Rust 1.79.0

Rust is systems programming language, which is intended to be fast and memory-safe through stronger typing, and prevent race conditions. It's developed by Mozilla, multi-paradigm, supports concurrent execution, procedural, imperative, actor-based, object-oriented and pure-functional design schemes, with a syntax close to C++. The self-hosting compiler utilizes LLVM and its resulting binaries are comparable in performance to C++. It also features algebraic data types, pattern matching, closures,

The Sidef programming language 24.05

Sidef is a modern, high-level programming language designed for versatile general-purpose applications, drawing inspiration from the principles of Ruby, Raku, and Julia. Sidef encompasses various key elements, such as object-oriented and functional programming, functional pattern matching, optional lazy evaluation, multiple dispatch, lexical scoping, closures, keyword arguments, regular expressions, integration with Perl modules, optional dynamic type checking, and robust support for big intege

Python 3.12.3

Python is an interpreted and object-oriented programming language. It runs on many plattforms and its powerful yet coherent syntax makes it well-suited for experts and beginners. It's strongly-typed and dynamic, provides for modules, polymorphic classes, exceptions, and high level data types and control structures. Bindings exists for a wide range of libraries, such as system interfaces, windowing and graphical toolkits. Modules exist for high-level mathematic and scientific applications, text p

Crystal 1.12.1

Crystal is a statically-typed, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language with syntax closely matching Ruby. It uses the LLVM for compiling to native code for increased performance.

DMD 2.108.0

D is a modern C-style programming language, declarative, object-oriented, and with inferred static typing, somewhat inspired by Python, Java, Eiffel, C# and Ruby. It provides many conveniences, like automatic memory management, concurrency-awareness, contractual design, or first class arrays and dictionaries, built-in macro and meta programming features. It still permits inline assembler, and produces fast and native binaries.

LLVM 18.1.1

LLVM is a modular and reusable compiler toolchain. It's suitable for static and dynamic compilations of various programming languages, and based on its own target-abstracted intermediate code representation. Clang is its native C, C++ and Objective-C compiler, which provides additional static code analyzers. Dragonegg is a GNU CC parser binding. LLDB is an extensive debugger utilizing LLVMs JIT compiler, syntax tree or expression parser. lld a newly developed dynamic linker. And vmkit an impleme

Haxe 4.3.4

Haxe is an cross-language development toolkit. It implements a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language. Comes with a cross-compiler for multiple target languages (iOS, Android, Java, C++, C#, HTML5, NodeJS, Python, PHP, Lua). It brings along its own standard library, but still provides ways to access each platforms native capabilities.

Julia 1.10.1

Julia is a high-level, dynamic, and JIT-compiled programming language for technical computing. It integrates distributed multiple-dispatch parallel execution, a mathemetical function library, numerical accuraccy, libraries for linear algebra, signal processing, Unicode-aware string processing, Lisp-like macros, Python code bondings, C function wrapping, user-defined and dynamic typing.

D 2.107.0

D is a modern C-style programming language, declarative, object-oriented, and with inferred static typing, somewhat inspired by Python, Java, Eiffel, C# and Ruby. It provides many conveniences, like automatic memory management, concurrency-awareness, contractual design, or first class arrays and dictionaries, built-in macro and meta programming features. It still permits inline assembler, and produces fast and native binaries.

Whiley 0.10.18

Whiley is a programming language with refinement types, extended static checking and an indentation-based syntax. It compiles to Java bytecode and runs per JAR-runtime on any JVM, which in turn allows to reuse existing Java libraries. The SDK includes a compiler (wyjc), documentation, a plugin framework, disassembler, and an Eclipse plugin.

PHP 8.3.1

PHP is a scripting language primarily suited for web applications. It's organically grown into a full-featured programming language, with huge semantic progress in recent years (apart from the namespace separator choice). Many features and extensions come built-in or can be dynamically loaded. Database interfaces, XML processing, regular expressions, networking and broad internet protocol support, IPC, internationalization, image manipulation, filesystem, contemporary cryptography support, file

Lobster Language 2023.9

Lobster is a programming language that tries to combine the advantages of very static typing and memory management with a very lightweight, friendly and terse syntax, by doing most of the heavy lifting for you.

TXR Language 266

TXR is a "data munging" language which combines a convenient text extraction notation that with an innovative, feature-rich Lisp dialect.

Dyalect 0.9.11

Dyalect is a dynamic programming language for .NET Core platform. It is lightweight, fast and modern. Dyalect (or Dy for short) is written in C# and has zero dependencies except for standard .NET Core libraries, which means that it can seamlessly run on Windows, MacOS and Linux. Moreover you can use the same binaries on any of these platforms! Dy doesn't utilize DLR nor does it compile to IL (.NET assembly). Instead it runs on the top of its own high performance virtual machine. It compiles fas

Crystal 0.25.1

Crystal is a programming language with a Ruby-inspired syntax, completely free of type declarations, still providing for static checks, and many modern idioms. It allows to bind and invoke C code directly. With a compiler that produces efficient native code.

Tcl/Tk 8.6.8

Tcl (Tool Command Language) is an interpreted scripting language optimized for portability and embedding. It's usually used in unison with its companion Tk GUI toolkit. All language operations are commands in prefix notation, and strings are used as most basic data construct, which both allow for variadic and dynamic uses. TclOO adds object-oriented semantics.

JSTAR 1.0.1

JSTAR(J*) is a Programming Language which is focused on Remote webapplication in the areas of webdesign, websites construction,and which is invented in CDollar P.L by wilmix jemin j.


CH$ is a programming language invented by wilmix jemin j in GDollar technology. It is used in remote web application.. Advantages: ----------- a) It Behaves like CDollar and GDollar. ie) It have CDollar and GDollar Advantages and it behaves like JSTAR technology b) it is used with C#,C/C++ and JAVA7(OAKjava) c) It is also used in WEB OS and compiler construction. d) CH$ is the main reason for the birth of JDollar Technology.

JWEBv.1 1.0.1

JDollar(J$) is otherwise known as JWEB is a Programming Language which is invented by wilmix jemin j. JDOLLAR(J$) is an interactive , System programming, OOPS, Multipurpose, Advanced Technology focused on remote webapplications, web and GUI development". JWEB means JDollar Wilmix for External Business. JDollar(JWEB) is based on oops concepts.

Gdollar 1.0.1

Gdollar Programming language is invented by wilmix jemin j at Java , C/C++, C#. It is focused on datastructures, webdesign, etc.

CSHELL1.0 .1

CSHELL1.0 is a Modern C/C++/JAVA/C#/C$ type programming language... invented by wilmix jemin j. Advantages ========== => Behave like C/C++ , JAVA OOPS, C#,and had Advanced OOPS => Work only in windows platform => Genrates .exe and .obj file and it is reusable.. => Have C/C++ , JAVA OOPS , and had Advanced oops ==> Used for cloud computing and software development purpose


JWEB is a Programming language invented in java by wilmix jemin j at 2016 which is focused for cloud computing..


CSLASH(C/) is a High level programming language like C invented in cdollar by wilmix jemin j. It is Equivalent to C and C# and it is invented in year 2016.

Jehovah Business sword(JBS) .1

JIT is the most powerful Advanced Business which contains Jehovah Business sword(JBS). JBS consists of REMO,ROMOS , and Mice. here REMO is the control unit. JBS is invented by wilmix jemin j in JDollar Technology. JBS is the 3rd Advanced Most Powerful language.

JDollarv.2 .2

JDOLLAR(J$v.2) IS said to be less interactive , advanced programming language used for constructing OS , compilers and mostly used in cloud computing and mobile cloud computing. And JDollar(J$v.2) is the World NO:1 technology. It contains 10 modules focused on cloud computing and mobile cloud computing. It is invented by wilmix jemin j at C/C++ Technology in year 2015. [Expansion of JDollar => J-> JEMIN and Dollar => MONEY] It uses Remote cloud sever to compile the J$ Programs.


ADollar(A$) Technology is focused on Advanced Business Construction The Letter A stands for Advanced and Dollar means the business, so it's name is formed as Advanced Business. ADollar(A$) is invented in CH$ Technology in AUG 2 2015. JDollar is the first powerful Technology for Advanced Business. Where Adollar(A$) is the next powerful programming language for Advanced Business.


JDOLLARPART3 is called as (JD3E) is used for cloudcomputing . JDOLLARPART3 is called as (JD3E) consists of frameworks and latest technology of JDollar. It is mainly used in cloud computing.. JDOLLARPART3 is called as (JD3E) (JDollar 3rd Edition). JDollarPart3 is invented by wilmix jemin j at 2015.


JDOLLARPART2 is called as (JD2E) is used for cloudcomputing . JDOLLARPART2 is called as (JD2E) consists of frameworks and latest technology of JDollar. It is mainly used in cloud computing.. JDOLLARPART2 is called as (JD2E) (JDollar 2nd Edition). JDollar has userfriendly framework called as JAUF. All Latest Technologies and Framework of JDollar is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2015 JDollar has latest technologies like JC , Jeb, JShell, JSync


NStar is focused on mobile cloud computing and it works in Nokia cellphones. NSTAR is programming language focused for DOTNET Professionals and it is invented by wilmix jemin j in CDollar at 2015 and modified to work in windows platform...


JSAUCER is the next Advanced Technology of JAS. it is used to interact with JDollar and it's latest Technologies. JSAUCER is the Technology used with MYBATICS ,and JQUERY. JSAUCER IS INVENTED BY WILMIX JEMIN J @ YEAR 2015 (duration 1 year) IN JAVA ,JAS ,and CDollar Technology. It is a Mobile Technology. It is used in mobile cloud computing . and used for constructing webpages for mobiles. The mobile users can view the webpage through mobile from the remote cloud server. JSAUCER uses Remo

NJDollar .1

NJDollar is a Most Advanced Technology. NJDOLLAR is otherwise known as JAS JAS is the Technology invented in JDollar(J$) by wilmix jemin j at nov 2015.

Arrowsharp .1

Arrow# is invented at year 2014 by wilmix jemin j. SO Arrow# is formed with the combination of C++ and J$ so we called as Arrow# Technology.

Idris 0.12

Idris is a functional programming language with dependent types, where values are constrained and pattern-matched by an expressive type system to avoid logic misbehaviours. It's a general purpose language, but also supports interactive theorem-proving, is sufficient performant trough eager and LLVM compilation. It has monads, type classes, comprehensions, lambda bindings, where and with clauses, expressions in case statements, an indendation-based and extendable syntax, lists, tuples and pairs,

C@ .1

Futhure C Technology is called as C@ which is written by wilmix jemin j. SO C@ isformed with the combination of C and J$ so wecalled as C@ Technology. It is invented at year 2013 by wilmix jemin j.

JAVA1.0 .1

JAVA 1.0 is for cloud computing and it is invented in CDollar Technology by wilmix jemin j at year 2014. AND JAVA1.0 is the Part of JITTECHSECTION-1. It is the 10th Most Advanced technology. JAVA 1.0 is greater than all JAVA versions JDk1.8 and so on. Now JAVA1.0 is part of JDollarPart2.

Web and WML .1

WEB is the Most Standard Technology for WEB invented by wilmix jemin j in JDollar atOCT 2015 to develop a webpage. Web is used instead of today internet tools which is not fast.Expansion of WEB is "Wilmix Encryption for Business". W stands for wilmix hence it is invented by wilmix. To make the name attractive we name it "WEB".

JDollar .1

JDollar is a programming language with C/C++ ,CDOLLAR, and Advanced OOPS, Behave like C/C++ OOPS, Networking, RUN and compile at same time,used in SoftwareDevelopment and cloud computing , Research, and ,have Advanced OOPs concepts. It is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2013. JDollar is Ranked as Z' , ie) Most Advanced ,powerful, wide, SKY programming language. JDOLLAR(J$) IS less interactive , advanced Technology used for constructing OS

CDollar .1

CDollar is a Programming Language with JAVA OOPS, Behave like C/C++ OOPS, Networking, RUN and compile at same time,used in Software Development and cloud computing , Research, and ,have Advanced OOPs concepts. CDollar first name is "OLIVE Technology" in year 2002 which represents OLIVE TREE . Olive Technology is renamed as CDOLLAR in year 2014. It is used in case of Graphics , Billing,Forms ,Constructing Datastructures quickly , Reports,

HHVM 3.10.0

The HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) is an alternative PHP runtime implementation. It executes scripts JIT-compiled for higher performance, but retains most dynamic features, weak typing, and scripting language capabilities. While its companion language "Hack" constraints some features for additional execution speed. HHVM is developed and used by Facebook, where it achieved significant performance gains and reduced memory consumptiom. Its syntax and standard library feature set is meanwhile compat

io.js 3.3.0

io.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime environment for event-driven applications. It's NPM-compatible and derived from NodeJS 0.12, but puts emphasis on a predictable release cycle. It utilizes the newer V8 JavaScript VM in version 4.2.

Bike Programming Language 0.0+b9

Bike is a programming language born out of the need to have a practical, yet purely functional programming language, with a syntax that not only matches the elegance of Python, but the terseness of Swift, and the FP bevity of Haskell. I think that Bike does all of this. It has a fairly substantial standard library, far bigger that that of JavaScript, but still smaller that of Haskell. OOP is carried out in a way that stays true to functional programming, and stays out of your way when your jus

CRAY Chapel 1.11.0

Chapel is a programming language for improved parallelism, which is designed and developed by Cray Inc. and academia. It's intended for large-scale supercomputing as well as clusters, but also suitable for common multicore workstations, desktop computers and laptops. Chapel is an imperative structured language, shares many attributes with C, C++, Fortra, Java, Python and Matlab, but doesn't derive from either. It supports multithreading, abstractions for data and nested task parallelism, concur

Nim 0.11.0

Nim (formerly Nimrod) is an imperative and statically-typed programming language with an expressive infix and indendation syntax and macros. Its compiler generates native code, still provides lean heaps through non-tracing garbage collection, and is still suitable for system programming. Nim also provides overhead-free iterators, cross-module inlining, dynamic method binding, high-level types like strings, sets and squences, local type inference, tuples, generics, operator overloading, and bindi

Pharo 4.0

Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language. It tightly integrates compiler, runtime and a modern IDE focused on being simple to use, provide immediate feedback and inline debugging. It implements a Smalltalk dialect with live objects, hot recompilation, full reflection, dynamic typing, direct inheritance, automated instance and memory management.

Ruby 2.2.2

Ruby is a modern, dynamic, post object-oriented/functional programming language. It blends syntax and features from Perl, Lisp, Eiffel, Ada and Smalltalk, with flexible expressions, dynamic but strict typing, mixins and explicit scoping. It's available in different runtimes, on most platforms, and a complete extension ecosystem.

nuBASIC 1.25

nuBASIC is a BASIC interpreter designed for educational purposes. It's implemented in C++11 and buildable on Linux or Windows. It allows programming simple games, educational or small business programs, comes with various examples, documentation, and a syntax highligting editor on Windows.

Zuper - Zsh Ultimate Programmer's Extensions Refurbished 0.1

Zuper is a minimalist library of extensions for Zsh programming, because believe it or not Zsh is so slick and powerful that it can be used as a programming language. Zuper features load/save of associative maps as key/value storage on filesystem, a native ztcp facility for get/set k/v on and some more workflow debugging facilities.

Lua 5.3.0

Lua is a versatile and fast, yet lightweight and embeddable scripting language. It combines basic procedural syntax with complex data types, associative dictionaries, and extensible semantics. It is dynamically typed, uses a JIT bytecode and register-based VM with implicit memory management. It's widely used for scripting within applications and games, or as RAD toolkit.

Lily Programming Language 0.12

Lily is a strictly-typed programming language aimed at being a PHP substitute and robust website templating backend. It took syntactic inspiration from Ruby, Python, Scala and Rust. Lily provides static types and inference, prevents undefined values, has enums and variants, parameteric polymorphism and class constructs, lambda functions, a thorough variable inspection function, tuples and lists. It provides a small collection of HTML-specific string functions, but no regex or database bindings y

Go 1.4.0

GoLang is an expressive and statically-typed language with a C-style syntax optimized for conciseness. Garbage collection and code concurrency are core features. It provides strong type safety, but retains a few dynamic capabilities, declaration inference, and built-ins for variable-length arrays and dictionaries. By omitting complex inheritance schemes, operator overleading and generic programming it allows for fast compilation, and defaults to statically linked binaries (utilizing its custom p

PseudoD 1.7.5

PseudoD is an interpreted programming language for C and C++ with an entirely Spanish syntax losely based on Ada and D. It provides a limited set of operators and keywords. The implementation is just a few kilobytes.

Kona 3.15

Kona is an implementation of the K programming language, which itself is a healthy mix of APL and LISP. The basic data constructs in K are the list, and multidimensional (up to 9 dimensions) matrix arrays. Kona itself is implemented in C and runs under Windows.

ACLand 2014.10.23

AC is a simple and dynamic C-style programming language. It provides dynamic typing obviously, first-class functions and closures, incremental garbace collection, unicode identifiers, native JSON syntax support, and it can of course bind to C and C++ functions.

Genyris Scripting Language 0.9.1-2

Genyris is a scripting language runtime for Java. It's inspired by the semantic web and provides a unique programming paradigm. Objects may inherit multiple classes even after instantiation, code blocks use indentation, external Java libraries can be utilized, it's multi-tasking capable, provides higher order functions + macros.

Ceylon 1.1.0

Ceylon is a programming language that eases collaboration on large codebases. It provides strong static typing, union and intersection types, tuple and enumeration types, inference and flow-sensitive typing without ambiguity, higher order functions, mixins, a highly regular and readabality-oriented syntax with elegant syntactic sugar, comprehensions and tree-like structuring. It runs on Java and JavaScript VMs, while the SDK and compilation toolchain can provide insightful errors. Besides a ric

X10 2.5.0

X10 is an object-oriented programming language for parallel programming using a globally partitioned address space. It utilizes varying child processing relationships to prevent locks, garbage collection, and prefers primitive types but allows operation on custom structs.