Fossil SCM 2.24

Fossil is a distributed version control system, quite robust and easy to use. It manages local and remote repositories, user permissions, has a built-in wiki, bugtracker, release blog and an extendable web interface. It's github-in-a-box as all features are packed into a stand-alone executable which also doubles as server. Internally the database utilizes SQLite and allows extending that or its user interface through TCL or the builtin TH1 scripting language. An optional JSON API permits further

SQLiteBrowser 3.12.2

SQLiteBrowser is a lightweight frontend for managing SQLite databases. It provides controls and wizards for database creation and compaction, defining or modifying tables or indexes, importing and exporting. The grid view allows to edit, add and delete rows, execute SQL statements, inspect the log, or search records.

sqlite_bro 0.12.1bis

sqlite_bro is a simple graphical and tabular SQlite database browser in a single Python script. It comes with administrative functions such as import/export of CSV and SQL data, and provides SQL-embedded Python functions.

SQLiteStudio 3.2.1

SQLiteStudio is an intuitve SQLite 2.x and 3.x database management tool. It comes ready to use in a single executable, is cross-platform using the Qt toolkit (the previous Tcl/Tk implementation was just as pretty), its interface available in various translations. It allows editing database content and schemes, views and triggers with syntax checks; and can export into various serialization formats, and provides for plugins and scripting capabilities.

SQLite 3.14.1 💾

SQLite is a lightweight and embeddable database. It's fully ACID and SQL92 compliant with 100% test coverage. As storage a single cross-platform disk file format is used, which may be up to terrabytes in size. It requires no setup and little administrative work. SQLite itself has a simple yet expandable API. Bindings for most programming languages exist on all major plattforms.

security: A performance enhancement to the page-cache "truncate" operation Reduces COMMIT time by dozens of milliseconds on systems with a Large page cache.

Public Domain c sql database sqlite embedded


LazSqlX is a cross-platform database management tool. It works with MariaDB/Mysql, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird and Oracle databases. It provides am intuitive data browser, querying tool and management GUI. LazSqlX can also be used on stored procedures, for changing table schemata, search, filtering, printing, or CSV / XML /JSON exports.

Eilat 1.5.5

Eilat provides a minimal Qt/WebKit-based browser window. It's written in Python and primarily provides keyboard interaction. It's focused on security and privacy by isolating web site instances and avoiding a cache, persistent cookie storage, but logs actually retrieved network resources. It provides limited bookmarking, but no file download support.