Offering a complete set of UI elements, GTK is suitable for projects ranging from small one-off tools to complete application suites. Work with the language of your choice. Develop your GTK app with your language of choice by using Language Bindings or wrappers and take full advantage of the official GNOME bindings which guarantee API stability and time-based releases. Portability. Projects built using GTK and its dependencies run on well known operating systems. Stability. GTK delivers the e
Dear ImGui is a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++. It outputs optimized vertex buffers that you can render anytime in your 3D-pipeline-enabled application. It is fast, portable, renderer agnostic, and self-contained (no external dependencies). Dear ImGui is designed to enable fast iterations and to empower programmers to create content creation tools and visualization / debug tools (as opposed to UI for the average end-user). It favors simplicity and productivity toward this g
Pango is a library for layout and rendering of text, with an emphasis on internationalization. Pango can be used anywhere that text layout is needed; however, most of the work on Pango so far has been done using the GTK widget toolkit as a test platform. Pango forms the core of text and font handling for GTK. Pango is designed to be modular; the core Pango layout can be used with different font backends. There are three basic backends, with multiple options for rendering with each. Client-side
JUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for creating high quality desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, AAX and LV2 audio plug-ins and plug-in hosts. JUCE can be easily integrated with existing projects via CMake, or can be used as a project generation tool via the Projucer, which supports exporting projects for Xcode (macOS and iOS), Visual Studio, Android Studio, Code::Blocks and Linux Makefiles as well as containing a source code editor.
* Fixes missing ${DESTDIR} in some Makefiles.
FINAL CUT is a C++ class library and widget toolkit that enables developers to create text-based user interfaces. FINAL CUT is a standalone library that interacts directly with the terminal without relying on external libraries such as ncurses or termbox. FINAL CUT provides full mouse support, UTF-8 character encoding, full-width character support, and the ability to display combined Unicode characters. The library helps the programmer to create a text console application. It allows handling mu
CXXGraph is a comprehensive C++ library that manages graph algorithms. This header-only library serves as an alternative to the Boost Graph Library (BGL).
The GFXReconstruct project provides tools for the capture and replay of graphics API calls, allowing the graphics commands executed by an application to be recorded to a file that may later be replayed to reconstruct the graphics-specific behavior of the captured application. The replay code has been organized with a framework design to make it easy to create additional tools for processing capture files. The GFXReconstruct components currently provided with this repository are: The VK_LAY
Uvicorn is an ASGI web server implementation for Python. Until recently Python has lacked a minimal low-level server/application interface for async frameworks. The ASGI specification fills this gap, and means we're now able to start building a common set of tooling usable across all async frameworks. Uvicorn currently supports HTTP/1.1 and WebSockets.
Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework. It is designed to make getting started quick and easy, with the ability to scale up to complex applications. It began as a simple wrapper around Werkzeug and Jinja and has become one of the most popular Python web application frameworks. Flask offers suggestions, but doesn’t enforce any dependencies or project layout. It is up to the developer to choose the tools and libraries they want to use. There are many extensions provided by the comm
atoum is a PHP unit testing framework and harness. It provides a simpler and modern assertion syntax with fluid syntax and extensive comperators, mocking and native function monkeys, a test case runner based on autocleaning and parallelized process separation, with xUnit/Cover reporting. It requires less configuration overhead and comes as a contemporary Phar runtime. While it hasn't all features of Pythons `nose`, nor provides interpreted language introspection, atoum succeeds as a way more c
CakePHP is a web development framework, somewhat similar to Rails. It provides scaffolding tools, an ActiveRecord/DataMapper implementation, doesn't require much setup or configuration. It comes with helpers for text translations, caching, validation, authorization backends, CSRF and XSS protection, and templating. It follows the Web-"MVC" scheme, centralized route dispatching, less efficient class-by-class autoloading, etc. Thorough API documentation and a rich set of user-contributed plugins e
Rayngin is a 3D 6DF framework/engine for approach&click quests in rectangular chambers with objects consisting of balls. Written in Rust and uses SDL2. Demo 'game' is provided. Includes music and sound, inventory management, item usage, branched dialogues, saving and loading, has multilanguage support.
Embedthis ESP is a blazing fast "C" language web framework that is extremely efficient and access hardware and system data with ease. ESP is not a traditional low-level environment. It is a full MVC framework in a tiny footprint with most things you'd expect from an enterprise web framework including: MVC, scaffolds, templates, WebSockets, integrated databases, database migrations, etc. ESP offers "script-like" productivity, if web pages or controllers are modified during development, the code
The DomFramework allow the developpers to create easily some PHP applications. Provide authentication, abstraction to databases, and much more !
PSX is a framework written in PHP to create RESTful APIs. It provides tools to handle routing, API versioning, data transformation, authentication, documentation and testing. With PSX you can easily build an REST API around an existing application or create a new one from scratch.
Quesfera is a cross-platform framework/engine to make point & click adventures, or quests, with 3D panoramic freelook (similar to Myst III Exile or Scratches). Written in Go and uses SDL2. Demo 'game' and GUI configurator are provided. Includes inventory management, item usage, reading descriptions and books, dialogues with branches, menu, saving & loading, intro, credits, has built-in localization support for texts and voices.
SCROLL Framework is a java/j2ee framework invented in java-jdk1.8 by wilmix jemin for webapplication at year 2017.
Meteor is a uncomplex and data-oriented web application framework for development in pure JavaScript. Instead of transferring HTML output, it provides bidirectional websocket communication for data exchange, thus allowing database access in the client exactly like on the server. It compensates for latency, provides auto-updating templates, easily hooks into existing libraries and comes with extensive documentation.
Pure Java cross-platform image processing framework that provides features for image and video frame processing, multi-threading image processing, GUI integration, extensibility via plug-ins, unit text automation among other things.
Is a new lightweight PHP framework, made for people who is starting on the world of MVC patterns and wants to create new applications. supported php version > 5.6, 7 Databases supports many drivers (mysql, sqlite, PostgreSQL, mssql, sybase, Oracle Call Interface -oci-) Features Lightweight Framework Easy to install NOTORM Database Templates for each view Many and useful helpers Easy to manage Secure and fast
A Push Engine that manages creating/sending Publishers' streams to Subscribers
TymeacAND is a full-feature, multi-threading, fork-join framework for Android development (IPC and internal server). TymeacAND provides a high performance queuing facility, professional thread management and recursive processing that is easy to use.
TymeacDSE is a Fork-Join application server employing the Divide-and-Conquer methodology in either an embedded or remote (RMI) configuration.
TymeacSE is a full-feature, multi-threading, fork-join framework for Java SE development (RMI and internal server). TymeacSE provides a high performance queuing facility, professional thread management and recursive processing that is easy to use.
JDOLLAR(J$v.2) IS said to be less interactive , advanced programming language used for constructing OS , compilers and mostly used in cloud computing and mobile cloud computing. And JDollar(J$v.2) is the World NO:1 technology. It contains 10 modules focused on cloud computing and mobile cloud computing. It is invented by wilmix jemin j at C/C++ Technology in year 2015. [Expansion of JDollar => J-> JEMIN and Dollar => MONEY] It uses Remote cloud sever to compile the J$ Programs.
JDOLLARPART3 is called as (JD3E) is used for cloudcomputing . JDOLLARPART3 is called as (JD3E) consists of frameworks and latest technology of JDollar. It is mainly used in cloud computing.. JDOLLARPART3 is called as (JD3E) (JDollar 3rd Edition). JDollarPart3 is invented by wilmix jemin j at 2015.
JDOLLARPART2 is called as (JD2E) is used for cloudcomputing . JDOLLARPART2 is called as (JD2E) consists of frameworks and latest technology of JDollar. It is mainly used in cloud computing.. JDOLLARPART2 is called as (JD2E) (JDollar 2nd Edition). JDollar has userfriendly framework called as JAUF. All Latest Technologies and Framework of JDollar is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2015 JDollar has latest technologies like JC , Jeb, JShell, JSync
RPGboss is a 2D role-playing game engine and application designer. It requires little programming logic, comes with a map editor and tiles. It allows custom screen sizes, side battles, defining map events and interactive dialogs, JavaScript usage, items/inventory, in-game menus, managing scores and skills, animations, characters and enemies. Completed games can be exported to Windows, Linux and Mac binaries.
fwtchrq is a command-line tool, based on the Epeios framework, which watches files and directories from a given path and reports their modifications. Besides files modifications, it also reports moving, renaming, creation and deletion of directories. It's written in C++ and makes use of task parallelism to be as fast as possible, notably when exploring the content of a directory and its sub-directories. It uses only system and C/C++ standard libraries, so it doesn't need third party components.
HWA is a tool for programming microcontrollers in C language. It provides the programmer a small set of object-oriented generic instructions to act on the hardware so that traditional bitwise and register-oriented instructions can be replaced by instructions that describe the wanted result, making the code more readable and easier to port to new target devices. HWA is not a library. Its implementation relies on C macro-definitions and inlined functions that, thanks to the compiler's optimizer
Teapot is micro web framework for Pharo Smalltalk, that focuses on simplicity and ease of use.
CodeIgniter is a mature framework for PHP web applications. It's modularized and comperatively lean, requires litte configuration, comes with extensive documentation. CodeIgniter supports Active Record, Web-MVC, comes with security filters, autorization and persistence, localization, caching, loggin, standard URL routing, does not impose a templating engine, and works with almost any database.
Frappe is a holistic Python web application framework, orignally inspired by Protégé and now basis for ERPNext. It heavily uses JavaScript for dynamic views, and is based on MariaDB specifically. It provides configuration-centric models and forms, role-based permissions, document management / mapping and linking, task management, nested set models, and a REST API.
CleverStyle is a lean WebCMS written in PHP. It provides simple content and page management, blogs, comments, cron job hooks and deferred tasks, disqus integration, feedback forms, OAuth2 and hybrid social networking logins, image galleries, Plupload, polls, WYSIWYG editors, and static html pages, IPv6 support, divergent file and database storage, and mirror functionality.
Wt (pronounced "wit-ty") is a C++ web development library providing widget-centric interfaces. It abstracts HTTP/AJAX client-server communication into standard/stateful application design patterns, takes care of JavaScript+HTML generation and interaction, and covers cross-browser support (graceful degradation and progressive enhancement oriented). Wt comes with a FastCGI-based application server. And there's also JWt, a Java-based version of C++ Wt. HTML templating, Bootstrap or widget layout ma
Ruboto is a Ruby development tool chain and framework for generating native Android apps. It's based on JRuby and can utilize any Ruby library or gem, while still facilitating access to Android and Java APIs. Code generators are provided, packaging tools, rake/ant useable, deployment and testing helpers added.
Yii is a performance-oriented PHP framework for building complex web applications. It incorporates structural designs from Prado, Ruby on Rails, Symfony and Joomla, integrates jQuery, Bootstrap, jQuery UI, Composer, Bower, NPM. It provides the common WebMVC scheme, AR / ORM / DAO database abstractions, templating and form input handling, AJAX-enabled widgets, authorization modules, webservice APIs, internationalization, caching, error logging, XSS and CSRF prevention, code generation, plugin and
Watson is a Python web application framework. It's unobtrusive and follows convention over configuration.