zswap-cli 1.0.0

Zswap-cli is a command-line tool to control zswap Linux kernel module options. Zswap is a compressed cache for swap pages. It takes pages that are in the process of being swapped out to disk and tries to compress them into a RAM-based memory pool with dynamic allocation. It trades CPU cycles for a significant performance boost since reading from a compressed cache is much faster than reading from a swap device. Features Currently supported features: CLI, environment variables and configu

sttr 0.2.24

a cross-platform, cli app to perform various operations on string * Base64Encode * Base64Decode * URLEncode * URLDecode * ROT13Encode * StringToTitle * StringToLower * StringToUpper * StringToSnakeCase * StringToKebab * StringToSlug * StringToCamel * StringReverse * CountNumberCharacters * CountWords * CountLines * MD5Encode * SHA1Encode * SHA256Encode * SHA512Encode * FormatJSON * JSONToYAML * YAMLToJSON * HexToRGB * SortLines and adding more....

CalendarSync 0.10.1

As consultants, you may need to use multiple calendars (2-n). Additionally, you need to keep up with all existing appointments in each of your calendars when you want to make new appointments. This means you have to check each calendar on its own. What we wanted to achieve is a single overview over all events in each of the calendars. Preferably in your primary calendar. There are some commercial / freemium solutions for this (reclaim.ai, SyncThemCalendars), but their privacy policy is unclear.

croc 10.0.12

croc is a tool that allows any two computers to simply and securely transfer files and folders. AFAIK, croc is the only CLI file-transfer tool that does all of the following: allows any two computers to transfer data (using a relay) provides end-to-end encryption (using PAKE) enables easy cross-platform transfers (Windows, Linux, Mac) allows multiple file transfers allows resuming transfers that are interrupted local server or port-forwarding not needed ipv6-first wi

NCurses Disk Usage 2.5

Ncdu is a disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface. It is designed to find space hogs on a remote server where you don’t have an entire graphical setup available, but it is a useful tool even on regular desktop systems. Ncdu aims to be fast, simple and easy to use, and should be able to run in any minimal POSIX-like environment with ncurses installed.

GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.23

GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro) is an official GNU package consisting of various programs and library functions for the manipulation and analysis of astronomical data. All the programs share the same basic command-line user interface for the comfort of both the users and developers. Gnuastro is written to comply fully with the GNU coding standards so it integrates finely with the GNU/Linux operating system. This also enables astronomers to expect a fully familiar experience in the source code

Roundup Issue Tracker 2.4.0

Roundup is a simple-to-use and install issue-tracking system with web, command-line xmlrpc, rest (in the 2.0 development line) and e-mail interfaces. It is based on the winning design from Ka-Ping Yee in the Software Carpentry Track design competition. Downloading the source allows you to start a demo instance in a few minutes to see if it will fill your needs. Unpack the tarball and run: python demo.py

exiv2 0.28.3

Exiv2 is a C++ library and a command-line utility to read, write, delete and modify Exif, IPTC, XMP and ICC image metadata.

hledger 1.34

hledger is... free GPL-licensed accounting software that runs on unix, mac, windows, and the web based on readable, version-controllable, future-proof plain text files good for tracking money, investments, time, or any countable commodity good for learning more about double entry accounting shipped with web, terminal, command line, JSON and Haskell interfaces the most user friendly plain text accounting app comparable to Ledger and Beancount built with the powerf

tesseract-ocr 5.4.0

tesseract-ocr is an OCR engine originally developed by Hewlett Packard and now sponsored by Google. It is highly accurate and will read a binary, gray, or color image and output text.

pdfgrep 2.2.0

pdfgrep is a commandline tool to search through PDF files. It's similar in its application to grep, and also allows searching with regular expressions or case-insensitively, and recursively through directories. It prints out filenames, page numbers, number of occurences, and most importantly a colorized match list.

versions 1.5.5

versions is a command line version tracker. It can track version changes for projects in freshcode, github or sourceforge. It has a simple YAML configuration file.

ani-cli 4.7

ani-cli is a cli to browse and watch anime (alone AND with friends).

rawhide 3.3

rawhide - find files using pretty C expressions. Rawhide (rh) lets you search for files on the command line using expressions and user-defined functions in a mini-language inspired by C. It's like find(1), but more fun to use. Search criteria can be very readable and self-explanatory and/or very concise and typeable, and you can create your own lexicon of search terms. The output can include lots of detail, like ls(1).

ledger 3.3.2

Ledger is a powerful, double-entry accounting system that is accessed from the UNIX command-line. This may put off some users, as there is no flashy UI, but for those who want unparalleled reporting access to their data, there really is no alternative. Here are some of the features of Ledger which set it apart from other accounting systems: Ledger never creates or modifies your data. Your entries are kept in a text file that you maintain, and you can rest assured, no automated tool will ever c

Optant 2.0.0

Optant is a tiny library that parses any arguments and options supplied to your script on the command line. It's perfect when you need to write a script that reads some arguments and/or options from the command line, but don't want to invest the time and energy into constructing a complex setup with commander or other more advanced tools.

dsargparse 0.3.0

dsargparse is a wrapper of argparse library which prepares helps and descriptions from docstrings. It also sets up functions to be run for each sub command, and provides a helper function which parses args and run a selected command. Using this library, you don't need to write same texts in docstrings, help, and description.

Fbi IMproved 0.5-rc2

FIM is a lightweight universal image viewer, mostly for Linux. It is highly customizable and scriptable, and for users who are comfortable with software like the VIM text editor or the Mutt mail user agent. You can control it using the keyboard. FIM can open many file formats (even using converters) and it can display pictures graphically, with the Linux framebuffer or under X/Xorg, or in a terminal as ASCII Art renderings.

Empty Daemon 0.9.0

An empty, event-driven daemon with built-in CLI. Includes a simple publish/subscribe mechanism. Written in C and has no dependencies (but plug-ins can be in any language). Intended for robotics but may be useful elsewhere.

Automation for the Rest of Us 4.8.1

expect-lite is a mature, quick and easy command line automation tool. Includes a Powerful Debugger with breakpoints, step/skip, copy/paste expect-lite lines right into a running script. Structured programming via Code Blocks, enables easy to create while loops, and conditionals (if statements). Full IPv6 support, using telnet or ssh over IPv6, and IPv6 addresses in the script.


Command line based user interface for editing and applying python scripts that convert lines in a file or from stdin however the user wants it and by whatsoever method is available through python including regex, parsers, string manipulation, calling subprocesses and everything else.


Tool that converts the help message of a program into a full-fledged manpage. Can use additional information from a file. The easy to use, fast way to generate a manpage. Written in python and based on the docopt parser.