LimeSurvey 6.4.10 build 240228 💾

LimeSurvey is a web application that interacts with MySQL, MSSQL, or Postgres to develop surveys, publish surveys, and collect responses to surveys. Once a survey has been created, data can be inserted into the survey either by a "pretty" public screen which presents each question one at a time, or by a quick and nasty data entry screen. It includes the capacity to generate individualized "tokens", so that invitations can be issued to participants. It also has the capacity to set conditions on whether questions will display (branching), numerous question types, and a basic statistics function.

minor feature: Survey permission improvements (lajosarpad). CT-674: other field in list(radio) is cut off after 5 characters (Carsten Schmitz). Input validation does not work correctly with input numeric when reload response (Denis Chenu). Updated translation: Japanese by d_inoue. Updated translation: French (France) by DenisChenu, mapage.

GNU GPL survey php mysql mssql postgres

Babel 7.24.0 💾

Babel is a code translator, which compiles next-gen EcmaScript 6 syntax into browser-consumable ES5/JavaScript. It adds a few proposed ES7 constructs even, and works with React, Node.js, Rails, etc. It provides for: array comprehensions, arrow functions, async functions, async generator functions, classes, class properties, computed property names, constants, decorators, default parameters, destructuring, exponentiation operator, for-of, generators, generator comprehensions, let scoping, modules, module export extensions, object rest/spread, property method assignment, property name shorthand, rest parameters, react, spread, tail call optimisation, template literals, type annotations, unicode regex support.

major bugfix: (2024-02-28). #### :rocket: New Feature. `babel-standalone`. Export babel tooling packages in `@babel/standalone` (@ajihyf). `babel-core`, `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`. Implement `noUninitializedPrivateFieldAccess` assumption (@nicolo-ribaudo). `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-syntax-decorators`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`. Support decorator 2023-11 normative updates (@JLHwung). `babel-preset-flow`. babel 7 Allow setting `ignoreExtensions` in Flow preset (@nicolo-ribaudo). Add `experimental_useHermesParser` option in `preset-flow` (@liuxingbaoyu). `babel-helper-import-to-platform-api`, `babel-plugin-proposal-import-wasm-source`, `babel-plugin-proposal-json-modules`, `babel-standalone`. Add transform support for JSON modules imports (@nicolo-ribaudo). `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`. Add back `moduleName` option to `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime` (@nicolo-ribaudo). `babel-parser`, `babel-types`. Allow import attributes for `TSImportType` (@sosukesuzuki). #### :: `babel-plugin-proposal-do-expressions`, `babel-traverse`. : avoid `popContext` on unvisited node paths (@JLHwung). `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-methods`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-property-in-object`. class private properties when `privateFieldsAsSymbols` (@liuxingbaoyu). `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-methods`. the support of `arguments` in private `get/set` method (@liuxingbaoyu). `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`. Reduce decorator static property size (@liuxingbaoyu). `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`. eval

MITL javascript ecmascript nodejs compiler conversion es6 es7 developers

Daytime 4.0 💾

Daytime is a utility for linux and freebsd (possibly other unix) that can set the system clock from SNTP, daytime, time and HTTP servers. It can also act as an SNTP server or SNTP broadcaster.

major feature: Added support for getting date over ssh using 'date' command. Added https support.

GNU GPLv3 sntp ntp time daytime clock

Sommelier 9.0 💾

A downloader/installer for apps/games/doom-wads that run under wine, dosbox, java, scummvm, the fuse spectrum emulator, crispy-doom or chocolate-doom, mednafen, citra and other emulators, and also some native apps. Also can install games from that can be run under wine/dosbox/scummvm/native (gog installers must be manually downloaded). Comes with a list of apps. Checks sha256 of downloads, downloads dependancies, makes registry changes for running/installing, etc.

major feature: support using dosbox '-c ', add 'saves-dir' system to prevent pollution of users home or /Documents directory, handle quote (') in file names, as in "Heroine's Quest", add .config/autostart support, fix/improve 'list' command, add '-category' and '-installed' search options, support dosbox-x as an emulator, add atari800 emulator with some games from, handle aliases for platforms (e.g. msdos/dos)

GNU GPLv3 wine downloader installer

Pinner 0.1.2 💾

A Geany plugin designed to enhance document management by allowing users to pin documents to a sidebar tab. This feature is particularly useful for users working with many multiple open documents, as it enables them to add selected filenames to a list for easy access. Users can then simply click on a filename in the list to switch to that document.

minor bugfix: * Fix install path in * Expand documentation

MITL geany plugin ide

canfigger 0.3.0 💾

Canfigger is a lightweight C language library designed to parse configuration files. It provides functionality to read them and represent their contents as a linked list of key-value pairs, along with associated attributes for each pair.

minor feature: * use dynamic memory allocation for keys, values, and attributes * canfigger_free() replaced with canfigger_free_current_key_node_advance() - canfigger_free_attr() removed * use 'canfigger_free_current_attr_str_advance()' instead of 'list- attr_node = list- attr_node- next'

GNU GPLv3 library config settings configuration-files parser c

Git LFS 3.5.0 💾

Git Large File Storage (LFS) replaces large files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a remote server like or GitHub Enterprise.

major feature: This release is a feature release which includes support for LoongArch and RISC-V Linux binary tarballs, `FETCH_HEAD` as a remote source, better support for detection of the system gitattributes file, and configuration options for the SSH protocol. In this release, the `FETCH_HEAD` support is experimental and subject to change. We would like to extend a special thanks to the following open-source. contributors: @jochenhz for improvements to `git lfs prune`. @murez for improvements to our installation script. @qiangxuhui for tooling to build 64-bit LoongArch packages. @AaronDewes for tooling to build 64-bit RISC-V packages. @b-camacho for allowing `FETCH_HEAD` as a fallback remote source. @tigsikram for ing some broken links. @aymanbagabas for ing our SSH protocol documentation. @KyleFromKitware for improvements to the pure SSH protocol. @Juneezee for several code cleanups. @cmaves for improving performance of our progress indications. @QuLogic for improving completions and updating docs. @philip-peterson for helping detect invalid refs in `git lfs push`. @bogomolets-owl for helping include the reference specified in unlock requests. Features: Add --verify-unreachable option to LFS prune #5648. attribute: warn if config exists after uninstalling #5635. Initialize sessions lazily #5634. Add a `--local` argument to #5618. Provide loong64 Binary Support #5607. Improve locking performance #5561. Allow configuring the SSH protocol #5555. Add `FETCH_HEAD` as fallback remote source #5357. Use `git var` to find system gitattributes file #5412. Add RISC-V support #5438. : Add support for homedir expansion in SSL key and cert paths #5657. Display correct status information when `git lfs ls-files` run in subdirectory #5653. git lfs prune is deleting staged files in the index #5637. Report invalid ref in `git lfs push` command #5639. Always open files when cloning and spooling #5617. links #5589. doc: update ssh_ad

MITL git

healing-frequencies 2.2.1 💾

Play the healing frequencies of various sets of tuning forks: Solfeggio, Organs, Mineral nutrients, Ohm, Chakras, Cosmic Octave, Otto, Tesla 3-6-9, DNA nucleotides... or custom frequencies. It also shows a data visualization of all frequencies on the same scale.

minor feature: - Added nav links. - Added frequencies 40Hz and 432Hz to scale chart.

MITL frequency sound tuning solfeggio resonance

OnionShare 2.6.1 💾

OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network.

minor bugfix: * Release updates: Automate builds with CI, make just 64-bit Windows release, make a single universal2 release for both Intel and Apple Silicon macOS * Upgrade dependencies, including Tor, meek, and snowflake * Bug fix: Restore the primary_action mode settings in a tab after OnionShare reconnects to Tor * Bug fix: Fix issue with auto-connecting to Tor with persistent tabs open * Bug fix: Fix packaging issue where Windows version of OnionShare conflicts with Windows version of Dangerzone * Bug fix: Fix 'Use a bridge' checkbox state change * Bug fix: Raise error from waitress if not shutdown

GNU GPLv3 tor file-sharing security onion-service onionshare tor-onion-service python

Gitea 1.21.7 💾

Gitea is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. Gitea is a fork of Gogs. See the Gitea Announcement blog post to read about the justification for a fork. Purpose The goal of this project is to provide the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service. With Go, this can be done with an independent binary distribution across all platforms and architectures that Go supports. This support includes Linux, macOS, and Windows, on architectures like amd64, i386, ARM, PowerPC, and others.

minor feature: ENHANCEMENTS. Users with `read` permission of pull requests can be assigned too. . Do not double reader. Display friendly error message. project counter in organization/individual profile. validity of the FROM email address not being checked. tarball/zipball download. DOCS. Docker Tag Information in Docs. MISC. Enforce maxlength in frontend.

MITL git go

µBlock Origin 1.56.0 💾

µBlock Origin is an efficient and general-purpose web filter plugin for browsers. It's primarily used for ad blocking of course. Runs in Firefox, Chrome, Opera Blink, Safari, Fennec, and other Chromium-based browsers. It automatically uses EasyList, EasyPrivacy and Malware Domain filter lists, but also supports hpHosts, MVPS HOSTS, Spam404 and many other curated block lists. µBlock is speedier and more memory conservative than other ad blockers, and is completely open source, does not undermine filtering like ADPs sponsored ads.

major feature: - Mind that multiple `uritransform` may apply to a single request ( - Fix incorrect built-in filtering expression in logger ( - Fix improper invalidation of valid `uritransform` exception filters ( - Improve `prevent-addEventListener` scriptlet ( - Fix Chartbeat flicker control `div`'s ( (by @ryanbr) - Fix potential exfiltration of browsing history by a rogue list author through `permissions=` ( - Ignore event handler-related attributes in `set-attr` scriptlet ( (suggested by @distinctmondaylilac) - Fix potential exfiltration of browsing history by a rogue list author through `csp=` ( (reported by @distinctmondaylilac) - Output scriptlet logging information to the logger ( - Fix decompiling of scriptlet parameters ( - Add support for `extraMatch` in `trusted-click-element` scriptlet ( - Remove minimum height constraint from "My filters" pane ( - Unregister all scriptlets when disabling uBO on a specific site ( - Allow `uritransform` to process the hash part of a URL ( - Remember presentation state of "My rules" pane ( - Fix improperly assembled `!#include` sublists ( - Mark procedural filters with pseudo-elements

GNU GPLv3 javascript browser ad-blocker filter privacy

QT Creator 12.0.2 💾

Qt Creator provides a cross-platform, complete integrated development environment (IDE) for application developers to create applications for multiple desktop, embedded, and mobile device platforms, such as Android and iOS. It is available for Linux, OS X and Windows operating systems.

major feature: External Tools Fixed that the output could be interspersed with newlines (QTCREATORBUG-29977) Editing Fixed that modified documents lost their file icon, which potentially included a short freeze (QTCREATORBUG-29999) Fixed a crash when opening bookmarks (QTCREATORBUG-30283) C++ Clang Format Fixed the update of the preview when settings change (QTCREATORBUG-30089) Fixed an issue with CRLF line endings Fixed a freeze when looking up symbols (QTCREATORBUG-30155) Fixed a crash while parsing (QTCREATORBUG-30044) Language Server Protocol Fixed a crash when completing Markdown Fixed that clicking on file links cleared the preview instead of opening the file (QTCREATORBUG-30120) Projects Fixed that trying to stop remote processes that were no longer reachable resulted in a broken run control state Fixed a potential infinite loop (QTCREATORBUG-30067) Fixed a crash when navigating in the Projects view (QTCREATORBUG-30035) Fixed that custom compiler settings could vanish after restart (QTCREATORBUG-30133) Fixed the restoring of per project C++ file name settings CMake Fixed that automatic re-configuration on saving files while a build is running could fail (QTCREATORBUG-30048) Fixed that the automatically added library path was wrong for targets with the same name as special CMake targets (like "test") (QTCREATORBUG-30050) Fixed that the cm locator filter did not show all targets (QTCREATORBUG-29946) Fixed adding files with the wizards when triggered through File New File (QTCREATORBUG-30170) Fixed adding QML files to CMake files when variables like PROJECT_NAME are used for the target name (QTCREATORBUG-30218) Fixed adding files to OBJECT libraries (QTCREATORBUG-29914) CMake Presets Fixed that display names were not updated when reloading presets (QTCREATORBUG-30237) Conan Fixed that macOS sysroot was not passed on to Conan (QTCREATORBUG-29978) F

GNU GPLv3 software-development c++ qt cross-platform developers

requests 2.31.0 💾

Requests is a full-featured HTTP utility module for Python. It provides a simple and encompassing API for issuing requests and accessing responses and metadata. Requests supports international domains and IRLs, keep-alive session pools, persistent cookies, SSL/TLS, HTTP authorization (basic and digest token), standard Content-Encoding compression schemes, Unicode content, multipart/* MIME content, connection timeouts, and is thread-safe.

security: **Security** - Versions of Requests between v2.3.0 and v2.30.0 are vulnerable to potential forwarding of `Proxy-Authorization` headers to destination servers when following HTTPS redirects. When proxies are defined with user info (`https://user:pass@proxy:8080`), Requests will construct a `Proxy-Authorization` header that is attached to the request to authenticate with the proxy. In cases where Requests receives a redirect response, it previously reattached the `Proxy-Authorization` header incorrectly, resulting in the value being sent through the tunneled connection to the destination server. Users who rely on defining their proxy credentials in the URL are *strongly* encouraged to upgrade to Requests 2.31.0+ to prevent unintentional leakage and rotate their proxy credentials once the change has been fully deployed. Users who do not use a proxy or do not supply their proxy credentials through the user information portion of their proxy URL are not subject to this vulnerability. Full details can be read in our Github Security Advisory ( and CVE-2023-32681 (

Apache python requests http-client

git-annex 10.20240227 💾

git-annex allows managing files with git, without checking the file contents into git. While that may seem paradoxical, it is useful when dealing with files larger than git can currently easily handle, whether due to limitations in memory, checksumming time, or disk space. Even without file content tracking, being able to manage files with git, move files around and delete files with versioned directory trees, and use branches and distributed clones, are all very handy reasons to use git. And annexed files can co-exist in the same git repository with regularly versioned files, which is convenient for maintaining documents, Makefiles, etc that are associated with annexed files but that benefit from full revision control. When a file is annexed, its content is moved into a key-value store, and a symlink is made that points to the content. These symlinks are checked into git and versioned like regular files. You can move them around, delete them, and so on. Pushing to another git repository will make git-annex there aware of the annexed file, and it can be used to retrieve its content from the key-value store.

minor feature: Importfeed: Added --scrape option, which uses yt-dlp to screen scrape. The equivilant of an RSS feed. Importfeed --force: Don't treat it as a failure when an already. Downloaded file exists. (a behavior change introduced in 10.20230626.). Importfeed --force: Avoid creating duplicates of existing. Already downloaded files when yt-dlp or a special remote was used. Addurl, importfeed: Added --raw-except option. Stack.yaml: Update to lts-22.9 and use crypton. Assistant, undo: When committing, let the usual git commit. Hooks run. Added annex.commitmessage-command config. Pre-commit: Avoid committing the git-annex branch. (except when a commit is made in a view, which changes metadata). Pass --no-warnings to yt-dlp. -- Joey Hess Tue, 27 Feb 2024 12:58:30 -0400.

Mixed git archive haskell

libpng (Portable Network Graphics) 1.6.44. 💾

libpng is the PNG image format reference implementation. Portable Network Graphics are the most widely used raster image format, patent-free, based on lossless data compression, support indexed/paletted, grayscale, and 24 or 32 bit truecolor images with transparency. It's also an highly extensible container format, with built-in color profiles and representation information, textual meta data, filters, progressive interlacing, and permits animations in the derived APNG or MNG formats.

minor feature: the row width check in png_check_IHDR(). This corrected a that was specific to the 16-bit platforms, and removed a spurious compiler warning from the 64-bit builds. Added eXIf chunk support to the push-mode reader in pngpread.c. Added contrib/pngexif for the benefit of the users who would like to inspect the content of eXIf chunks. Added contrib/conftest/basic.dfa, a basic build-time configuration. a preprocessor condition in pngread.c that broke build-time configurations like contrib/conftest/pngcp.dfa. Added CMake build support for LoongArch LSX. a CMake build error that occurred under a peculiar state of the dependency tree. This was a regression introduced in libpng-1.6.41. Marked the installed libpng headers as system headers in CMake. Updated the build support for RISCOS. Updated the makefiles to allow cross-platform builds to initialize conventional make variables like AR and ARFLAGS. Added various improvements to the CI scripts in areas like version consistency verification and text linting. Added version consistency verification to pngtest.c also.

Zlib c png image format library raster-image compression deflate gamma icc zlib