Micro Hosts Editor 1.5.0

Micro Hosts Editor is a small, simple, cross-platform, free and completely open-source Hosts editor. You can easily edit your Hosts file using simple GUI.

please 0.5.5

Delegate accurate least privilege access with ease. Express easily with a regex and expose only what is needed and nothing more. Or validate file edits with pleaseedit. Admin your box without giving users full root shells, most admins have experience of regex in one form or another, so lets configure access that way.

libfaketime 0.9.10

libfaketime intercepts various system calls that programs use to retrieve the current date and time. It then reports modified (faked) dates and times (as specified by the user) to these programs. This means you can modify the system time a program sees without having to change the time system-wide.

Gross greylisting server 1.1.0 a1

Gross is a greylisting server. The features that make gross stand out from other greylisters are: - it's blazingly fast - it's amazingly resource efficient - it can be configured to query DNSBL databases, and enforce greylisting only for hosts that are found on those databases - it can block hosts that match multiple DNSBL's - it can be replicated and run parallel on two servers - It supports Sun Java System Messaging Server, Postfix, Sendmail and Exim.

FAI - Fully Automatic Installation 6.2

FAI is a non-interactive system to install and configure Linux systems and software packages on computers as well as virtual machines, from small networks to large-scale infrastructures like clusters and virtual environments. It can be used for creating custom disk images used in virtual machines or on a cloud-computing platform. There's also a web build service for customized installation and cloud images.

rpmrestore 1.8

Rpmrestore allows the user to show the differences (user, group, mode, mtime, size) between a package's status on install and its current status. This act as an improvement of the functionality provided by the "rpm -V" command. It also allows the user to restore the attributes to their original state (install state). It features a batch mode, an interactive mode, a logfile, and rollback.

UBOS 2022-01-17

UBOS is a distro that aims to make it 10x easier to run server-side apps for yourself, or for your family, on hardware you own. It does by providing single-command web application install, uninstall, backup/restore and systems upgrade, including all server configuration, database provisioning, data migration etc. UBOS now also provides single-command network configuration, including DHCP, mDNS, DNS, firewall, masquerading and integration with Letsencrypt. Current supported platforms: x86, Raspb

Tuned Switcher 0.6.0

Tuned Switcher is a simple utility for managing performance profiles using the Tuned service. Tuned is a daemon for monitoring and adaptive tuning of system devices. In order to use this program, a daemon must be installed on your system.

rduty 0.3.2

rduty is a Python script to easily and quickly run a command or multiple commands on remote and local hosts and devices via ssh (telnet is also supported). It is also able to automate repetitive tasks on many hosts using inventory files from Ansible, or simple .ini inventory files. rduty is currently tested on Python3, it hasn't been tested yet on other Python versions.

knocker 0.8.0

Knocker is a simple and easy to use TCP security port scanner written in C to analyze hosts and all of the different services started on them. It is available for Linux, FreeBSD, HP-UX, and Windows9x/2000/NT and it is licensed under the GNU General Public License GPL

Hardware lister B.02.19.2

lshw (HardWare LiSter) is a small tool for Linux to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc.

Docker 17.03.2-ce

Docker is an open platform for distributing software application in containers. It utilizes operating system-level virtualization for process and full resource isolation through cgroups, capabilities, SELinux, AppArmor, netfilter, and Linux kernel namespaces. Its libcontainer is based on libvirt and lxc. Docker Engine is the application and environment packaging tool. And Docker Hub is a cloud service for sharing prepackaged containers.

JAVA Searchmonkey 3.2.0 3.2.0

Searchmonkey is different to other desktop search engines. Users can search for file names and contents using powerful regular expressions. This enables Searchmonkey to be much more precise when it returns hits. In addition, searchmonkey doesn't just show you a list of files that might contain what you are looking for, it helpfully displays the content with the matches highlighted

Searchmonkey GTK Edition 0.8.3

Searchmonkey is different to other desktop search engines. Users can search for file names and contents using powerful regular expressions. This enables Searchmonkey to be much more precise when it returns hits. In addition, searchmonkey doesn't just show you a list of files that might contain what you are looking for, it helpfully displays the content with the matches highlighted

Searchmonkey GTK Edition 0.8.2

Searchmonkey is different to other desktop search engines. Users can search for file names and contents using powerful regular expressions. This enables Searchmonkey to be much more precise when it returns hits. In addition, searchmonkey doesn't just show you a list of files that might contain what you are looking for, it helpfully displays the content with the matches highlighted

ScriptForm 1.3

ScriptForm is a stand-alone webserver that automatically generates forms from JSON to serve as frontends to scripts. It takes a JSON file which contains form definitions, constructs web forms from this JSON and serves these to users over HTTP. The user can select a form and fill it out. When the user submits the form, it is validated and the associated script is called. Data entered in the form is passed to the script through the environment.

sup 1.1

sup is a very small and secure C application. it is designed to run as root (with suid bit on) to facilitate the privilege escalation of users to execute certain programs as superuser. all settings in sup are hard-coded at compile time. sup is very portable and self-contained, designed for production use as a static binary. sup is a sort of hard-coded sudo: it is an ideal companion for artisans building small containers and embedded systems.

Apache GUI 1.11.0

Apache GUI provides a web-based management interface for the Apache HTTP server, implemented in Java and works on Linux and MacOS or Windows setups. It aids editing, searching and validating Apache configuration files, enabling modules, or to edit hosted files through an inline editor, traversing and searching server logs, view or graph statistics and transactions.

Delta Reporting 3.3

Delta Reporting is a central logging service for CFEngine. CFEngine promises and classes are stored in a central database and made available for advanced searches and reports via a modern Web interface and the command line.

postqgrep 0.1.1

A utility to read the contents of the Postfix mail queue and filter according to arguments provided. Loosely based on the command exiqgrep which provides similar functionality for the exim mail server.