GParted 1.7.0

GParted is a hard disk partitioning application commonly used from LiveCDs. It allows to created and modify partitions, label, check, copy and move, or resize common filesystems. GParted works on legacy MBR bootsectors or GUID partition tables (GPT). Supported filesystems include ext2/3/4, btrfs, f2fs, FAT16/32, hfs/hfs+, lvm2, NTFS, reiserfs/4, ufs, and xfs.

AVFS 1.1.5

AVFS is a system, which enables all programs to look inside gzip, tar, zip, etc. files or view remote (ftp, http, dav, etc.) files, without recompiling the programs. AVFS can be used with FUSE to enable access to archives from any application. AVFS can also be used as a stand-alone shared library if FUSE is not available or unwanted.

Gfarm File System 2.7.22

Gfarm is a network shared filesystem and alternative to NFS, but optimized for reliability, scaling and access from wide area network. It can federate local disks of network-connected PCs and compute nodes in several clusters, and supports explicit replica location control by users. Plugins exist for FUSE, Zabbix, Hadoop, Samba, MPI-IO, GridFTP, S3 MinIO, Nextcloud, Spack and a Linux kernel module is under development.

copyfsync 1.0.2

The utility to copy file with buffer synchronize after each copying iteration. Good for copy large file to USB stick when copying is slow or stalled (and vm.dirty_bytes and vm.dirty_background_bytes settings does not help).

mergerfs 2.32.3

mergerfs is a union filesystem for FUSE. It allows to join multiple source directories, declare priority mappings for file operations, to provide a joined view to the underlying files. It's similar to mhddfs, unionfs, and aufs; but allows for accessing standard and extended attributes.

File Watch 1.2

Filewatch uses the linux 'fanotify' subsystem to monitor filesystem events. It can trigger on open, modify and close events and write to logs, send to syslog, exec a command, or update filesystem extended attributes (xattr) in response to events, including updating a 'last changed' xattr that records who/what/when changed a file.

JAVA Searchmonkey 3.2.0 3.2.0

Searchmonkey is different to other desktop search engines. Users can search for file names and contents using powerful regular expressions. This enables Searchmonkey to be much more precise when it returns hits. In addition, searchmonkey doesn't just show you a list of files that might contain what you are looking for, it helpfully displays the content with the matches highlighted

Searchmonkey GTK Edition 0.8.3

Searchmonkey is different to other desktop search engines. Users can search for file names and contents using powerful regular expressions. This enables Searchmonkey to be much more precise when it returns hits. In addition, searchmonkey doesn't just show you a list of files that might contain what you are looking for, it helpfully displays the content with the matches highlighted

Searchmonkey GTK Edition 0.8.2

Searchmonkey is different to other desktop search engines. Users can search for file names and contents using powerful regular expressions. This enables Searchmonkey to be much more precise when it returns hits. In addition, searchmonkey doesn't just show you a list of files that might contain what you are looking for, it helpfully displays the content with the matches highlighted

Runit 1.4.0

Runit is small, portable program, that increase your comfort of running apps, files, directories and web sites. Runit allows you to quick search by term any file, defined web site or directory, and then quickly launch it.

AppFS 1.6

AppFS is a FUSE-based filesystem that presents a filesystem view of remote packages presented via HTTP for the purpose of running software without the hassle of installing it. Instead, as files are requested they are downloaded and made available.

FUSE for OS X 2.7.2

FUSE for OS X provides foreign filesystem support under Mac OS X. It's the successor to MacFUSE. And like the Linux variant it provides a user-land filesystem driver API, which is easier to develop for. Command-line tools are provided, and a kernel module which facilitates binding drivers like sshfs, procfs, AccessibilityFS, GrabFS, LoopbackFS, SpotlightFS, and YouTubeFS to the file system.

FATx 1.7

FATx is an implementation of the XBOX FAT16/32 filesystem variant. It comes with command-line implementations of mkfs, fsck, label, unrm for undeletion, and fusefatx for mounting an Xbox partition.