain C depending only on two further libraries expat and libzip.

FontForge 20150228

FontForge is a powerful outline font editor supporting many font formats (SFD, UFO, TTF, TTC, OTF, PS1, TeX, X11 OTB, BDF, FON, FNT, WOFF and SVG). It provides scripting and Python bindings to automate some tasks and conversions, even some command-line utilization, OpenType feature specs, mathematical typesetting extensions, utilize FreeType, Cairo and Pango for anti-aliased rendering, or Potrace/Autotrace for bitmap vectorization. It runs on Linux, MacOS X, and Windows. FontForge is mostly 3-cl

TeXpen 0.7.0

TeXpen is an intuitive LaTeX editor. It comes with built-in themes/background sets, provides live article outlines, equation previews, keyword highlighting and auto-completion, document templates. It simplifies interting tables and figures, bundles a spell check, and can easily build a PDF.