CAWT 3.0.0

CAWT is a TWAPI-based TCL utility package to interact with COM interfaces on Windows systems. It provides specialised bindings for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MSIE, Outlook, Matlab, and Google Earth.

Netgen 6.2.2405

NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator. It accepts input from constructive solid geometry (CSG) or boundary representation (BRep) from STL file format. The connection to a geometry kernel allows the handling of IGES and STEP files. NETGEN contains modules for mesh optimization and hierarchical mesh refinement. Netgen 6.x supports scripting via a Python interface.

Scid vs. PC 4.25

Scid vs. PC is a continuation of Shane's Chess Information Database, which provides a chess toolkit, move database, analysis tools, various chess AI engine bindings or to online servers. It remains database-compatible but adds many usability and feature enhancements, such as a tournament game mode, an overhauled GUI, new gamelists, rating graphs, other analysis engines, and drag and drop support on all platforms.

Tcl3D 0.9.5

Tcl3D provides OpenGL bindings for TCL scripts. It's a SWIG-generated wrapper for 3D rendering using OpenGL, or alternatively SDL, OpenSceneGraph, Open Dynamics Engine or Nvidia Cg. It provides custom extensions like gauge drawing and various utility functions on top.

Redis 7.0.11

Redis is a key-value cache and storage system. It allows for complex data structures, with keys being representable as strings, hashes, lists, sets, or ordered sets, bitmaps, and hyperloglogs.

SaVi satellite constellation visualization 1.6.0

SaVi is software for simulation and visualization of satellite orbits, especially satellite constellations such as O3b, Starlink and Project Kuiper. It shows and animates movement and coverage over the Earth in two and three dimensions. SaVi can optionally use Geomview for 3D rendering.

BallroomDJ 3.32.23

BallroomDJ is a ballroom music player. It is designed to let the computer choose the music and to be able to play music the entire evening without intervention. It features flexible playlists, music queue management, requests, seeking in songs, speed with pitch control, and an optional audio file organizer. Songs may be adjusted with start and end trimming, speed adjustments and volume adjustments without changing the audio file. BallroomDJ is no longer supported. It has been replaced with

Damn Cool Editor 1.0

The „Damn Cool Editor“ is a plain but clever development environment with extrem few dependencies. Provides (among other cool stuff) a plain look & feel, consistently session based usage, auto versioning, auto indention, intelligent home key, syntax dependent bracket completion, syntax dependent line jumper, syntax highlighting, syntax completion (keyword based), syntax assitance (keyword based), extensibility of programming languages, extensibility of translations, and extensibility of themes.

tcl-awthemes 10.3.0

tcl-awthemes provides the awdark and awlight themes for Tk. When tksvg is present, the awdark and awlight themes are scalable. Scalable awarc, awblack, awbreeze, awbreezedark, awclearlooks, and awwinxpblue are also available when tksvg is present. Additional ttk styles may be created at a different scale.

TaskRegistry 3.4

TaskRegistry is a calendar, open tasks and time registation program. The calendar is inspired by a classic monthly "one page, one column" calendar sheet. The time registration is designed to track the time spent on projects, f.e. to write monthly invoices to your customers. And on tasks you can simply note your open tasks, arrange them in groups and prioritize them lower or higher.

Recount 1.1

Renames all files of a directory by using a counter. Therefore the files can even be sorted by the files timestamp, so you're f.e. able to merge videos from different cameras into one sorted directory ;)

Dagri 1.6

For people who do not like classical spreadsheets, but need an office tool for tables: With Dagri you can build up tables and save data within. While a spreadsheet uses one single table layout, Dagri can use many tables with different layouts on one sheet. And it gives you more focus on your data. The intention is not another spreadsheet, but something new instead: a data grid application.

tke 3.6

Tke is a full-featured and Tcl/Tk-based source code editor. It supports syntax highlighting and auto-indentation for multiple languages. There's support for a Vim mode, code snippet and clipboard management, bookmarks and multiple cursors. Tke provides a tabbed interface with a file system sidebar. It's also NFS and lock aware, extensible per plugins, allows regex searching/replacing, has configurable menus, and allows unlimited undo/redo levels.

SQLiteStudio 3.2.1

SQLiteStudio is an intuitve SQLite 2.x and 3.x database management tool. It comes ready to use in a single executable, is cross-platform using the Qt toolkit (the previous Tcl/Tk implementation was just as pretty), its interface available in various translations. It allows editing database content and schemes, views and triggers with syntax checks; and can export into various serialization formats, and provides for plugins and scripting capabilities.

KitCreator 0.11.0

KitCreator is a simple build system for creating a Tclkit. It was created to ease creation of Tclkits. A Tclkit is, briefly, a single-file executable that contains Tcl (both the interpreter and all the resources it requires to operate) and other Tcl-related packages (such as Tk or Incr Tcl).


Monotype informed me that the name of the software is protected by them, so this software doesn't exist anymore. Please admins: Remove this software from beeing listed.

Tcl/Tk 8.6.8 💾

Tcl (Tool Command Language) is an interpreted scripting language optimized for portability and embedding. It's usually used in unison with its companion Tk GUI toolkit. All language operations are commands in prefix notation, and strings are used as most basic data construct, which both allow for variadic and dynamic uses. TclOO adds object-oriented semantics.

minor bugfix: This is a patch release, so it primarily includes bug fixes and corrections to erratic behavior. Highlighted changes are noted below. The changes file at the root of the source tree contains a more complete list. * TIP 477 nmake build system reform * Support for backrefs in array names -regexp * info * methods includes mixins * package prefer stable failing case * More robust load for ReactOS * Fix crashes or hangs in... - traced namespace teardown - method cloning, oo-15.15 - hash table overflow 32 bits - ensemble configure -map x -subcommands x - memory exhaustion, imgPhoto-18.* - photo image copy to self - scale set with a bignum value * Fix memory leaks in... - text B-tree operations - photo image operations - Tk platform code for macOS 10.13 * Canvas closed polylines fully honor -joinstyle * Fix coords rounding when drawing canvas items * Linux fontchooser sync with available fonts * Canvas rotated text overlap detection * Display of Long non-wrapped lines in text * Drop support for macOS 10.5 * Tk improvements on macOS... - Implement wm_iconphoto - colorspace improvement - scrolling issues - clipping regions in scrolling and drawing - redraw artifacts - responsive menu bar for command line apps - support png from mac screenshots - file selector "all types" setting - fixes for raise - support of menu -postcommand - enable custom icon display - fix bind failures - make tk busy -cursor a silent no-op - wm withdraw on Window and Dock menus * Updated bundled packages - Itcl 4.1.1 (incompatible with Itk 4.0, get Itk 4.1) - sqlite3 3.21.0 - Thread 2.8.2 - tdbc* 1.0.6 - http 2.8.12

BSDL tcl tk programming-language scripting-language


TUAPI provides low-level and some high-level bindings for UNIX (currently on Linux) interfaces to Tcl.

TinyTcl 6.8.1

Tiny Tcl 6.8 is a rommable, minimal Tcl implementation for embedded applications. Derived from the venerable Tcl 6.7 release, Tiny Tcl 6.8 has a solid Tcl feature set, excluding newer capabilities of Tcl 7 and 8 such as the bytecode compiler, namespaces, sockets, and async event handling, among others. Excluding C library functions, Tiny Tcl compiles down to less than 60 Kbytes on most machines, far smaller than any Tcl 7 or Tcl 8 derivatives.

Model Railroad System 2.1.35

The Model Railroad System is a software package that can help you run your railroad. Download the Model Railroad System now and operate your layout, from running trains to working your signals and switches. This software package has support for a network of Bruce Chubb CMR/I USIC, SUSIC, and/or SMINI nodes and/or a network of Lenz’s XPressNet DCC nodes. It now supports Azatrax USB-connected Model Railroad Detectors. Software to create switch lists for freight car forwarding and creating timetabl

Automation for the Rest of Us 4.8.1

expect-lite is a mature, quick and easy command line automation tool. Includes a Powerful Debugger with breakpoints, step/skip, copy/paste expect-lite lines right into a running script. Structured programming via Code Blocks, enables easy to create while loops, and conditionals (if statements). Full IPv6 support, using telnet or ssh over IPv6, and IPv6 addresses in the script.

tkffmpeg 0.0.83

tkffmpeg is a simple GUI for controlling ffmpeg/avconv media file conversions. It's implemented as simple Tcl/Tk script. Generic audio and video encoding parameters can be set, such as DVD conversion options, and a progressbar is displayed.

AppFS 1.6

AppFS is a FUSE-based filesystem that presents a filesystem view of remote packages presented via HTTP for the purpose of running software without the hassle of installing it. Instead, as files are requested they are downloaded and made available.

relmon 1

relmon is a utility for monitoring websites of software projects for new releases. It crawls websites efficiently via HTTP or HTTPS using a configurable number of simultaneous connections and can parse HTML and XHTML documents as well as RSS 2.0 and Atom feeds. Software releases are detected by extracting the version numbers of links to distribution files from the parsed documents or feeds. In addition to the version numbers, the history of releases consisting of the times new release were initi

incr Tcl 4.0.2

[incr Tcl] is the most popular object-orientation language extensions for Tcl. Its object model is comparable to C++, includes multiple inheritance, classes and instances, and property and method visibility modifiers. It simplifies Tcl/Tk application building, both desktop apps or games; and generally structuring code flow, or chaining classes to C and C++ code. It also comes with new [incr Widgets] and [incr Tk] for building complex and custom widgets.

BitchX 1.2.1

BitchX is an IRC client for Unixish systems, derived from ircII with influences from EPIC. It has built-in ANSI color support, not as pretty as Xchat but still easy to use; includes useful command aliases to reduce typing, notify, protection, bots, mass commands and channel tools, DCC and CDCC offering, and a link looker. It includes extended scripting capabilities, due to its large user base and lengthy development time. The included screen functionality allows to detach and reconnect to IRC se

WebPass 1.0

Web-based password manager that does not store any passwords.


Teapot client and server. The client is called "teapot-client" and provides a package called "teapotclient".

tcpdump for windows 4.5.1

tcpdump for windows is everything you need to run "tcpdump" on Microsoft Windows in a single portable executable. The "-i" option has been modified to support IP addresses in addition to interface names. The IP address can be a local address or a remote one.

Rivet CGI

Rivet CGI allows Rivet applications to run as a CGI, either automatically (i.e., no modifications to the applications themselves from "mod_rivet") from Apache, as a standalone CGI under any Web server, or as a standalone HTTP server itself. It can be used to build Web applications that can be distributed and executed as a single file in either CGI or Standalone HTTP mode.

Tcl Web Application Framework 0.3.32

The Tcl Web Application Framework helps simplify writing Web applications in the Tool Command Language (Tcl). It provides the features that form the basis for writing an application, such as sessions, users, privilege separation, and an abstract database interface. It is currently under development, but stable for production use.

Ding German-English dictionary 1.8

Ding is a user-friendly dictionary lookup program for the X window system. It comes with a German-English (AE and BE) dictionary with approximately 270,000 entries, references and explanations. It uses Tk version >= 8.3 and agrep or egrep for searching. It's very configurable, and can jump right into search mode when hovering above the main window with any current X11 text selection.