Programming Without Coding Technology 1.9

PWCT is an IDE for general-purpose visual programming. Its novice-friendly structuring wizards allow to command the underlying Supernova language and VM; which also becomes accessible for mofication. PWCT also supports Python, Harbour, C# and C. History versioning is a built-in feature, supperts imperative / procedural as well as squential object-oriented / event-driven and super server programming.

SynWrite 6.7.1460

SynWrite is a source code editor for Windows. It incorporates many features from other well-known editors, such as Notepad++. SynWrite is extensible with Python plugins, but provides syntax highlighting, code folding, auto-completion, templates, macros, regexpressions, and editing sessions out of the box. It's also useable in portable mode, allows editing with multiple carates and selections, adds a tree and file explorer view, FTP/SFTP support, a document mini-map, builtin clipboard historing,

K-Melon 74.0RC

K-Meleon is an extremely fast, customizable, lightweight web browser for Windows. It's based on Mozillas Gecko layout engine (like Firefox). It provides a classic tabbed browser interface with lots of customization options.