Wine 10.0-rc6

Wine is an implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. It does not require Microsoft Windows, but can use native Windows DLLs if they are available. It provides both a development toolkit for porting Windows source code to Unix as well as a program loader, allowing many unmodified Windows programs to run on x86-based Unixes.

MediaInfo 24.12

MediaInfo displays technical, format, encoding, aspect and textual tag data for audio and video files. It provides a unified GUI for various file containers such as MPEG/4, QuickTime, MKV, AVI, WMV, FLV. It can also generate reports in various text formats, batch process, and a GUI is available cross-platform.

CAWT 3.0.0

CAWT is a TWAPI-based TCL utility package to interact with COM interfaces on Windows systems. It provides specialised bindings for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MSIE, Outlook, Matlab, and Google Earth.

PuTTY 0.82

PuTTY is a free implementation of SSH and Telnet for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator.


ZCAD is simple CAD program for technical drawings and electrical wirings and devices. It supports the DXF2000, DWG, PDF/PS/SVG/EPS and ZCP file formats and SHX or TTF fonts, is cross-platform, uses fast OpenGL rendering, allows polar tracking, accessible 2D and 3D object rotation and perspectivic view, and taking object snapshots.

Qt 6.6.1

Qt is a C++ and GUI toolkit. It's available cross-platform, and integrates the Qt Quick canvas and fluid layout engine, based on QML (modeling with JavaScript and CSS-like features).

RecordEditor 0.99.3

Record Editor is a data file editor for CSV (Comma/Tab delimited values) files, fixed field width files, and XML files. This program uses a record-layout definition to display the data file in a human-readable form. It can handle PC (text and binary), Unix (text and binary), and native IBM mainframe (text and binary) file formats. It is similar to Net-Cobol's Cobol-Editor or Compuware's FileAid.

SimulaBeta 3.1.2

SimulaBeta is a continuous numerical simulation program for insulin-glucose feedback control. It is based on a published nonlinear MiMe-NoCoDI model of insulin-glucose homeostasis, calibrated with physiological data. It supports sensitivity analysis, saving and reading parameter sets and sub-models as scenarios and the export of simulation results in various formats for evaluation in statistics packages.

TRURL G 1.1.2

TRURL G is a free desktop RPN calculator that celebrates the 50th anniversary of the first landing of humans on the earth's moon. Its design is inspired by the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC).

Arx Libertatis 1.2.1

Arx Libertatis is a cross-platform, open source port of Arx Fatalis, a 2002 first-person role-playing game / dungeon crawler developed by Arkane Studios. Arx Fatalis features crafting, melee and ranged combat, as well as a unique casting system where the player draws runes in real time to effect the desired spell. Arx Libertatis updates and improves Arx Fatalis by supporting modern systems, porting the game to new systems as well as eliminating bugs and limitations. In the future we plan to i

Triangolo 1.0

Triangolo is an easy-to-use calculator software helping to determine L-T4 and L-T3 substitution dosage according to the algorithms provided by the European Thyroid Association (ETA).

dl: Download Ticket Service 0.19

"dl" is a simple file sharing service for quick/one-off file transfers. Upload a file to get a link you can share. Or create a sharing link to receive files from others. The uploaded files are automatically removed when left unused, requiring zero additional maintenance. "dl" is built for your users: easy to use with any browser, integrates smoothly with Thunderbird for large attachments, works on Android, Windows and OSX or straight from the command line for maximum convenience.

WinPython 4.3.20210620

Winpython is a portable Python Distribution for the Windows-platform, allowing you to run your code using Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Numba, Cython and many other great software of the scientific stack of Python.

GeniXCMS 1.1.11

GeniXCMS is a PHP Based Content Management System and Framework (CMSF). It's very suitable for intermediate and advanced PHP developers. It requires a medium amount of configuration to achieve a working starting setup or fully fledged applications. It already provides a built-in User manager, Content manager (Post, Pages), Menu manager, etc. It's simple to add custom code or extend it to a rich custom web application.

Pioneers 15.6

Pioneers is a PC game version of the board game The Settlers of Catan. It can be played against the computer, or over the internet by finding up to 8 players per gaming metaserver. Custom layouts can be defined.

Dagri 1.6

For people who do not like classical spreadsheets, but need an office tool for tables: With Dagri you can build up tables and save data within. While a spreadsheet uses one single table layout, Dagri can use many tables with different layouts on one sheet. And it gives you more focus on your data. The intention is not another spreadsheet, but something new instead: a data grid application.

Trurl A 1.0.1

TRURL A is a calculator app and a technological demonstration for the open RPN engine. Despite its frugality, TRURL A is a fully functional platform-sensitive virtual calculator.

Realtime rectangle detector with GPGPU 1.00

This is a program for real-time rectangle detection from an image. This program detects *ALL* rectangular shapes viewed from a 3D perspective in real time, utilizing a GPU. The program is purely rule-based.

ReactOS 0.4.7

ReactOS is a free and open source operating system written from scratch. It's design is based on Windows in the same way Linux is based on Unix, however ReactOS is not Linux. ReactOS looks and feels like Windows, is able to your run Windows software and your Windows drivers, and is familiar for Windows users.

NT Objects 1.3

This utility is meant to be an open source replacement of WinObj. It is dual-licensed under MS-PL and MIT license.

Goozzee 2.1

Goozzee allows you to easily create, browse and share knowledge bases & documentation repositories, using topic maps. The GUI is written in C++ (using wxWidgets for easier cross-platform portability), and data is saved in a mysql relational database. Goozzee can be used in single-user mode, using the included Mysql embedded database. In multi-user mode, Goozzee uses a mysql or MariaDB server to store its data. Use this software to store notes, files of any type - even very large ones -; creat

LGCK Builder

LGCK Builder is a development environment for side-scrolling games. It can be used by novices and seasoned developers alike for quick results. Simplicity and reusability of components is a core concept. LGCK runs on Windows/Wine, provides tile-free design, is object-oriented, cross-platform, makes programming optional, allows multiple background image layers.

Fast Light Toolkit 1.3.4

FLTK (fulltick) is a lean but modern GUI toolkit written in C++ with bindings for Perl, Python, Ruby, Lua and Tcl. It's usable and looks alike on all platforms, provides full internationalization, 3D rendering via OpenGL and an internal GLUT backend, static linking, does not require macros or preprocDessing, still comes with a solid set of widgets, and its GUI designer FLUID.

GNU Solfege 3.23.4

GNU Solfege is *free* ear training software written in Python 3.4 using the Gtk+ 3 toolkit. The program is designed to be easily extended with lesson files (data files), so the user can create new exercises.

SDL Sopwith 1.8.4

SDL Sopwith is a port of the classic 8086 biplane shoot-em-up game to modern computers.

Atomic Tanks 6.4

Atanks is a multi-platform Scorched Earth clone similar to the Worms series of games. Annihilate the other tanks to earn money, then spend it on bigger and better shields and weapons to wipe out the opposition.

Arx Libertatis 1.1.2

Arx Libertatis is a cross-platform, open source port of Arx Fatalis, a 2002 first-person role-playing game / dungeon crawler developed by Arkane Studios. Arx Fatalis features crafting, melee and ranged combat, as well as a unique casting system where the player draws runes in real time to effect the desired spell. Arx Libertatis updates and improves Arx Fatalis by supporting modern systems, porting the game to new systems as well as eliminating bugs and limitations. In the future we plan to i

Burd's Proxy Searcher 5.1

Burd's Proxy Searcher is a Windows GUI to easily uncover public and free-to-use or anonymizing proxy servers. It's based on a customizable and filterable search engine, and automatically probes result lists for server accessibility. It can test for HTTP or SOCKS proxies, and instantly apply settings to the current web browser.

NetMauMau 0.24.0

Play the popular card game Mau Mau (similar to UNO®) against the computer or over the network with your friends. It consists of a highly configurable stand-alone server and a client based on Qt4/5. The client's development is now ceased and in search of a new maintainer, transforming it from a worse and annoying showstopper to a usable and fun to play one. Features: * Play against an unlimited number of tactical playing computer opponents * Play against an unlimited number of human players ov

wpkg.exe 0.9.10

wpkg.exe is a package manager for Windows, which is fully compatible with the Debian package format, and also implements APT-style dependency resolution. It also runs on Linux and MacOSX, and there's a graphical frontend alternatively. It supports package installation with implicit repositories over various protocols.

Savvy DOCX Recovery 3.0.0

DOCX Recovery can fix corrupted DOCX/Word files. In particular MS Words internal recovery machanism sometimes stumbles over its complex XML serialization and namespace nesting, ordering, or even the ZIP enclosure. Savvy DOCX recovery attempts to reparse and restructure document data, otherwise falls back on xmllint, or partially truncates unsalvagable files, else even utilizes DocToText for recovery.

SkullRush 0.4.0

SkullRush is a online multiplayer shooter in a 2D platform world. The client can be largely customized, new maps added, as the game server manages most graphics, sound and interactions.


SoundSteper is a software-only control tool for step motors used with telescopes. It works in real-time, operates over a sound card, and requires an analog sound amplifier, works with up to 4 moters in parallel; provides sync and go-to modes or joystick control even. It runs on Windows.

Kona 3.15

Kona is an implementation of the K programming language, which itself is a healthy mix of APL and LISP. The basic data constructs in K are the list, and multidimensional (up to 9 dimensions) matrix arrays. Kona itself is implemented in C and runs under Windows.


CodeSQL converts MySQL queries to string literals for a number of programming languages. It's a very simple tool that parses SQL and prepares any number of SQL commands for copy+pasting into C++, C#, Java, Delphi/Object Pascal or PHP code.

O2 Project 2.2

O2 is a flexible and encrypted archiving system for personal data like contacts, account and credit cards, Wi-Fi passwords, etc. It allows categorization of stored entities, regrouping, adding new meta info, object data relations, sorting and searching, import and export, or report/summary generation.

Quick Hash GUI 2.5.2

Quick Hash GUI provides recursive file hashing, copying and verification of whole directory structures. It provides a simple GUI for Linux and Windows. It can also verify whole partitions, provides MD5 and SHA1/SHA2 algorithms, export results as CSV or HTML report.

Lab Assistant 0.5b19

Lab Assistant is a chemistry experiment and tutoring application for Windows. It provides an interactive element and compound library and allows to synthesize them into known substances given the correct reagents. It's suitable for beginners as little prior chemistry knowledge is required.

Npackd 1.19.13

Npackd is a package manager and application market place for Windows. It synchronizes install information with the control panels software section and MSI package database, supports proxies, authorization-protected repositories, silent and fast installations, dependency resolution, automatic shortcut creation, multiple versions per package installation, and SHA1 package checksums.

IUP 3.11.2

IUP is a graphical UI toolkit. It's portable and provides language bindings for C, Lua and LED. There are styles for a native Windows, a styled version, Motif and a Gtk+ look and feel. There are over 100 functions for commanding dialogs, an asbtract box-and-glue layout model is used, widgets for dialogs, text and labels, buttons or toggle and checkboxes, lists, canvas and frames, vertical and horizontal or fill boxes, menus, tabs, and some complex dialogs (color and file chooser, wanrings/notice

delta3d 2.8.0

delta3d is a game and simulation engine. It integrates Open Scene Graph, Open Dynamics Engine, Character Animation Library, OpenAL, and Qt in an easy to use API.

ExtraPuTTY 0.29

ExtraPuTTY is a fork of Putty 0.63 for Windows. It adds a Win32 API, command shortcuts, uses config files instead of the registry, automatic reconnection, and supports FTP, TFTP, X/Y/Zmodem besides SSH and Telnet. It also provides Lua 5.2 scripting for session handling and management, and is directory relocatable for portable installations.

Neard 1.0.12

Neard is a WAMP development distribution comprised of Apache, PHP, MariaDB and Node.js. It also includes applications like FileZilla, the GitList repo viewer, Webgrind for performance tuning, WebSVN, Adminer for database management, Console2 with TCC/LE, PortableGit, ImageMagick, and XDebugClient. It provides a convenient administrative menu for all features of course.

HCRF 3.1.6

HCFR is a video projector and monitor calibration software. It's derived from ColorHCFR version 2.1 and aims for more open development processes. It integrates ArgyllCMS, DVD or internal pattern generation, grayscale, gamma and gamut inspection, madVR calibration, and meter support.

Sky Chart 3.11

SkyChart draws an observable night sky of stars and nebulas from its catalog. It can also note the position planets, comets or asteroids. Many parameters allow automatic catalog selection, adapting colorization and dimensions, labels for non-star objects.

RsBudget 2.0.0

RsBudget is a PC software to budget, track and control your private financial activities (Expense Tracker).