Scribus is a professional typesetting and page layout program, available on all major platforms but also for OS/2 and GNU/Hurd. It provides press-ready PDF output, but a user-friendly and modern interface. It supports color separation, ICC profiles, CMYK and spot colors.
Paperwork is a GUI to make papers easily searchable using OCR. The basic idea behind Paperwork is "scan & forget" : You should be able to just scan a new document and forget about it until the day you need it again.
Evolution is a personal information management application that provides integrated mail, calendaring and address book functionality.
RouterOS configuration instructions and scripts for the MikroTik hAP ax lite router to implement a WiFi client with four (4) wired Ethernet interfaces.
mtCellEdit is a lightweight spreadsheet program. Its main goal is to provide facilities for simple day-to-day tasks using a minimal graphical user interface. It uses TSV based file formats to ensure that archived data is always accessible to other programs, regardless of operating system, both now and in the future. These "other programs" might be spreadsheet programs, text editors, command line tools, or custom built programs. It is written from scratch and provides all of its core facilities v
LibreOffice is a powerful office suite. It provides a simple and intuitive interface with various editing tools. It's comprised of Writer, the word processor, Calc, the spreadsheet application, Impress, the presentation engine, Draw, a drawing and flowcharting application, Base, an database frontend, and Math for editing mathematics and formulas. It's derived from and supports the OpenDocument Formats as well as proprietary/legacy office documents.
Calligra is an integrated suite of applications that cover office, creative, and management needs. It offers applications on both desktop computers and mobile platforms like tablets and smartphones. OpenDocument Format (ODF) is used, making it compatible with, LibreOffice, and Microsoft Office. Calligra Suite contains the following applications: Calligra Words (word processor), Sheets (spreadsheets), Stage (presentations), Flow (diagrams and flowcharts), Kexi (visual database crea
OCRFeeder is a document layout analysis and optical character recognition system. Given the images it will automatically outline its contents, distinguish between what's graphics and text and perform OCR over the latter. It generates multiple formats being its main one ODT. It features a complete GTK graphical user interface that allows the users to correct any unrecognized characters, defined or correct bounding boxes, set paragraph styles, clean the input images, import PDFs, save and load t
Friend OS leverages the computing power of the Internet to offer many of the features and functionalities of Chrome OS, Windows, Linux, Android, macOS or iOS, without the need to choose a specific hardware platform or proprietary software package. If you have a device that can run a web browser, you can use Friend OS.
Microsoft is within the midst of rolling out records concerning its modern productiveness software application in place of work 2021. many of the bread crumbs released up to now, Microsoft surely unveiled that office 2021 will encompass every a cloud-primarily based absolutely patron channel further to a long term Servicing Channel (LTSC) intended to cope with those precise conditions wherein a tool cannot or isn't always succesful to connect to the net.
Neoleo is a light-weight spreadsheet that will work in almost any environment. Oleo was an official GNU spreadsheet that had not been updated since 2000. It suffered from considerable bitrot. Neoleo is an update to Oleo that fixes these issues.
TaskRegistry is a calendar, open tasks and time registation program. The calendar is inspired by a classic monthly "one page, one column" calendar sheet. The time registration is designed to track the time spent on projects, f.e. to write monthly invoices to your customers. And on tasks you can simply note your open tasks, arrange them in groups and prioritize them lower or higher.
For people who do not like classical spreadsheets, but need an office tool for tables: With Dagri you can build up tables and save data within. While a spreadsheet uses one single table layout, Dagri can use many tables with different layouts on one sheet. And it gives you more focus on your data. The intention is not another spreadsheet, but something new instead: a data grid application.
Simple program to browse your available fonts.
Monotype informed me that the name of the software is protected by them, so this software doesn't exist anymore. Please admins: Remove this software from beeing listed.
Mavscript allows the user to do calculations in a text document. Plain text and OpenOffice Writer files (odt) are supported. The calculation is done by the algebra system Yacas (default), Jasymca or by the Java interpreter BeanShell.
FF Multi Converter is a GUI frontend for multimedia and document conversion tools. It utilizes FFmpeg for audio and video format recoding, ImageMagick for graphic files, and UnoConv for all office document formats. It's implemented in Python with Qt4.
AbiWord is a free word processing program similar to Microsoft Word. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks.
The Daily Journal is a PIM program that is written using Qt. It manages daily notes, appointments, holidays, contact and to-do lists, and issues alerts before scheduled appointments.
The Issue Dealer is an application for managing information. It is currently used by organizations and individuals to manage day-to-day tasks and information. The Issue Dealer features issue management (information and tasks), relations (to relate issues) and different publishers; to see one of the publishers in action, go to Morphex's blogologue ( It can be used as an Issue Tracker, tracking issues of various types, for example problem, goal, idea, info. It can also be
PyUPC-EAN is a barcode library/module for Python. It supports the barcode formats upc-e, upc-a, ean-13, ean-8, ean-2, ean-5, itf14, codabar, code11, code39, code93, and msi.
TOMUSS is a collaborative web application for multi-user table editing. Its interactivity prevents accidential data loss or incorrect values, provides a cell editing history, does not impose complex formulas, a lean security model, allows integration with information backends, does not require a specific framework for extensibility. It's intended for managing student grades, but allows simple column averages or free text editing.
Z-Push is an implementation of the ActiveSync protocol which is used 'over-the-air' for multi platform ActiveSync devices, including Windows Mobile, Android, iPhone, Sony Ericsson and Nokia mobile devices. With Z-Push any groupware can be connected and synced with these devices.
The Zarafa Collaboration Platform is a Microsoft Exchange replacement. Zarafa provides an integration with an existing Linux mail server, native mobile phone support by ActiveSync compatibility and a WebApp with 'Look & Feel' similar to Outlook using Ajax. Including an IMAP and a POP3 gateway as well as an iCal/CalDAV gateway, Zarafa can combine the usability with the stability and the flexibility of a Linux server.
RsBudget is a PC software to budget, track and control your private financial activities (Expense Tracker).
For users on Linux and Unix, KDE offers a full suite of user workspace applications which allow interaction with these operating systems in a modern, graphical user interface. This includes Plasma Desktop, KDE's innovative and powerful desktop interface. Other workspace applications are included to aid with system configuration, running programs, or interacting with hardware devices. While the fully integrated KDE Workspaces are only available on Linux and Unix, some of these features are availa